Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday 1/23/2012

I thought about being a Walmart greeter - you know, when you are attempting to retire and not having enough money, you find yourself in the position of having to go out and find something to do to keep money coming in.  It isn't that I think lowly of Walmart greeters, it's that I don't think I am going to WANT to be standing there doing that or anything similar at the age of - what - 65? 70?

I'm simply motivating myself to take another step in the savings process and either add at least 1 percentage point to withdrawals for 401k or add another $10 to $20 weekly on the bank savings withdrawal.

If I don't keep beating myself up over this - the idea of going into my 60's broke, poor and facing a the end years of my life in a state of want and possibly even hunger or homelessness - I will not stay vigilant about this savings plan and I will, in the end, fail.

It's easier to save in a 401k than in a bank savings account, though.  You can't easily access 401k savings.  You can take out loans, but you have to pay them back and in the company I am working for, you can only have 2 out at a time.  The 401k loans are, of course, a bad idea.  I know this but I have taken them out anyway.   The great disadvantage to taking out those loans is the compounding interest.  The more money you have in that account, the more you will make on interest.  To that front, I am attempting to save up enough money in a bank savings account that I won't have to touch 401k savings ever again, or, at least, not until I retire.  I figure having at least 5k in an emergency savings fund is about right.

I know financial guru's tell me differently.  They tell you you should have 6 months worth of pay saved up.  That's no small chunk of change and though it isn't impossible, it would take years to save up that much money.  However, to realize my "dream" of having rental properties, that's exactly what's going to have to happen. I am going to have to save up a lot of money to get a second loan.  Any lender would have to see a substantial chunk of change - meaning I would suffer a sizable loss if I foreclosed on something - down on the table.

The other idea that has always lurked in the back of my head is an RV park.  I have considered that idea for at least 10 years now.  Too bad I didn't start saving towards such end that long ago, lol.  An RV park won't make a person rich, but certainly will make a decent income if it's set up properly and appeals to enough people to want to stay there overnight and others living there.  Some of the parks around here are pure and total dumps.  They  are nothing but dirt lots and dirt driveways.  Pretty ugly stuff, really.  Some of them are exceptionally beautiful and well maintained.

But I wouldn't even consider starting one inside city limits.  Too much beauracracy, red tape and all of the nonsense that goes into having to deal with city officials to get the approval of such, if you can even get approval of such.  They don't exactly like such places, to be honest.  At least, not the ones that look like earthly hell.

Onto other things.  Well, time is almost up and not a lot of other things to speak about in a short time period. Work day almost here.  I have a mind full of things that are floating around, not endlessly but I do tend to analyze things well into their potential endings.

Whatever the case, time to be off to work.



Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday 1/22/2012

So, 10% of my gross income.
At least.
That's the statements of financial guru's that are talking about getting a late start on saving for retirement.

Yes, I frequently visit this issue because, well, I'm there.  It's past do-or-die time, there are no more excuses.
Not that, in recent times, I have been making any. Retire broke or retire at least comfortably enough to be able to enjoy the "Golden Years".

Upon checking my Prudential 401k retirement account - which is a dismal thing to look at sometimes simply because of the low account balance - I am saving at a rate of about 13% of my gross income.  That's pre-tax income, in other words.  On top of that, the money I am having taken out weekly for emergency savings fund - though it IS a savings account.

I guess, realistically, I should not count that towards retirement, though.  A broken washing machine; busted water heater; broken down car; this that and the other thing.  That's what that's for.  If it gets beyond that, great.  It's also saving for a new (well not brand new) vehicle.  I am tired of making auto payments.  As if it's some sort of thing that you HAVE to live with ALL of your life.  No.  It's something like 2 more years and the car I am currently driving is paid off.

So, there is a goal that I have determined to set for myself, starting today, actually.  No more car payments after this one is paid off.  I don't CARE if I am driving around an old car, as long as it is dependable and not breaking down every other day, I'm good with it.  I really want a pickup truck, though and that is what I am going to save for.  Eliminating a monthly auto payment and putting that towards retirement - or even investment - would do wonders.

The other monthly payment that I hate paying but have no choice is the monthly child support.  The money I am paying now is going to the settlement made at the time of the divorce for the house and the 401k account which was cashed out.  That's a couple of more years, actually and unfortunately.  Nothing to do but live with it.  One of the reasons I will probably never get married again, or if I do, there is definitely going to be pre-nuptial agreement and if the "mate" doesn't want to agree to it, then no marriage.

