Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 Tuesday - late morning

I haven't been posting - I get started on an entry and then get distracted by things and don't get back to the blog.  

I left off at the 700 mile mark in Odessa, spending the night there at the Marriott Residence Inn.  It was a good night's sleep and I ate a wonderful breakfast - they have a huge breakfast bar at all of them and it includes meat, potatoes, cereals, waffles, scrambled eggs, etc.  I didn't eat too much meat but they were serving egg white scrambled so I scooped up a bunch of that.

The rest of the drive home was uneventful even if full of stupid people who have no business having a driver license.  Ridiculous nonsense.  

The truck ran perfectly, never a single hiccup.  It gets almost 18 mpg which is good for that thing, I have subsequently found out looking it up online.  My SUV only gets 15 on the highway, I was already used to gas hogs. In fact, the SUV is still at the airport and I am trying to find a ride over there. Taylor doesn't have to go over there all the time anymore and by the time she goes back, I will be on the road and won't be able to take advantage of hitching a ride.  

So, I am likely going to have to pay for a ride. I dunno if I can get an Uber or Lyft over here but I'm going to try.  The SUV can be parked at the property for now, it needs work and tho I want to do it, it's not high on the priority list.  Front brakes and rotors, rear ac not working and a bushing.  I'm guessing a grand need be dumped into it, but I will likely replace the brakes/rotors myself and save a ton of money.  

Anyway, I stayed at a local La Quinta the day I returned for reasons I won't get into here, unpleasantries I will label it as. It was the first really good night's sleep I had had since the Sunday I had left. Marriott was good sleep, but not great.  I forgot about the part where someone was stomping up and down the hallway at 5:00 am-ish, I was planning on sleeping in until 7 - 7:30.  The noise went on so long that I was tempted to get up, get dressed and go out there and confront whoever.  I didn't do that, but still.

La Quinta was great sleep - but.... it's also the "Dog Inn" where people are allowed to bring their dogs in for stays as well.  Not a problem, except....I realized my bed was full of fleas too late.  My arms, chest and back were bitten all over and I have the bumps and red marks to prove it.  I have spent the last 2 days in itching hell and took a Benadryl at 3:00 am last night.  I went to sleep, yes, but now I have having trouble waking up, that stuff will knock you out.

That was the point of taking it, I just have things I'd like to get done today. I am not back at work, the manager hasn't contacted me and frankly, didn't really want to go back to work right away.  I am thinking of contacting him later  on today and working out getting back to work tomorrow. I'll need a trailer to start with, which is why I'm dreading going back to work. It is highly unlikely I'll get the trailer I have been using for many months and I'll have to start back at ground zero with whatever issues some other trialer - WILL - have because they always have problems and drivers don't get the stuff fixed. 

The truck needs a complete cleaning, I will say that. Dog hair and it just needs wiped down good and get that dog smell out of there.  I might do that today.  The city has forced a water limitation on everyone and the car washes were shut down. They had a main valve bust and they have to have one manufactured.  This city has a very old water transmission system that needs to be completely replaced.  They piecemeal everything together and constantly fixing water leaks.  Apparently, one of the local washes got permission to open back up, I'd like to get it washed and then spend quality time vacuuming out the interior.  

However, I am going to go to the park in a bit and see if I can get an uber from there to the airport.  I have heard Uber is up and running here again, I will try it. It will be an expensive ride but I can't leave my vehicle sitting there forever.  I don't want to bring the SUV back here, too many vehicles here as it stands I have one, the folks have 2 and a motorcycle.  

I just texted the manager the dreaded text: ready to go back to work tomorrow or whenever such is available.  I can't stay off work forever and trust me, if I'm not forced back into it and I get into "that" mindset, I will just sit it out for as long as I can get away with it.  Lol.  It's been long enough, I think the flea bites are starting to heal sufficiently but if it isn't oh well, deal with it.  

It's really bad on my fingers.  I didn't realize what was happening until too late. Started itching my fingers and cranking on them without thinking about it.  By the time I realized what I was doing?  Too late.  Have these giant bumps all over.  

And was on hold with the Texas State Comptroller. Required filing every year, I sent it off months ago and now they are threatening to take away my business license because I didn't file?  I sent it off to them via snail mail.  No clue there, but I intend on getting to the bottom of it for I need that license to operate my business.  

