Sunday, December 29, 2024

  Sunday - late

I've been neglecting my journal.  Again. Lol.

Last night, we had the annual Christmas party at one of the friend's houses. This was an assigned-gift affair with a $25 max.  I don't think anyone kept to that, most of us spent over $50.  I think the lady that gave me stuff was in the $100's range.  A Trump inauguration shirt, a very nice pocket knife with my name engraved on it and several other items.  Actually it was her husband but she did all the shopping.  I had her on my list and I gave her everything on the list she wanted excepting Hobby Lobby - just wasn't wanting to go over there and I spent plenty of money on her stuff.  

It was a fun time together.  

The water heater fiasco/ordeal plows on.  They didn't sent out the part on Thursday, they did get it out on Friday - but even with the $30 expedited delivery, I still am not getting it until tomorrow.  Which is absolutely ridiculous and got into it with a very combative person on the phone with Rheem.  She was being ridiculous.  I mean, just rambling off company policy to the point of crassness.  

So I started giving her a dose of her own medicine, which caught her by surprise.  It got to the point where i said, hey, why don't you come over here and join the hot-waterless party? Kimberly?  ?That is her name.  At the end, she asked me what I wanted her to do?  Isn't it obvious? I need a functioning water heater? This one is only a year and a half old and it's already failed? I've seen them last 20 and longer years!

She felt the need to lecture me that most water heaters don't last that long. Yes, that is probably true, but also true that most water heaters last longer than a year and a half! 

So, the parts are being delivered tomorrow but I can also go get a free water heater. I'm opting to  get over there tomorrow, unhook the heater, drain it and haul it back to Home Depot where they will allegedly give me a new one when I show them the PO number in the email Kimberly sent me.  I'd rather just get a new heater, even if it's going to add several hours to the end result of having hot water again. People are grumbling a lot, but short of buying a new one out right for almost $500, there isn't much I can do about it. Sorry, I'm not shelling out a bunch more money.

Today was the second run.  Well, yesterday, I got to the washout and the first load driver hadn't arrived. I got to the plant and they hadn't been there either.  So I contacted the manager who informed me the first load had canceled.  Thanks, I thought, for letting me know. The day wasn't terribly long so I just let it go.  Today, I took the first load slot since I knew no one else would be up there and got it done quickly.  

I have 3 days off starting tomorrow and tomorrow is definitely going to have a good portion of the day spent at the park.

I told Trey today I was tired of having to discuss the trashed out lot. Clean it up or else. Else being goodbye.  That was this morning while I was on the road, by the time I got back, he had moved the whole cooking setup to the rear of the trailer, which we had agreed on and another tenant was helping him clean the rest of it up.  I was just fed up.  I can't deal  with it.  I am operating a business and an RV park is not a mobile home park.  People expect them to be clean and tidy.

I also gave the porch people their second notice.  Clean it up, I just gave the other lot in the park that looks like that an ultimatum.  You have FAR too much stuff out there.  On the porch, below the porch, underneath the trailer, behind the trailer. Get rid of 75% of it and I'll be happy.  She responded a few hours later that she is trying to sell her excess stuff to get rid of it. Apparently the previous park allows people to have all kinds of junk laying around. Now I understand why they have problems getting people in there.  

MOST people do not want to pull into an RV park and see disarray and mobile-home-park-style-trailer-trash-sh** going on. It really sets me off, especially with Trey of whom I have discussed this situation dozens of times. Today was the final straw.  Nothing changes. He says he'll do it and then he doesn't do it.  Screw that.  I didn't stay long, I chatted with him a couple of minutes and left. 

That's because I am very tired. 2 nights ago the storms kept me awake, last night some noise woke me up and I couldn't get back to sleep.  I've had 3 nights of very poor sleep and I am hoping tonight I can get some quality sleep in.  I'll stay in bed tomorrow morning as long as it takes to get enough sleep.  Screw the water heater, it will wait.  

13 of 14 regular lots are filled, another is coming tomorrow, allegedly anyway, another long term.  There is also another one allegedly coming tomorrow to look at the lot behind the shed.  Well, there's 2 lots but I'm thinking of one specific lot.  She sent me pics.  She took close ups of some damage on the rear.  I'm not concerned about that, the rear will be backed up to the shed and hardly noticeable and certainly not visible to the main area of the RV park.  The rest of the trailer looks good.  So, if they both come, I will have the park full except for Jason's lot who said he will be coming back in January. Those 2 lots in the rear are hard to fill, I don't actively try to fill them anyway unless all other lots are in use.  

In fact, if the lady that wants the regular lot tomorrow shows up, I won't even have an overnight lot available for 2 weeks. I just charged the dude's credit card that came in that is using the giant lot 1.  

Lot 8 will come available either on the 7th or the 14th. I finally found out why they are here: they are closing on a house but not sure exactly when they are going to close on it.  Makes sense.  They don't really talk to anyone in the park at all.  The are on the far end and just keep to themselves. I have no problem with that, if that's what they want, that's what they get.  

Anyway, I have worked it out that I don't have to turn anyone away and I only have one problem coming up on the third with an overnighter.  I'll wait until tomorrow and see if the new long term is coming in. They said they are coming from Alabama to put down roots in this area. I always wonder why people would want to move here. If I said the name of my town, unless you are from this area, you would not know about it.  

Pushups. Somehow, I am still doing this 100 pushups per day for 100 day challenge. I don't even know which day it is.  I have it recorded in this blog, I can go back and figure it out.  I've had days where I really, reeeaaallly, reeeeeeaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyyy did NOT want to do ANY pushups and today is one of them.  I just got done with 20 of them. 80 to go.  It's 8 pm, I want them done by 9 so I can get into bed early.  As I stated in a previous entry, I don't even think about trying to do 100 in one set or even 2 sets. I'm still stuck at 5 sets tho I do 25 here, 30 there at times.  Tonight, I struggled to do 20 on the first set, so it's going to be 4 more 20 pushup sets.  As I said, I'm tired and I don't feel like doing them.  I've made it this far, it's at least. ....20? .... days now.  I think, lol.  lemme look now that I've gotten started on it.  

Wow. I've made it 24 days.  Amazing.  For me, that is amazing, lol.  I'm behind on the bicep workouts, oh well. I'll do a protracted workout on them tomorrow.  And the pushups, lol. Yup, you aren't "supposed" to do triceps and biceps on the same day.  Nothing can be done about it. I can't end up with huge or very toned triceps and nothing biceps. 

I am starting to actually feel muscle in my "boobs", lmao.  It doesn't look like it - yet - but it's definitely there.  I don't know that it will look like it.  This challenge is not a New Year's resolution, I may do a 30 day extreme diet to help along with this pushups tho, starting January 1st.  A lot of people are talking about it, but you know how that goes. People start diets or whatever January 1st and 2 weeks later? they are done.  In fact, there is a day for people to quit: Quitters Friday.  The second Friday in January is where most people quit.  That's apparently a data-backed fact.  

I fear making a resolution out of a diet for this fact alone.  I have made New Year's resolutions and have not kept them. Haven't we all? Lots of us anyway.  I didn't make any of them last year knowing that I would fail and I'd rather not try than make one and then start bashing myself for failing.  But, I could ride the quitter's train who start and give up, at least start with them and hopefully just keep on going.  

I have already resolved to lose the boobs and the gut, this is what keeps me going on the pushups.  I don't even know if they will end up helping me get rid of them, but I can definitely tell you they are building muscle.  

Enough. I need to get on the floor and do some more and other things needing to get done. 

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