This idea that marriage is sanctimonious - well it is, really but that's a different story - and is life - binding - which it also is, but also a different story - has turned into a pipe dream.  There are no guarantees that your partner and you are going to stay married the rest of your life and if not, then what?  You lose half of everything, all over again, and start from Ground Zero!  Screw that!  Been there, done that and not desirous of going there again.

Whatever the case, there is at least one thing I can eliminate in the not-too-terribly-distant-future: a car payment.  In 2 years, I am going to be 50 years old and I want to see that retirement fund at the very least, doubled by then.  Actually, at the rate I am saving, it should be tripled - that is, of course, if the doom and gloomers are wrong (which I hope they are ) about their prediction that 2012 is going to see a recession or depression worse than the one we already went through ( or are going through, depending on your perspective).

Another factor that is somewhat of a game-changer is the fact that I am posting more hours on each paycheck.  I have no idea whether that is going to be sustained for any length of time, but I did get almost 87 hours on the current pay period, versus the 3 years of 70 hours.  401k deductions are pre-tax, so the OT is good for that, at least (however, why the government thinks it's entitled to 40% of any OT hours is beyond me, I worked just as hard for that OT as I did the regular hours, it's not like it's "free money" to me or something).

I'm not the best at saving, but I am at least trying at this point.  It's not that terribly difficult: save now and in 20 years you will probably have something to draw on that is sizable enough to sustain you for a while.

In other news, lol, well I finally got back up on the top of that trailer yesterday and went to town cleaning off the junk where the new vent will go.  It took forever because that grinder I bought is a very cheap one and the motor heats up quickly.  I had to keep stopping and let the thing cool down.  I might have bought a more expensive one, but how often do I use the thing?  It's only for this project on the roof and after that, I don't even see a use for it.  If it will finish the 3 projects on the roof, I am happy with it and it can melt down and disappear into thin, blue air if it lasts that long.  It was like an $11 grinder, lol.

The cleaning is done on the one vent, so only one more larger vent to go and a much smaller one after that.  There is also another area that probably should be taken down to the metal and re-done - but I will call that shot when I get to it.

4 more payments on one of the travel trailers and it is paid off.  The other one is already paid off. I think when I pay off the one I am making payments on, I will probably try to sell it.  Not sure yet - 4 more months to decide on that one, but I am thinking I would rather have the money in a bank account instead of sitting on 4 wheels out in my driveway.  But, life is never really a constant, things change and so do circumstances.  Who knows what might be going on in 4 months that the use of that thing might be needed for something?  I dunno, but it's in pretty good shape, needs some things fixed on the inside but nothing that would make it unsellable.

Enough for one entry.



Cafe World Tips 34: Low Buzz Rating Glitch - Cafe World

I'm getting hits on an old article I wrote about buzz rating.  I am guessing that is because people are experiencing buzz rating drops or even having it go down to 4 or 5, apparently while you are not even in your cafe.

The way the game normally works is that buzz rating stays at whatever point it is when you exit your cafe.  However, there is yet another glitch now which has nothing to do with the layout of your cafe or whether your waiters can get to all the food on your counters or not.

You're going to have to ride this one out until Zynga fixes the problem, there is nothing anyone can do.  Just wanted to throw that out there because of the hits my blog is receiving for buzz rating issues that I have posted in the past.

PS: One more thing: YES, this current situation is one of a seemingly endless line of glitches with Zynga's Cafe World game. If you leave your cafe at 105 and come back to find it at 4 or 5 or whatever much lower number, you are not alone! Many players are experiencing this glitch! Why doesn't it affect ALL players? As with almost all glitches with Cafe World, the glitches affect one or more servers, but not all of them (usually, anyway). I have no idea how many servers are used by Zynga for this game, but there are undoubtedly a large bank of them. Not all servers are affected by these glitches, hence, not all players experience the glitch. I added this comment to this thread but decided to post it in the thread itself.  
 past. Further Update: Zynga has officially announced it knowledge of the problem and is "working to fix it": The Wedding Table is causing my Buzz to drop
Updated 01/22/2012 at 05:41
Greetings chef,

A small number of our fellow chefs are reporting that after placing the Wedding Table into their cafe, the Buzz rating drops. As a temporary workaround, may we suggest that you place the table back into your inventory.