Whatever else?  I just talked with the manager. He wants me to come up and pick up a trailer, plus do whatever service the mechanics deem necessary and I have paperwork to turn in as well as hazmat paperwork that needs renewed.  I'm not hauling hazmat atm, but if the situation arises, need to be legal for it.  I'm going to leave early in the morning so I don't have to waste an entire day doing that nonsense.  Like, out of the house by 6:30 am, out of the park by 7 and up there around 9:30. It's only 136 miles but it takes 2-1/2 hours to get up there, probably spend a few hours there and the same amount of time back.  Gets me home no later than...2:30 we'll give some extra time there. 

I don't know what else. Still running ads and not getting a lot of hits.  I'm being undercut by other parks so I have advertised $200 off, given out over a 3 month period. I'm not giving $200 off the first month, it's long term and if they want the discount, they'll have to stay 3 months to get all of it. The new guy has meters so he's advertising much less and disclosed in fine print that the power is extra.  People will figure it out after they stay there a while, it isn't the bargain they think it is.  

However, I could install some meters on some lots for fairly cheap and try it.  Just take the profit in the rent and the guest can eat the electric bill.  I'm still about these covered parking setups and I'm going to have one installed, or do it myself because they will probably charge a fortune to install it.  Just rent an auger machine, dig out the post holes, put the posts in, cement them, etc.  I kind of want to build a woodens structure, they don't look tacky such as their metal ones do.  I have seen several parks with the metal versions I just don't like the way it looks.  I don't know if anyone else cares, but I am about nature and the metal isn't about nature.  

Shrugs shoulders, obviously my "old" way of getting people in isn't working I have to reinvent the park.  That only happens with additional amenities.  

Oh, and Lyft is actually available here.  $38, it's 40 miles there so that's not really a bad price. Get my vehicle back and have that issue taken care of. 

In fact, I'm going to finish getting dressed, head over to the park and order the ride.  


Friday, October 11, 2024

 Friday - night

I started early today.  Got up, sat down with mom at the kitchen table, chatted a bit, drank some coffee. I knew this was going to be hard, but it was time to go.  I took her second and last vehicle.  I didn't ask for this vehicle, btw, I didn't even know she was considering that until she asked me if I wanted it.  A truck with 53,000 on it that's loaded for it's year and is in excellent condition? For free? And knowing it's mom's truck. She loves this thing - loved.  I feel so bad for her.  I know she's very old and it was very responsible for her to give up her driving privileges knowing that she basically was posing a threat to other motorists with her vision problems - but in our currently reality? 

Not having the freedom to go wherever you want to when you want to after living a life of doing so is a hard thing to digest. The flip side is Uber/Lyft are quite abundant out there. But yes, you give up a freedom that you might take for granted until it's gone. Seeing that truck - it was really something to her - backing out of that driveway and seeing her face? I started crying. She's my mom.  It's one of the few reasons I want to live there, I would be over there all the time asking what she wants, what she needs, do you need to go anywhere? 

I knew this would be hard but knowing it didn't make it any easier.  I have mom's truck she's had it since she bought it new in 2008 and I will never sell it. It's in excellent condition, as noted driving it 700 miles today and it will be around a long time before it's ready to be smelted and made into something else.  I lost everything I had in a house fire in 2004, things from my grandma that are absolutely irreplaceable, things I wish I still had.  You get mom's truck? You aren't getting rid of it. Sentimental value, memories, things that are irreplaceable.  

So it was a bit of an emotional departure this morning.  

Anyway, I got 700 miles covered and I called this right.  I reserved the room at this Residence Inn yesterday figuring I would want to stop at the 700 mile mark and I was definitely right about that. I was more than ready to stop driving when I got here.  And I was very glad that the points actually worked, my name was in their system and I didn't have to show them anything beyond giving a credit card for "incidentals".  

I just want to go back again, not a year from now, but during winter.  It was just unbearable for me.  I don't care how hot it is outside as long as you can go inside and cool off.  I don't even know if it's going to be better at her place in the winter, she probably turns the heat on when the heat is not called for?  But there is a remedy for that. Close the outlet on the ceiling and open the window. 

It was a sign for me that I did the right thing when I booked this room: I walked in here and the thermostat was set at 65 degrees. I probably could have driven the other 500 miles out, miserable, get it over with, blah blah blah type of mentality, screw that.  

I didn't sleep well last night. I haven't slept well since I got there. I am not trying to find fault with mom, I just can't sleep in conditions that resemble being outside in blazing heat.  And she really needs to replace her bed mattress. I do not want her bedroom  but she always insists I take it.  She's a very wonderful person and no one could ever tell me differently.  I sent her flowers after I left : )  

I have had people telling me I should just stay at a hotel when I come to town. And do what?  Offend my mom?  Her place isn't good enough for me? She lives for family.  I'll lie in coals before I do that. I might say something about it on my blog but in real life, I would just deal with it.  

