Friday, March 14, 2025

 The seething hatred.  It's astonishing, amazing and unbelievable to watch. 

People who hate Trump hate him with a passion. It occupies their thoughts, or at least it appears as if it does, continuously or certainly quite frequently.  They hate him because people told them to hate him.  There is no objectivity to their thought processes, not if you just by what's coming out of their mouths or, more pointedly, what they are posting online.  

I have lots of lefty friends on Facebook and the individuals who are obsessed will post 10, 15, 20, 30 times a day memes and other nonsense telling us why we are immoral for voting for him and we don't love Jesus and all the rest of it.  

The lies that are being fed these people are astounding.  He's going to cut SS, Medicare, stopped feeding kids lunch at school and really a seemingly endless list of things they say Trump is busy doing.  Maxine Waters said that Trump is setting up the context to start a civil war.  I could go into a long list of things from memory, but I dare not.  I have grown calloused to the endless streams of denigration coming from the left.  I don't care what they think anymore, they can spout off all they want. It's why they lost, or a certainly high on the list of reasons why Trump is  now our President.

I always love the lies about Medicare and SS.  Democrats say this every single election cycle yet you never see any of that happening even when Republicans are in control. NEVER.  And leftist voters are starting to come to terms with that fact.  I have seen countless on-the-street interviews with every day citizens, people who were brought up in leftist households and were told their entire lives about how evil the right is - and all the rest of it. Just not going to go into the depths of what anyone that has ever followed politics should already know about how these people have been raised and led to believe utter lies.  

And now, you have Schumer caving to vote for the continuing resolution bill to keep the government open after going off - as the rest of them - to shut down the government. Do you remember Pelosi chastising Trump for shutting down the government?  The party of bigger government is better?  The party that has always said you should never allow the government to shut down? Literally the entire lot of them saying that?  Now there is infighting in that party the likes I don't recall ever seeing.  They have no clue what to do, none whatsoever.  The entire thing is imploding.  Their pathetic and endless name-calling didn't work.  

Anyway, one of the leftist friends did a call-out post on me that she tagged me in so it showed up on my Facebook feed.  I left it up for quite a while to let people see how these people are acting out.  Their rage clouds any reasoning or objectivity. This particular person posts endless memes and Twitter quotes and lots more about how evil Trump is and what he's doing to the nation dozens of times a day. Not just once a day, twice, 5 times, 10, whatever. It's at least dozens.  That's an unhealthy obsession.  

Welll, it's quite late, I was just reading some of her posts yet again. I will not be commenting again on her feed.  She is unhinged - I see a lot of these people online on a daily basis.  

I'm downloading a huge file to operate this fancy mouse I bought for gaming.  It's an interface for the mouse has far more switches on it than a regular mouse.  It eliminates a lot of the keys you would otherwise have to use on a keyboard.  I'm still playing Fortnite tho it's getting to be a drag talking to people.  Well, I have already reported this anyway.  The stats say that around 85% of Fortnite players are aged 18-35. That's all adults.  

Yet, you mostly just run into kids when talking on the microphone in the game.  Parents think the game is for kids only, I don't know where they got that idea and there is a myth that the game is only for kids. And I can tell ya, kids act out in that game to great extremes.  It gets ridiculous and I just start blocking them.  Or a parent gets on there. Who asked for my son's full name? No one, I replied, no one asks for names on here, it's an unwritten rule.  I do tell people my first name if they ask tho.  

I just wish more adults who are already playing the game would use the mics.  There are a large number of players that don't have or use mics at all.  

Gonna close this one.  I need to start thinking about getting taxes ready.  I did them myself last year. The IRS never contacted me back with yea or nay or hey, you owe use 2 grand or whatever.  They can always get you even years afterwards so you never really feel like you are in the clear.  I've read enough horror stories about it.  

I'm not worried about it, if they say something, it is what it is. I did my best and I'll do my best this year as well. I don't try to get away with anything and I have all the receipts and the bank statements and other documents.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is called TDS (Trump DERANGEMENT Syndrome) for a good reason. Deranged is exactly the proper word to describe some of these screaming binaries with their nose rings and pinked hair etc, so angry they are incoherent. (maybe just more incoherent). Maxine is a HS dropout who keep getting re-elected. Whose fault is that? Its a tough call, but she may well be the stupidest person of the 535.

 Sunday - morning Heading to the zoo in a few minutes.  I'm sort of glad to have the days off, sort of not. No idea what they're pay...