Meanwhile, we have notified our engineering department and they are currently working on a fix. We hope to have this resolved shortly. There is no need to submit an email for this issue.  Instead, click the Please Fix button below to help us keep track of the number of players affected.

If you decide to report a ticket, place the keywords "Wedding Buzz" at the start of your message and reference: CAFE-26287.

For immediate support and the most up-to-date information, click here to visit our Technical Support Forums.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

.........I somehow doub it's a "small" number of chefs, but whatever the case, at least they know about it and hopefully will have a fix for it soon.  

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday 1/21/2012

So, I have decided to embark upon another month long tracking of my expenses.

I do it once in a great while to see what I am spending on what.

I can mostly go to my checking account and see what's going on, but there is a lot more information to be gleaned when you write every single purchase you make and bill you pay whether online or at the QT - not only the amount you spent but WHAT you spent it on.

I'm looking for ways to increase my savings is the point.  With my 401k loan payment, my contribution and my company's contribution, it's around $200 per paycheck - which quite frankly, isn't near enough.  That's only around 5k per year.  I also have $40 per week going into a savings account, but that money is being saved up for emergency use.  It will go beyond that if I ever get it up to where I want it - which is going to take quite a while since I figure I should have at least 5 grand in a savings account for emergency use if the occasion rises.  I am thinking of increasing that to $50 per week.

Onto other things.  Finally going to try making Navy Bean soup with the ham bone and extra ham fatty that I have left over from the last ham I cooked.  I was going to make it today - but I didn't know the beans have to be soaked "overnight".  I am going to let them sit in a pot 6 hours and then try it anyway.

I kind of find it odd that this South Carolina voting is being done on a Saturday. Maybe they've always done it that way and I've just missed it?  Or perhaps they have a set date for it every year and it doesn't matter what day it falls on?  I did watch the last debate, it was quite entertaining from the git-go.

Nothing much else.  Randy apparently has all of his permits now to build his house.  It will be quite interesting to see what, exactly, is going to go up over there.

As for today?  I am burnt out from working this week.  I don't feel like doing anything.

I'm sure that will change as the day grows longer, but for right now, I am doing a lot of nothing.


Cafe World Tips 33: How To Easily, Automatically Collect Bonuses And Gifts From Your Cafe World Neighbors

Let's face facts, Cafe World, if you let it, will take up a LOT of your time.
Going around attempting to collect bonuses and gifts off of your neighbor's wall feeds is one of the most time-consuming elements to this game, an element that is easily by-passed by using one of numerous auto-collect tools that are to be found on the internet.

Yes, that's what this article is about.  I have hundreds of Cafe World neighbors and no way am I going waste as much time as it would take to visit every one of their Facebook walls to find the gifts and bonuses that they have posted.

When I found out that you can simply use an app to collect them for you, I was all over it.  The app that I am using is called Friendly Gaming Simplifier.  This is, for me, the best one out there.  Unfortunately, Facebook has been giving the individual that created this particular app legal troubles and it appears he has taken down the link to install the app.  But, you can do a search around the web and many sites appear to have a link to download it available.

Here a few links to other apps that do the same thing:

There are more of them out there, just giving you a clue how to get all of the bonuses without all the work!

Cafe World Tips 32: Live Chat: How To Access Cafe World Live Chat Zynga Live Chat For Any Zynga Game

This will be a short one.
First off, you DO have to have been a paying customer sometime in the past to even have access to Zynga Live Chat.  If you have never bought Cafe Cash, you won't be able to access the Live Chat option - but on the same page I am about to take you to, you WILL be able to access their email version whether you have paid or not.

Okay, having said that, go into your Cafe (or any other Zynga game, it's all the same).  On the top right hand corn of the screen, you will see the large, red Zynga bulldog.  Click on it.

It opens up a separate, new page.

On the top, right-hand corner of the new page, click on Support.

Yet another page opens.

On the left side of the next page that came up, click on Cafe World (or whichever game it is you are wanting to access live chat for).

Sometimes the live chat option comes up immediately (it will show up next to the  "Search All Articles" bar) and sometimes you have to wait. Other times it won't show up at all - Live Chat is not always available.  But if it IS available, it will come up without having to do anything else.