She sent me off with a cooler full of food. Sandwiches, oranges, a plastic baggies full of banana nut biscuits - do you understand?  She is very precious to me and I do not want to offend her and I definitely ate a lot of that food today.  So, as long as she is among the living, I will stay there when I come and even tho there won't be a vehicle to drive, it will be good.  Uber/Lyft. They are abundant out there.  

I'm tired.  It's getting late. I'm going to bed. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

 Thursday - afternoon

Less than 24 hours and I'm out of here.  It's just so hot here, it really took me by surprise that it's still as hot as it is.  Most people that live here are also not happy about it, lol.  October and it's still 110, 108, 106?

We went to the Dollar Tree a bit ago and mom stocked up on whatever she wanted.  Her second and only remaining vehicle is leaving here tomorrow morning, I am sympathetic to her continued verbiage of having lost her freedom.  Can't hop into a vehicle and take off anymore.  I did offer if some miracle happens and her vision comes back, she can have her truck back.  I know that's unlikely, but through Christ all things are possible....

Last night I spent 5 hours at a pub in Florence with one of my buddies.  I did have a couple of beers but I stopped drinking long before I had to leave, no sense taking risks when you have a CDL.  He wants to meet again tonight, he's pretty much pouring out his heart - his wife died during covid because of covid, the connection is that I knew her wife from high school days.  I knew him as well, tho we didn't hang out much.  

Today I'm visiting with my son at Texas Roadhouse followed by a couple more hours at a different bar, I guess, with the old friend.  I'm going there to visit him, that is his place of consolation apparently. Can't judge the man, he's in a psychological hell losing the lady of his life, I think they were married something like 40 years.  I'm not staying late there, however, I want to get up early and head out.  Drive about 10 hours, stop for the night probably in Odessa and then finish out the trip on Saturday.  

Credit card rewards paid for the trip out here, the Texas Roadhouse adventure tonight (I have the gift card in my email and ready to go) and hopefully, a hotel for tomorrow night. I was going to use BofA points, they do it differently.  You purchase whatever is approved and then you get reimbursed for it later.  So, I just redeemed all of that, some $400 plus and it's going to be deducted from my current balance.  

I am now going back to Chase to see what I have left there, I didn't have much Wells Fargo rewards because I had used them previously on an expensive desk chair for my room and then for the Texas Roadhouse thing.  

Ahh yes, enough for a nice night's stay at the Marriott Residence Inn.  Haven't been to one since...Oh, we stayed at one of their properties in Dallas area when we went to 6 Flags.  I had my own room because I sleep better without other snorers around, lmao.  

I've driven the truck around town quite a bit, a gas guzzler like my SUV, oh well. Once I get it back it will be driven around a very small town for the most part.  I've had my SUV for 6 years and put maybe 50,000 miles on it, that's including driving to previous work several times a week which was 32 miles each way. None of that now, I will not rack up the miles on the odometer.  It would be many, many years before it gets up to 100k miles.  

I'm just happy that a vast portion of this trip was paid for with rewards that I have had sitting in there for quite a while.  I wondered if there are expiration dates to them so yes, I have cashed most of it in.  

I was watching the hurricane devastation.  Over 3 million people without power, a terrible amount of property damage and 5 people confirmed dead so far. It's the tornadoes that really got to me, tornadoes are "evil" in nature, popping out of the sky and completely unpredictable in their path.  Not like a hurricane which people can see well in advance and can plan on whether they need to leave or not. 

I think a Sheriff said one county alone had had 17 of them.  

But the real tragedy is Kamala Harris attempting to make a political issue out of it.  DeSantis rightfully stated she has no role in it whatsoever and openly discussed his conversations with both Biden and the head of FEMA.  It sounds like Biden and DeSantis have remained on good terms with each other in order to deal as best as the government can with the aftermath.  

I'll be glad when this election comes and is done and over with. The ads here in AZ about both local politicians' campaigns and national are unbelievable.  

I've heard no complaints from the park.  One person wanted to pay me cash, I told them I'd collect it when I return. The park host people - the mom is there now - said there was no 2 stroke oil so I had some delivered yesterday to cut the excuses for not doing anything out.  I have a 4 night stay coming in today, plus the 2 1-week stays and a couple of overnighters coming in tomorrow, at least I've got something going on with the available lots. I've had several inquiries about long term, but they hear my price and balk at it.  Yeah, wait til you go to the competitors.  In fact, stay with them awhile, get charged the extra for electricity and then I'll see you in a month or two, lol.  

