Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 Well that didn't last long.

I got in there, filled out a ream of paper's worth of forms, gave it to the attendant at the check in desk, 3 minutes later they were calling me back. The doc was in in less than 3 minutes as well.  I like that, no eternal waiting, get this over with. 

The doc asked a series of questions and then told me I need to take that other drug the urgent care gave me - which is Flomax (it doesn't say that on the label so I didn't really didn't know what it was beyond some long medical name) and he thinks I have kidney stones.  The thought never entered my mind about the kidney stones.  

The Flomax concerns me because of the list of potential side effects.  Kidney stones make sense and could easily be what the pain in the side is.  He said there isn't normally any retention pain (urine retention in the bladder) over there and then asked if urgent care did a ct scan? No, they just did an x-ray.  Ok, well I want to get a CT scan and we'll see if it's kidney stones problem.  I've had kieny stones before, some 30 years ago?  It wasn't pleasant and I actually went to ER on that episode for pain relief.  I have some pain, but nothing like that first time.  

If there is one in there, it isn't passing, I can say that for sure.  So, Friday is the CT scan, that was the earliest they could get me in. My understanding is if they need to take it out of there, it is non-invasive surgery that sends a tube up through there to get into the area to break the stone apart. That is old information, however and I haven't researched if there is anything newer available.  

I don't think I was in that building more than 35 minutes.  I like that.  I went to IHOP over there for a breakfast treat, keto style.  Just an omelet made with keto friendly ingredients and asked them not to add pancake batter to the egg mixture. Common knowledge, at least among the Keto group, they add that stuff which is high carbs.  I'm sticking with the diet for a while now, a few months anyway.  Weight comes off slowly and you really need to stick with it to get it down to where you start thinking, this is really working!  

Got on the Interstate and headed over to the property.  It only dawned me maybe half a mile from my park that I have another doc appointment today, I can't be getting all sweaty, I'll have to take another shower. I decided to just come home and relax.  I might go out there and start looking at how to install this trolling motor on the boat.  "Might" being the operative word.  It's very nice to have a house with no kids running around doing their thing.  They are at school and this place is nice and peaceful.

As it stands, I woke up at 7:30 this morning, freaked out a bit. I didn't set the alarm, I just figured I'd wake up before 7 so no worries.  Didn't give me much time to get showered, dressed, coffee, etc.  

I dunno, but the pain is there, it's low level so I can still manage I just need to have this diagnosed and figure out the treatment.  Kidney stones are horrible, but I can think of far more horrible things a person could get diagnosed with.....

I'm just sitting here attempting to brave the feat of putting one of those Flomax pills in mouth and wait and hope and pray there are no serious side effects....I'm not sold on even taking one today, tbh.  Or at all. I don't have to take them, it's just going to give me better bladder drainage. Well, I do have to take them, now that I think about it. The doc wants to know if it takes care of the problem. My deal is, I don't want to take pills the rest of my life if I don't have to, Flomax just treats the symptom it doesn't treat the problem.  

Then again, prostate surgery doesn't sound particularly appealing, either. I wonder how long it takes to recover from that? Probably quite a while.  

I am looking forward to this doc today. He may also send me to a specialist, who knows.  Whatever it takes, I want this arm problem fixed.  It's holding me back.  It hurts a lot.  I sleep on my side and when I end up on that arm, I wake up in the middle of the night in pain.  Like, turn my body quickly type of pain.  I try to do certain types of work and the arm forces me to adjust how I do things.  Getting used to pain isn't really all that great, you just don't want to deal with it.  Well, now is the time. 

I've got 4 hours and 20 minutes to waste.  I almost think I should have just gone and gotten on the tractor and get some stuff done on it.  

My goal is to clear both ends out and then form pads for rv sites.  It won't cost me anything but the time on the tractor.  One thing that crossed my mind is that I could actually build lots without the sewer to start with and just rent it to short term overnight and have a dump stations by the shed.  People want power over everything else and many don't mind if you don't have sewer at the site as long as they can dump somewhere on their way in, out or both.  It's just a thought.  I just know that now, I can start working towards that end. 

One thing is for certain: I will be spending a lot of time on that thing and I need to ask the boy how long he can keep it there.  A couple of weeks would be nice.  Even on work days I could get out of the truck and onto that thing for a couple of hours.  I'm guessing the parents gave some sort of time line.  I'm also guessing the thing probably isn't used much, if they have a real farm they are using newer and much larger equipment.  Still, it's in good shape for how old it is.

And that is that.  We have politicians attempting to gaslight us, namely: Kamala Harris. They are now playing her statements from the last election when she was running against things she's said currently on talk shows and such. 180 degree turns on many of them. She wants "government run" health care for everyone, get rid of the current system and some statement to the effect of "If you can't get in line with it, get out of it".  This, in turn, stoked the fears of seniors who are wondering if she means people will lose their health care coverage.

Republicans should jump all over that. Democrats always play the same old game with "Republicans want to get rid of medicare and social security".  Now you have some ambiguous statement that could easily be interpreted as "get rid of it".  She wants to gut the system, that's pretty much what you can take out of it. She gives no path forward to what or how she is going to implement it or even what it looks like.  She is full of promises but you know they will never materialize. She has plagiarized Trump's idea of no taxation on tips and a media outlet is now giving her credit for the idea. 

Newsweek to be specific. They claimed that it is Kamala's idea and that 68% of republicans support the idea. Of course they did, when Trump started saying it, which was long before Kamala came along and is attempting to steal the idea as her own conception.

It's ridiculous and it's why I only watch a little bit of the news and then I move on. It's the same thing every presidential election but admittedly this one seems to be far beyond the pale.  How often does an elected nominee get dumped by it's own party and then the party installs a new candidate without bothering to ask the voters of that party whether they want that person or not? And a host of other things not worth going into here.  

My trip to AZ should be relatively cheap on the wallet, actually it will hopefully be free but I have noticed that airfare one way is much cheaper than I expected it to be.  Of course I'll be spending hundreds of dollars coming back driving a gas guzzler.  The free part is my credit card points which will pay for the airfare.  

I'm outta here. 

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