If it doesn't show up and you don't want to keep trying/waiting, you can also support and Email ticket on that same page.  Just click on the white arrow in the red box right next to the "Search All Articles" bar.  It will bring up the email option and click on that.  However, be prepared to wait an extremely long time for an answer, up to 2 weeks.  Yes, I have recently submitted tickets that took them 2 weeks to respond to.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1/19/2012 Thursday

Thursday already.
Plenty of stuff to do at work today, which always makes a day fly by.
I haven't seen the doom and gloomers lately in the news, concerning another
recession or even a depression, I guess they are all waiting to see whether their
predictions come true or not.
I, for one, certainly hope they are WAY off on their predictions.

After posting a rather - in-your-face note on the main bathroom wall, one tenant came forward and took responsibility for it.  It being the puddles of urine on the floor.  Not going to go into great detail here, hopefully the problem is quashed and I won't have to deal with it again, at least with this individual.

Anyone care to tell me why Obama decided to nix the pipeline from Canada?  The same people that oppose wind farms because the blades on the fans might kill birds and oppose solar farms because - who knows why, something about turtles I believe it was - now have their voice magnified 1,000,000 times over again in having this pipeline stopped before it started.  I am always amazed at how such small groups of people can have so much power over governments.  I dunno, but they are building a HUGE solar farm/array/whatever they want to call it down in Gila Bend, Arizona.  It's basically nothing but desert down there.

Whatever.  If these people who are opposed to all of this are really going to stand behind their words, then they better shut off the power to their homes and stop driving anything with an internal combustion engine in it.

Haven't heard anything on the neighbor front concerning the war going on over there. Apparently 350 man and Randy are completely ignoring each other now.  Randy put up a temporary fence to block the view of 350 man's house.  350 man is still able to completely annoy me, however, because he has very bright spotlights directed at my front yard.  Every morning I go out there and there they are, in my face.  I don't know if the city will do anything about that, but I am going to find out. It's been this way for months now.  I am assuming he is doing that to see if I have the animal trap out there and to "catch" me in the act, apparently.

What is he going to do if I DID decide to put the trap out there?  He would be ill-advised to put a single foot on any portion of my property is all I can say about that.

Anyway, work day is almost here, time to leave!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday 1/18/2012

Went to church last night for the prayer group.  But this was a different type of thing.  They had the lights dimmed and were playing Christian worship music.  The idea to basically get into the Lord's presence as a group.  They have a much different type of prayer group going on Friday - not sure if I'll make that one or not.

Dunno how Caleb's first day at school went.  Considering he had school, then Muay Thai and then work, I'm guessing his late night stuff playing online games with his friends are going to greatly curtailed.  Then again, the only class he had yesterday was Japanese. For whatever reason, he wants to learn how to speak Japanese.

Nothing new going on here, besides a few notices that I haven't heard back from yet.  Which doesn't necessariliy mean that anything bad is going to happen (ie: a tenant moving out), but I had to inform one person that he is now limited to 3 loads of laundry per week and if he wants to do more than that, it will cost him the same as at a laundromat. I'm sorry, but one person doesn't need to be doing 8,9 10 loads of laundry per week.  That's more in the range of family of 8 or something.

The other notice was entitled: "Lakes of Pee". Someone has been missing the toilet so badly that there are actually puddles of urine left on the floor after they are done.  I left a message in the bathroom.  If the activity doesn't stop, we will find out who is doing it and that person will be given a 30 day notice. I mean, that's just plain disgusting.  It's bad enough guys that don't quite hit the bowl and a bit of it goes down the side of the toilet bowl, it's an entirely different matter when you are finding PUDDLES of the stuff on the floor next to the toilet.  Gross!

Who wants to clean up someone else's urine? Not me!

Well, it's time to be off to work.  Hump Day - middle of the week.  Life is good.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday 1/17/2012

So, Caleb comes in last night - just before I'm heading off to bed thank you - with no small degree of consternation about something.  He is getting money "back" from that federal Pell grant and they apparently couldn't figure out how to go about doing it.  They being his mother and him.  I think it a good idea if he does this stuff alone and if he messes it up, it can be fixed.