I think that's it for now. It's 11:30 am and still many hours before I leave to meet my son and have a little adventure. 

 Well that's over with.  We got there and the guy was saying they can't just put the title over in my name, they have to register it as well.  Well dang.  I was thinking a lot of money because the truck is worth a bit, 16-18k on the market.  We stood there discussing this back and forth and I just said well let's see how much it's going to cost to register it in my name?  The thing is, they had trouble doing it with my brother and the car she gave him last week.  

But, this guy made it much easier than what they went through last week.  The end of the story is that I have the truck registered and titled in Arizona in my name at my house and they are going to send all of the stuff to the house in Texas.  For $40.  Yeah, I was almost shocked, I really thought a lot more. Much easier to just transfer a title already in my name than one in another name that also has a living trust attached to it.  That was the point, bypass the living trust stuff.  So, I don't think it was wasteful in that regard to go ahead and do it here only to have to do it all over again in Texas.  

It gives me 30 days to figure out how much that's going to cost me, but the thing is, it said it was almost a thousand dollars.  Crazy.  A 15 year old vehicle costing me that much because it's a new-to-me vehicle so they are going to charge tax on it.  

Anyway, it's good to have that over with and I already put insurance on it, don't want to be driving it around without insurance obviously. The truck needs a good interior cleaning but otherwise it's in good shape.  

Arizona is a swing state. I've been sitting here watching the smear tactic ads coming from both sides against the other. It's absolutely brutal.  I've seen nothing like these ads in Texas but that's because we aren't really a swing state.  I wouldn't say Texas is a solid red state what with Houston, Dallas, Austin and other towns but it's more so red than blue.  I just sitting here in awe the viciousness of the attacks. I'm assuming these are coming from super pacs.  

Well, mom wants to go eat, I'll have to get back to this later.  


Good taste in food, Mexican food more specifically.  

Meanwhile just sitting here watching all of the news and reels and videos of people in dilemmas of what to do.  I mean, if we're talking a Cat 5 hurricane, I'm outta there.  Helene was bad enough and those people haven't really even cleaned up after the first one.  They're predicting landfall Wednesday night.  I think if I lived in Florida - and I don't because of things like this and house sized mosquitoes - I would have a pile of plywood and screws readily available in a shed, on-property, to deal with this stuff last minute notice and then get the heck out of there.

Yes, it will likely downsize, but a Cat 3 can wreak horrible damage.  Not like it turns into a puff of wind and then it's gone.  I feel for those people, definitely, but again, I don't live in Florida for a reason and it's been a long, long time since I've been down there.  I remember getting stuck in Miami once long ago when I took a truckload of stuff down there but they couldn't find anything to get me back out of there. After something like 5 days I told the company they either get me out or I'm just driving out of there regardless.  I wasn't getting paid at all. 

Oh, I'm thinking I'll just drive 10 to 20 for the route back. I kinda need to make up my mind soon because using those credit card points for hotels, you kind of need to do it in advance.  I was thinking make it to Odessa the first day and finish it out after.  

It is very warm in this house.  It's still hot here and she just doesn't like it too cool.  I'm actually mildly sweating sitting here.  Which when you are in that all day long....Grin and bear it.  2-1/2 days and I'm out of here.  Plus I'm going to see a friend either tonight or tomorrow, I'm waiting on him to tell me when and Thursday will be dining with my son and spending some time together.  I wouldn't mind driving around and seeing all the changes here since I've moved out of this place.  

There seems to be a helluva lot of people either changing their minds about voting for Kamala and therefore voting for Trump or not voting for Kamala as they were going to but not voting for Trump either. Either way, Trump picks up gains.  I don't believe these polls.  I just don't.  There are 3 or more historically democrat supporting unions that have decided they aren't going to support either party.  That's a win.  

I dunno, I haven't looked at the metrics of any of these polls, I might start doing that again. Find out what sampling they took of each party.  I saw so many in the 2016 polls that were sampling more democrats than republicans even the parties have pretty much the same percentage of eligible voters.  Many of the polls are run by leftists.....

I get calls once in a while to do a survey, they find out I'm conservative and then it ends, lol.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

 Tuesday - mid morning

I can't say either flight was uneventful. Both flights, kids were seated behind me. Very young and very, very loud with the screaming and crying.  On the main flight, the mom had fully 4 children with her and no one else to help her out.  I don't want to judge too harshly, but please.  If you are going to have more than you can handle, you really should consider bringing someone with you to deal with it. Normally, I would have said something but I did have a little sympathy, even with the kid kicking my seat off and on the entire trip. 

