Monday, June 10, 2024

 Kind of a rough day.

Fasting is never easy, at least not for me and for the fact I haven't done that much of it in recent times besides the 3 day fast I did two or so weeks ago.  But I don't see any reason not to fast - and pray for that matter - starting a diet that is pretty difficult to follow. After the last fast, it would have been easy to continue on with Keto. I didn't do that, sort of wish I did.  If you haven't been eating in many days, whatever you are going to eat? It's all like a prime rib dinner with all the fixings.  It's food and it doesn't really matter what that food is.

I could have sat around the house another couple of hours if I had known that the plant was going to keep me sitting around for 2 plus hours.  I got in there and the first driver was still there, not a good sign for he should have been loaded and gone by the time I got there.  He told me after the finally finished him he had gotten there on time for his appointment but they made him wait.

Turns out it's the new guy that was loading all by himself and he was complaining about allllll  the trucks he had to load that day.  Well of course, that's what they hired you to do. What, did you think you were going to be sitting around most of the time?

The thing that got me was after I finally got backed into the loading bay and sat there 45 more minutes waiting, he came up to me and told me I had to move, the pump is broken.  I suppose it's possible the pump is broken, but I have also seen them just move us out of the way to preload their trucks.  Well, that bay where they load those trucks half blocks the bay we back into.  I wondered what he was going to do about the "broken pump"?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing. Another loader showed up for work not long after I pulled back out into the parking lot and approached my truck.  Well, do you think you can back around that truck? I dunno, has anyone else ever done it? Yes, a few have been able to.

Well, I would love to but the new dude said the pump is broken.  "Let me go find out".  Yes, please do, because it takes them hours to load those trucks in that bay to and in front of where we load our trucks. He came back, yea, it was just making a noise but I know what is wrong with it, it's just the filter sock needs to be changed.  Again wondering why this kid wouldn't do it, the answer was obvious.  He was going home and had made me wait 2 hours 30 minutes for - nothing.  

So, I said heck ya, I'll back this truck in there!  Sure enough, I nailed it the first time, didn't have to do a single pull up.  You have to back to the side of the parked truck getting loaded and then jackknife the truck so the trailer gets into position correctly.  He had that thing loaded in about 35 minutes.   That other truck had already been sitting there a long time and they were nowhere near done loading it when I was pulling out of there.  I was there a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes but it would have been more like 5 or more hours.  I commended the other loader, you are the best loader here! He really is, he can load 3 trucks at the same time and think nothing of it.  He kicks @$$, basically.

Coming back was also an interesting situation. On the final highway I have to drive one, it's 2 lanes with passing lanes here and there.  A pilot pickup for an oversized load came racing up to me, pulled over into the double yellow lines signaling me to move over.  Huh? I'm going 70 mph in a 70 mph zone and he wants me to pull over for him? Screw that, they can wait until we get to a passing lane. 

So we get to one, this pickup comes flying by me but the truck is back a ways.  It has a large steel structure on it sticking out at least 2 feet on either side, doesn't even fit into the lane.  Well, by the time he got maybe 150 feet behind me, the passing zone was ending, merge left. So, I put my signal on and was coming back over.  What did he do? He floored it, crossed over the double yellow lines, must have been going 80 mph in that thing.  It was pure insanity, going over the crest of a hill, no way he could see if any traffic was coming. 

I'm not going to cause a head on collision from some other truck driver's appalling stupidity so I let him back over, even tho the lane was ended right then.  I had half a mind to call state Troopers to come out and have a discussion with him, but I decided against it.  I don't know what his big hurry is, I never see oversized loads that big going that fast and taking that kind of risk with the motoring public.  I wondered if he would end up killing someone driving in that manner. 

Anyway, it's 5:30 pm and I just got home.  I should have been home 2-1/2 hours ago.  Whatever, it happens but obviously, anytime it gets busy at the loading plant and that new guy is the only loader there? It's going to be a long wait.  They have been having 2 loaders there and everything runs like smooth silk.  We get in and out of there.  I just had an issue with him saying a pump is broken and doing literally nothing about that, he didn't even have to load the other truck, some other driver backed it in there and a different loader who doesn't do our trucks was up there loading it.  It was just an excuse to do nothing else until he was going home. 

Way too late to stop at the tractor dealership. 

I remembered today that there is no toilet paper in the shed, but I also thought: why am I going to go out and spend $30 on paper that is going to be stolen by someone or more than someone?  I have decided I am just going to buy a 30 pack or whatever and just keep a couple of rolls in there at a time, the rest can stay in my vehicle. They do make locking toilet paper dispensers, but that's not what's happening. Someone is grabbing  15-20 rolls of it and walking out with it. So many people go into the bathroom with large bags it is impossible to tell who is doing it.  

I built that bathroom for myself initially, it morphed into a bathroom/shower room after I did some research on RV'ers habits.  

Anyway, another 4 hours and I can go to bed and not think about food. I am awfully hungry right now, but I'm going to forge ahead with this fasting for it is extremely beneficial for not only kick starting keto, but also for health benefits.  I'm going to at least make it through tomorrow afternoon.  I'll have to decide then if I can make it another day plus.  I"m going to try, that's all I can promise.

Kids are coming home and grandma is leaving right away on Friday, I asked them to change my schedule.  I kind of didn't give an option, it needs to be changed.  So, she changed it, but the aftermath is 4 days in a row now of late load/unloading.  It's just that no one is going to be here, apparently.   So grandma would show up and can't leave until someone comes home.  Well, I should be there long before they get there now and frankly, I certainly don't mind being home early on a Friday going into Saturday.

I'm hoping loading will be better on Wednesday - it will be late load as well but if they can get their act together down there I can be out of there early enough to stop at the tractor dealership.  

Well, I'm getting off of here. I can't get my mind off of food and I need to do something to distract my attention.

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 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...