I went through all the screens - lots of them to go through - before I got to where they left off.  The money is being processed by Citi and the only thing left to do was to make a 100% withdrawal for when the "next installment" comes through, of which I did.  So, when it gets in there it is going to be automatically deposited into Caleb's bank account.

His first day of school? Today.  His schedule, routine, entire life really is going to make a dramatic change and he will have little free time with all that he has going on.  School, work and Muay Thai.  That is enough to fill up any day and then some.

Meanwhile, Wikipedia has made an announcement that for 24 hours on Wednesday, they are blacking out the English portion of their site, taking a stand against some sort of anti-piracy bill that is being considered by Congress.  I have no idea what that bill is about, besides reading into the name of the bill of course, I have not taken the time to look into it.  But I have been reading about numerous web sites that are considering doing the same thing.  Craigslist put a paragraph on their main board about it as well.  It's making me curious enough that when I come home from work today, gonna take a lookitit.

I did watch the debate on Fox last night.  I have not decided who I would want in a race against Obama, but I did decide that Ron Paul made himself look utterly contemptible with his anti-war statements.  I still sort of like Perry - he made some good comebacks and statements last night, but I think his numbers are down too low.  Who knows, though.  I'm not a fan of Romney and yes, religious views have a lot to do with it. The media and the big wigs in it are bashing Christians for not support Romney simply because of a religious problem.  Yup, I'm one of those dummies.  Mormonism is a cult - not trying to offend anyone but that's the way I see it and that after doing considerable research on the subject over the last few decades.  Yes, I have even gone to some of their meetings.  Beyond everything, though, Mormonism is based on works.  You earn your way into Heaven - the Bible clearly states that salvation is a gift from God, not of works lest any man should boast.  The idea that the "good works" that we do in life somehow account to getting more favor with God is absurd at best in terms of thinking it is going to buy your way into heaven.

But, whatever.  If Romney gets it, then he gets it.  Hopefully we won't be seeing legislation to ban the drinking of Coca-Cola and coffee, lol.

I rather like my morning coffee before work, of which I am enjoying and finishing up right now,'s almost time to leave.



Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday 1/16/2012

"Iranian Boats Approach USS New Orleans"
That headline certainly grabbed my attention, but the video shows 3 small boats - armed yes with some sort of large caliber weapon on the fronts of the boats - moving what appears to be alongside the ship.
I am curious as to what Iran has to gain from all of this unless it just wants the international attention that has been lavished on it because of their threats concerning the Straight of Hormuz.

I just had an encounter with the neighbor's pit bull the other day and was discussing that encounter here, on my blog and here we go again with yet another pit bull in the news:  it killed it's owner's 1 year old baby.  I'm not sure about the people that own pit bulls that say that people who fear that particular breed have unfounded fears and - where do they get off making a statement like that?  Do you read about Great Danes killing family members? Golden Retrievers?  I don't even see that much news about German Shepherds doing any such thing, but from time to time, you see the news about a Pit bull killing or mauling someone and frequently the attack is on it's owners, not strangers.

I was asked the "source" of my news a while back - I don't watch TV news for the most part, I just read it online and get some of it from radio broadcasts.  I read both ends of the spectrum - MSNBC and FOX news.  And others in between.  I don't normally rely on just one news source because if you are going to be honest about it, it is ALL tainted to one direction or another, depending upon the writer's own beliefs and viewpoints on any given subject.  The question was posed as some sort of condemnation.  I pose the same question back to people who haughtily ask such things, as if THEIR source of information is somehow superior.  I might read several different accountings of the same type of story just to get the mix of it all and try to settle on some middle ground of what a thing is actually about.

But who knows.  If you want to know what's going on in the world, you have to get your information from somewhere.  I don't know too many people flying around all over the place, personally visiting each and every sight where news is being made.  Do you?  News reporters, of course!


Time to head to work.



Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday 1/15/2012

Stayed up WAY too late last night and now?  I have no desire to go to church this morning, at all.  I haven't decided yet - which gonna have to change soon if I am going cause' I will have to leave in like 45 minutes.
It's 5 hours later.  Yup, I forced myself to get into the shower, get ready and get to church and I can honestly say that it was the best decision of the day.  I won't go into the details - God is good is all I will say about that.
It's kinda cool out today and the sky is overcast.  In fact, it's starting to rain as I am typing now that I noticed.