I will say here that once I got to Dallas, I ate lunch and yes, had a couple beers. Figured I could just go to sleep on the second/main flight.  There was no sleeping, I can assure you of that.  When we finally got to Phoenix, I got to the baggage area, got my bag and then went and just sat down.  Take a minute to compose myself after such a dreadful flight. It would have been nice if the flight attendants would have at least tried to help the mom....

In about 50 minutes, we are heading to the MVD to get the title over into my name. She already did this with my brother with giving him her car so I figure this should go relatively easy.  

And it figures I would get people calling me for spots while I'm gone.  It also took quite a while to figure out why my laptop wouldn't connect with my personal hotspot on my phone.  It was bringing up an old iphone credential, I finally figured out, with a different hotspot password on it, changed that and it finally connected. I had to see if I had any spots available. I've had 2 people come in for 1 week stays, these people wanted to come in on Saturday.  I said yes, that's fine after finally getting connected to the campground software, but I only have back in spots available. So she decided to go ahead and book a back in spot.

Unfortunately, my T Mobile doesn't have the greatest signal strength here, which is pretty odd. Phoenix is the 6th largest city in the nation, granted I'm out east of there but you would think they would ensure good signal strength everywhere in highly populated areas.  I ended up switch off 5g and connecting LTE which works much better.

I have no great plans for today beyond the MVD trip. I think mom wants to go shopping but after that?  No idea.  I always show up here during the week which is a mistake.  I don't know why I didn't think of that, people are off on weekends, not weekdays excepting my son who has Thursday off. Oh well, lol, 3 days including today and I will be off.  

GPS isn't even giving me the option for taking I-40 from here, it just goes straight heading east on the Superstition 60, into the mountains and eventually connecting to I-10.  Hmm, Google maps lets you alter the route.  I dunno, maybe I'll just go I-10, it seems like it's being forced on me lol. 

Well, it's almost time to leave.  Having a nice visit, house a bit warm but that's the way she likes it.  

Monday, October 7, 2024

 I may be a bit of a chatterbox going on here.

But, I successfully checked in both flights, signed up for text alerts about those flights and paid the baggage fee up front, saving me $5.  AA charges $40 for first checked bag.  If I were getting a deal on the flight, I could see that, but the flight was $350 or around there, I think it was, for a one way ticket. That's hardly a deal.  Then again, I didn't pay anything for it by using Credit Card points but still.  

I then had the thought that my trip to Texas Roadhouse with my son could be made through credit card points and sure enough, BofA has the option of electronic delivery.  Chase didn't but oh well.  So, hopefully that arrives before or on Thursday and that dining experience will cost me nothing more than I've already paid to the CC company. 

I'm not sure about hotels, I'd like to decide where I want to stop for the night meaning which route I'll take home and get that on there. It takes up to 24 hours for them to process it, we found out the hard way.  This will greatly reduce my expenses on this trip.  So far I've only paid for one way baggage.  I have an Uber trip to mom's house which will probably cost around $40 - it's quite the distance - and then whatever activities I may get involved with, but nothing spectacular.  Mostly just hanging out.  One thing I don't have to do this time and that is stay until Friday if I feel like I've visited enough and want to leave.  

I dunno, really depends on mom since I'm staying at her house.  If my staying too long is going to cause her problems I will just leave - no I can't leave on Thursday, I am meeting up with my son Thursday evening. Well, I guess I could leave Thursday night but why bother.  Might as well just get up Friday morning, bid my farewells to mom and head home.  It's probably the only thing that I miss about living there is being close to mom and son. I'd definitely be over to her house once a week to help her with anything and to go stores and such.  She apparently has a list of things she wants me to do as it stands.  

Ok, well, it's 9:00 am I just checked and time to be off to the bank and Krogers. 


Bank deposit made, electric bill for park paid, Kroger's done, battery pack on camera almost charged.  Oops, guess it takes more than 3 hours, it's a huge battery pack. Hopefully it will last the week, I didn't have time or desire to put it back on the charger and go back there yet again before leaving.  New weed eater delivered to the shed, toilet paper put in the dispenser the rest of the pack in the outside shed, fuel tank filled up, gas station coffee bought, clothes in the dryer - I wanted to wash a last-minute set of clothing - and now I'm pretty much set to go.  

Oh, and Allen contacted yet again. The boy only mowed the dog park, he did not mow behind the shed and pick up the blocks James -- former tenant who left without paying 2 months worth of rent, tho the second month was currently due, not well past due at least - left behind.  Nice blocks actually. Not mine, but he left them so now they are.  Told Allen he needs to do that today along with spraying the grass killer I have repeatedly asked to have done.

