Thursday morning
Late load, no sense in leaving too early when they have been making us wait on the first load so long. I don't want to sit in their parking lot forever.
I have been turning away even more business and it leaves me uneasy to have to do so. Like, what am I waiting for? Even if the return is less than if the interest rate was lower, there's still money to be made. I wasn't really interested before but now there are all kinds of people wanting places to stay here.
There is a giant power plant being torn down that is going to take a couple of years supposedly, then they are going to build a gas plant in it's place. And then there's the Interstate project that starts whenever, not really sure, they said this year. On top of that, you have the energy sector here which is a booming business churning out natural gas all over the place.
The thing that got me to wondering was having 6 spots open for a fairly long amount of time. If I can't fil these, I was thinking, what makes me think I'll fill 25 more? And then there's having to hire someone, a thing I have never done and really would have to use the help of an accountant to get that set up and going as cheaply as possibly on the financial side.
I was thinking today, paying a person $15 is a good wage around here. But if you work 40 hours a week, that isn't that much money. That's only $2,400 per month before taxes. I can't imagine having to try and live off of that kind of wages.
Anyway, we started dieting on Monday. That's just cutting out alot of caloric intake for me, she is doing a low carb thing. I just said no, I'm just going to eat a lot of salads and dinner will just be small portions for me. I don't drink soda and I don't eat a lot of sweets as it stands, that isn't the hard part.
The hard part is I like my pastas and potatoes and basically heavy meals. I remember back to the days when I needed to lose weight, I would just eat mostly salads and eat nothing after 6:00 pm. No set time when I could eat again the next day, just don't eat too late. So that's what I've been trying to do, but admittedly sometimes dinner doesn't happen around here until 7 or so.
I'm still doing the 100 pushups per day even tho I finally hit the 100 day mark. No sense in stopping a good thing and soon I'll be adding on to that. Right now, it's enough to try and diet, I really need to lose some pounds here. I've hit 30 pushups per set and last night I got as far as 40 on the first set. I'm still trying to hit the goal of being able to do 50 pushups per set, a long way away from that, I think. But it's a goal that I want to hit and after that I don't really think I need to feel like I need to do more than that in one set. 50 is good.
There isn't much else going on. The 3rd kid is coming from Arkansas on Friday. They have different spring break time than here, the kids here already had there spring break, so it really makes no sense to me that the other one is coming while these kids are in school every day. But who am I and really isn't my problem excepting that it disrupts the entire scenario here, especially with the grandma coming to stay the entire time as well. She tries to take over the entire house, change the rules, let kids get away with whatever and I have to come along and say no thank you, they aren't allowed to do that.
The other thing coming up in a few months is they are taking off for an entire month. When I say they, I mean the entire family. The man is going for 2 weeks I think, maybe a week, not sure, but he can't stay a month because of work. Still, I'll be here alone 2 weeks and that's going to be interesting. Her family is in Colorado and she wants to spend time visiting with a rather large family she grew up with.
Right now, I'm seriously putting my mind to thinking about getting that loan, or trying to anyway. My credit score isn't the greatest with the debt ratio, but with the collateral involved, it's worth a try at least. Plus and now-established business.
Well that's it. I need to get ready to leave here, it's after 8:00 am and tho I don't want to get there too early, I don't want to be showing up too late, either.