The neighborhood is - not quiet - a bunch of people across the street getting drunk; 350 man sticking his nose, eternally, into other people's business and who knows what Randy is doing over there.

Another 5 hour interlude.
My mind is full at the moment and attempting to analyze numerous things that need completed in the memory department.  I can safely put short selling the house on hold until the government officially rolls out the new refinance program and I find out - for good or for change - whether I qualify or not.  Although it doesn't really make me happy with the current payment, it does allow for peace.

I hooked up the printer - finally - that we scored at Walmart on Black Friday - like at midnight - and it works swimmingly and with only 2 cartridges compared to the Epson's 4 cartridges of ink.  Which gave me occasion to write up 2 notices. One entitled: "The Lake of Pee", posted in the main bathroom and the other was a personal notice - cleanliness issues in the kitchen - slid under the door of a tenant. If such notices give rise to the occasion of a tenant moving out because of it, then they didn't belong here in the first place.

So, that issue at least addressed, more in the "mind" peace department.  Next issue - a constant one really - is this idea of getting to retirement - broke and poor.  This is unacceptable.  I have taken steps to alleviate that problem - but in terms of numbers in actual accounts? Dismal.  This can change over the years, of course, but at the moment it is a bit depressing.  I could "retire" for about 8 months on my current savings.  Not a funny matter, certainly not at my age, indeed.  Okay, if I were retiring with SS benefits, that number of months would increase to - whatever it needs to increase to to live.  Baby Boomers are, unfortunately, retiring without enough money and having no recourse.

I am at the last year of the Baby Boomers.  I turn 48 next month and for me, an even more sobering thought. If I had a house paid off by the time retirement arrives, then no big deal whatever I have to live off of.  But with a mortgage payment? Yikes.

This is why I want to short sell this house.  Even if it's 3 years to getting into another house - I can get into one for half the mortgage of what I have now and have it paid off in 15 years max.  That's 18 years from now-  which is beyond what I want to retire at.

So, I am again - many times over have I given this thought - revisiting the idea of building a casita/guest house.  It's the cost of doing so that has stopped me, but now I am going to research doing the entire thing by myself.  There is even a college course on teaching you how to do such. Yes, I have thought about taking a course or 2 of college about the things that will make me money, not anything that will drive my career ahead, just things that I can learn that I can do to increase my income.  I can build a basic structure, even follow basic plans, but there are some things I don't know how to do in terms of city code compliance.

A self sustained guest house - meaning a small dwelling that has it's own small kitchen and bathroom - could bring in a very nice price per month.  6 to 8 k per year extra is what I am looking at.  15 deep by 10 wide.
Doesn't sound like much, but it's enough to build a kitchenette style dwelling that I could live in and rent out my master bedroom or that I could rent it out.

I'm going to get there, eventually, if I stay at this property.

Many other things in my mind, not the least of which was a very nice looking lady who loves the Lord that I encountered at church this morning.  Single as far as I know.  Not necessarily sure of that.  Yes, I am still wanting a mate, but not in a hurry to get into a bad relationship, thank you.  Time will tell.

Time to go to bed, work in the AM.



Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday 1/14/2012

I was laughing yesterday because the quantities of 13 or the number 13 were occurring all over the place - it was Friday the 13th, just to say why it was anything of interest.  The first notice was when I pulled a pipe order - I pulled 13 sticks  of pipe and loaded it onto the truck.  It was sitting there quite a while before I realized the correlation.  It happened a couple more times at work and then at home.  Good thing I am not superstitious!

So, it's late morning.  I got up late cause' I wanted to - like getting out of bed at near 8:00 am.  I think I might cook the spiral ham I bought yesterday at Fry's at 99 cents per pound, but don't quote me on that as I haven't decided. Though, "cooking" a ham is really just a fancy way of saying reheating it.  Hams almost always come pre-cooked anyway.

Looking at various photos of that half-sunken cruise ship - wow!  Looks like the ship just ran straight into ground, it will be interesting to see whatever investigations that are undoubtedly already underway comes up with as the cause' of this accident.  Is it the Captain's error?  You would think they have all that equipment on board to be able to see anything like that coming from a long ways off?  Dunno.

Attempting to motivate myself to get up on the roof of that trailer and do the second project.  I'm cold is the only problem and being cold usually motivates me to do - much of nothing.  But, after letting a project go for awhile, I start getting antsy about it and that alone motivates me to do whatever is lacking.