A little less than 2 hours before I leave here. I'm going to show up well in advance. It's a boring airport, very small, but they tell you to arrive early and I take their advice always to just show up early in case there are issues.  I'll have my laptop and my phones and chargers so at least I'll have something to do while waiting. 

If there is something else, I"m at the shrugs shoulders stage.  I'm checked in early with the scan code to show at the airport along with the baggage.  What else is there? Probably something, there is always something I forget.  Oh, yes.

Snakes. Have devoured most of my Koi and goldfish.  And just ordered the bait and about to order the trap.  If I catch the thing/s, I will probably just relocate it versus killing them. Although I am sure I will be tempted to kill them since they have devoured literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of Koi fish.  I only have small goldfish left and maybe 2 small Koi that I bought not terribly long ago.  I buy them small and just let them grow throughout the years.  The bigger Koi were around 8 inches long.  Just pisses me off and yes, I am going to get rid of them one way or the other.  

Pretty sad, actually, not like those Koi can defend themselves.  There are hiding places but I don't think those work against snakes, they work against birds or raccoons and such.  Watersnakes will simply go underwater to catch their prey.  


Departure time fast approaching. For some reason, I don't really want to go. If it weren't for my mom and son, I definitely wouldn't go.  My family doesn't make any attempt to reach out to me beyond those two, it was the same when I lived there.  Show up for Christmas and sometimes Thanksgiving and that was about the extent of family get togethers that often-times ended in arguments and people storming out.  I don't miss that nonsense at all.  

It's a lot of effort, lost time at work, money, etc to take a trip like this is all I'm saying and frankly, I like my own bed.  It sounds selfish and maybe it is, mom isn't getting any  younger, no idea how much longer she'll be with us so there is a sense of urgency to spend a few days with her.  Other than that, I really would just say screw it, stay home.  The traveling is sort of fun, I would pay for an upgrade but the only seats left available on the aircraft are middle seats.  Still, I'll ask when I get to the boarding gate at DFW if there are going to be any no shows, I'd pay some extra money for extra leg room.  By the time one of these flights is over with, my knees are hurting badly from being cramped in such a position.  I do have a window seat so I can sort of turn sideways which usually helps.  And so far? There is no one taking the middle seat next to me.  That would be grand if it stayed that way....

It already changed. The middle seat next to me is now taken.  There are only 2 seats left on the aircraft at the very back and both middle seats.  I just refuse to sit in middle seats, it's bad enough sitting on the row or next to the windows......

Closing this one out.  Next update will be DFW, tho I'll probably just do a Facebook update for that.

 Monday - early

I don't have to leave here until noonish, but I have stuff to get done and I was already about it.  I got up, took a shower and immediately headed over to the park.  The outside camera needs recharged and I wanted to wait until just before leaving so I can hopefully have it charged enough to last the entire week. It usually lasts at least that long with a full charge. Also took the new weedeater over there and put it in the closet in the shed next to the shower.  I dont want it left outside and I was hesitant to even bring it over in the first place. 

The kid, no idea. He's 31 years old so not exactly a child, but that's the way he acts. Spoiled and immature.  I haven't been keeping track of him since the ultimatum except that day when I made it, he worked that day, has he since then? I can look at the camera once I get to Dallas and sitting there for 2-1/2 hours twiddling my thumbs.

I still have to go to the bank and deposit cash and go get some TP for the shed.  I have to go back over after 3 hours or so anyway, might as well take the toilet tissue over there as well. I don't much care to keep it stocked, people take advantage of it and go through it quickly. I suspect some are still sneaking rolls of it out for their trailers.  It's a convenience, yes, but people use it constantly versus using the bathroom in their trailers.  And lots of people take showers in there.  I get that, those older trailers have 5 gallon water heaters in them and you might take a 3 minute shower or something like that and then it's done.  No more hot water.  

I also still have to pack, but that won't take but 10 minutes and that will be done.  

Nice clear flying weather today. No storms between here and AZ, 1 stop at DFW, nice day to fly.  No red eye flights, I chose this afternoon flying on purpose.  I used to do the red eyes to save money, but what a hassle.  I also used to drive to either Love's field or DFW to save money.  And tho the savings can be significant, you have to factor in driving over there, so gas spent and then paying exorbitant amount of money per day to park your vehicle.  

The savings disappear when you take the whole picture into consideration.  A lot less hassle. It's a very small airport over at GGG, same security measures to get into the secured areas but after that, there is no more.  Yes, my license has the gold star for RealID compliance, I just checked lol.  That is a requirement now, or I guess if you have a passport.  

Alright, quick break, I want to get packed so I have that done and over with...


Okay, that was easy. But, I like to pack it, sit down, think about it for a while and try to remember anything I should be taking with me.  I probably should take a copy of my insurance with me to show for getting that truck into my name, however, it's just going to be title, not registration, really shouldn't need it.  We have an appointment for Tuesday I think she said to sit down and deal with it, under a living trust and apparently that makes it difficult for anyone to do anything different than what's in it already.

My friend I was going to visit over there is still going through hellish times mentally and emotionally, I'd love to visit him but it appears he's not in any mood to entertain friends.  I dunno, play it by ear as the old saying goes.  I figure time spent with mom, taking her wherever she needs to go, spend an evening with my son and if I don't see anyone else, the purpose of the trip has been made.  Taking the pickup home is an extra added benefit but it also marks a sad day that her vehicles are now gone - she gave her other vehicle to one of my brothers already - and that she has to depend on Uber to go anywhere.  

The upside is my oldest brother still takes her up to her mountain getaway and taking an Uber isn't the end of the world.  Plan your trips and make them infrequent, she doesn't go out that much anyway.  Still, I can imagine losing the freedom of being able to drive has to hit hard. This was all voluntary on her part, btw, the state didn't revoke her license.  

I feel like eating something, like going to IHOP, but I decided to wait until I get to DFW and have a nice meal at one of the restaurants there. A bit pricey, but the food is good and a good time to eat as soon as I get there and have time to digest food and any bathroom needs taken care of before boarding the A320 for Phoenix.  Yes, I checked the type of aircraft, I do not want to get on a 737 Max under any circumstances.  They stand right up there with the MD-11in my mind and they can keep it.  It took 2 crashes killing everyone on board both flights if I recall correctly before the FAA did anything about it.

And now you see lots of near misses with aircraft taxing on runways - with clearance - and aircraft landing at the same time.  Ridiculous.  I probably watch too much Mentour Pilot, VASAviation and Mayday Aircrash Investigation episodes. Not to get into fear of flying, but the fascination of learning about commercial jetliners - which listening to Mentour Pilot you can learn a lot about how such aircraft fly and the nuances of it - to see what happened and what they ended up doing about it.

There was a particular aircraft that had a cargo door blowout and took out a part of the floor of the main cabin.  I think the first time it happened the people were lucky and the second time? Not so lucky as a couple of rows of seats were sucked out with it.  I have no fear of flying per se, but taking off sort of ruffles my feathers.  I don't much care for it.  

I"m watching more footage of the Helene aftermath.  Many areas now have food and water but no power, running water or communications.  Starlink coming in, people shipping in generators and I've seen gas tankers pumping fuel fight off the tanker.  I have a problem with them charging $10 per gallon, however, that has the appearance of price gouging and taking advantage of desperate people.  They are predicting it will take years to rebuild and I would have to agree. I also wonder about insurance companies and how difficult they are going to make it to get payouts.  

But they're going to have to fix the roads to get into some of those places and there are still reports of remote areas that still don't have anything.  Horses and pack mules are headed into those areas if they aren't there already.  The worst thing that could happen right now is another storm and here we go with Hurricane Milton.  

Well that's enough for now.  I have many more hours to burn before I have to leave here. Off to Kroger's for toilet paper for the shed and deposit cash into the business account.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

 Sunday - mid morning

Kids just left with grandma. I was hoping to take them to church but that plan was foiled when grandma showed up a day early to leave this morning.  Not the end of the world, they are also now going to Wednesday kid service which is 2 hours long.

I dunno, but I'm off work until 2 Mondays from now.  I actually don't want to be off of work that long, I was already off 2 weeks not long ago and still trying to get caught up from that.  My park isn't full, either, so not normal income coming in there.  Nothing I can do about it and if anyone wants to move in while I"m going, not sure how I"m going to handle it.

You see, I gave the son of the dad that was the park host an ultimatum yesterday: either give me the agreed upon hours of work or leave the park by today.  I'm just not going to tolerate lazy people taking advantage of my good graces.  Get out your @$$ out of bed, get busy and stop complaining.

He was telling his mom that the doggy park didn't need mowed and everything I was saying was apparently a lie.  Allen, the father, didn't frame it that way but that was my takeaway from it. I was supposed to show proof via pics that the grass needed mowed again. Say what? I told Allen if he's going to complain about it, he can just leave, it don't want to deal with it.  When I got back from the final trip before leaving - tomorrow afternoon - he was out there mowing the doggy park.  I wanted a verbal commitment, I didn't get that but him working out there is good enough.  

But - only if he's going to keep it up.  I'm only asking 8 hours a week worth of work. He wanted to just get by with whatever he thinks looks good? Who does this guy think he is, dictating to me what work and how much of it he's going to do? This is why I gave the ultimatum yesterday and I was dead serious about it. I also told Allen that if he's that unhappy, he may be spreading that poison to tenants and then they might leave.  I don't need it.  I can tell ya, if I find out he's been speaking anything negative about me, he's going straight down the driveway and out.  

Anyway, I am going to get ready to leave today.  Just pack my bag and triple check I have everything.  

So, my manager decided to have the trailer taken out of the park for use while I'm gone.  I have no problem with that, if it sets too long, the glue dries up and it costs a lot of money to get it cleaned out. I told him to tell the driver to take the trailer to the end of the property to turn around.

So what does this dude do? He backs up then used the loop entrance to the RV park to leave.  People. 

And now, one of the people I wanted to visit is down in the dumps and not speaking to anyone.  His wife died during Covid and his life has been upside down ever since.  I am not judging him at all, I knew the lady from high school, we used to hang out a lot at parties.  We were close all the way up until she passed away, so I do have a connection with the guy in that manner.  But, he turned to heavy drinking to try and kill the pain and tho that works temporarily, it's not a long term solution.

Still, I get what he's going through and he has some pretty rough days.  But I expect not to see him on this trip.  I mostly planned to spend it with mom anyway, take her around town to do some shopping, see my son and probably visit some other friends.  Or not.  

I probably should have made this trip for next month tho.  It's still pretty warm in AZ and she doesn't run the AC much. Just enough to keep it - warm in my estimation.  I was thinking to go there when nigh time temps drop so I can at least sleep.  I'd rather stay in a hotel, honestly, than have sleepless night in a hot house.  This was my issue last time, I dunno why I was thinking October the temps would be good enough, they aren't, November would have been better.  

Well, almost time to leave for church. My clothes are all cleaned, I really don't have much to have to do before leaving tomorrow afternoon. It's a relatively short flight. I've got near 2-1/2 hour wait at DFW.  Typical for the type of trip I'm taking, where I'm flying in from a regional airport to connect with the flight to AZ.  It's a 1 way air trip.  I like the flying experience, I don't like being crammed into those seats.  My legs are long and they start hurting after a while.  

Whatever happens, I hope to have a good trip.

As for now? Off to church. 


Thursday, October 3, 2024

 I've decided to get up at 4 am, get over to the park and get rolling out of there no later than 5 am.  That gets me to the washout at 6:30, out of there around 7-7:15 and then to the plant at 7:45.  Providing that other driver doesn't somehow cut me again, I will be back by 10:45 am.  

I haven't tried on my new jeans yet, I want to wash them first. Considering my current jeans of the same size are literally falling off my @$$ if I don't have a belt on, safe to assume they will all fit.  Amazing what cutting out fat - most of it anyway, seems like most things have at least a little fat in it - does for losing weight. And eating endless salads.  

I'm not sure about this trip.  I don't feel like I want to break away from this too much. But I am going to meet up with my son at Texas Roadhouse and I am just going to splurge on the eating.  Steak, dinner rolls and whatever else I feel like eating.  I do think I will remain on cholesterol conscious diet the rest of the time, tho.  

They say you should consume no more than 300 milligrams per day but if you have "risk factors", keep it no more than 200.  I can tell you that on a typical day I am coming nowhere even close to 200 per day.  I have been closely watching the cholesterol and fat content of literally everything I eat.  

I am either going to get a planet fitness membership - it's cheap - or wait until cooler weather. Walking around in the woods in this heat isn't particularly fun.  Temps came down for a little bit but now the day time temps are back up there.  Daytime highs don't go down to mid 80's until next week.  I don't much care for treadmills, I think I will just wait until I get back to restart the walking regime.  

I finally had a person say they are coming in a couple of weeks to stay long term.  They have to actually show up of course, but it's a little bit of good news.  I've had several people inquire but nothing about actually moving in.  The $200 off has definitely garnered some interest.  It's the time of year where offering that kind of deal is ok because my electric bills are coming down substantially.  

I still have no definitive answer as to what to do next.  I have this "feeling" that if I build a covered lot, someone will come quickly to take it.  

 Tuesday - late morning I haven't been posting - I get started on an entry and then get distracted by things and don't get back to t...