So, I found myself in a peculiar situation the other day - couple days ago.  My across-the-street-neighbor's blue Pitbull was running up and down the street - loose obviously - barking and growling at people.  Both neighbor's cars were in the driveway, meaning at least one person should be home.  So, the dog up the street, I went to the neighbor's door and both knocked on it and rang the doorbell.  The dog - down the street - alerted to it/heard the knocking and came running up to me, blocking any exit path to leave the premises, it was in a stance and it was barking at me.

A tinge of fear crept up on me, which I shook off immediately and calmed myself inwardly.  Dogs seem to be able to sense fear which edges them on even more.  No answer at the door, which would have eliminated this situation in  a hurry.  Well, I knocked and rang again, this time I heard voices behind the door - but whoever was there did not open the door.  Meanwhile, the dog runs off to the side of the house.  I turn to leave and there it is right in front of me again.  I slowly and calmly start walking around it.  Started walking away from it, my back to the dog - slowly and methodically stepping in such a way as to try and not antagonize it.

It nipped at my shoes but then backed off.  I don't have a huge fear of dogs, but one should probably have a healthy respect for them, especially Pit bulls that everyone has undoubtedly read the horror stories in the news about, including numerous kids that have been torn apart by their OWN dogs.  Never-the-less, getting fearful in such a situation is the worst thing a person can do.

Well, 350 man is standing out there and so is another - neighborhood idiot, there are plenty of them around here - staring at the dog but doing nothing.  The hoarder behind me comes driving up - sees what's going on and apparently saw the owners earlier, as he drove away and several minutes later?  The owners come back with their other Pit bull that they had taken for a walk.

Whatever. This isn't the first time that dog has gotten out - and basically terrorized the neighborhood - I think on Monday I am going to call Animal Control.  Please pay them a visit, this is getting old.

I'm waiting for it to warm up a bit outside before getting to the trailer.  It's supposed to get to 76 but it's still in the 60's.  Yes, I know, I am a cold light weight.  I can handle it if I start moving and getting the blood pumping, I just haven't gotten that far with it yet.

Some pretty strange stuff in the news today..................



Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday (The Thirteenth) 1/13/2012

Had to throw that into the title line, lol.
The end of the work week draweth nigh.
I have plenty of stuff to do this weekend - but who knows if I will get to any of it.
I sorta need to force myself back up on that roof of that trailer and get that junk done.

Meanwhile, the conversations between Randy and Mark continue.
Apparently 350 man told Randy that he had threatened me and told all my tenants
to get out of the house because he was going to have something done to me - retaliation for something that
hadn't even happened yet.  According to Mark, Randy had a cow.  Why would you threaten him (me) like that? Who does he bother around here? On and on.  So, Randy is determined to go and get an Injunction Against Harassment against this 350 man as well.

350 man, I find out, has 60 days - minus the time that has elapsed, to take down that fence he put up. This because he built the fence 2 feet into Randy's property.  No clue.  I am glad that I am not involved in all of it is all I can say about that situation.  I have a life to live beyond this 350 man's pettiness and refusal to do anything that would be even remotely seen as "beneficial to society" or as a "productive member of society".  There are things even an ex-felon can do that are volunteer positions if - he really wanted to.

Anyway, getting close to time to leave and haven't really followed up with the news yet.  Gonna go take a look.



Thursday, January 12, 2012

CDL Drivers Hands Free Device

So the company handed out all these hands free devices yesterday, I started using it in the semi today.
Pretty simple stuff, actually.  You enable blue-tooth on your cellphone. Turn on the device and it finds your device, you add it.  That's it.  Incoming calls are automatically directed to the device and you push a single button to answer the phone.

The problem?  Background noise.  Driving down the road, a semi makes a considerably amount more of noise than most any car does.  And it's a constant noise.  It conflicts with your voice and makes it hard for the person on the other end of the line to hear what you are saying.  Further, with the volume turned all the way up, it is hard to hear what someone is saying unless you get your ear pretty much right next to it.

I have seen people wearing an earpiece device that has no wires on it so I assume those are blue tooth and that is what I thought we were going to get in the first place.  I don't wonder if those might work better for the noise element at hand in the truck.  It's good to be able to talk again while driving the truck - but - it would be better with a different setup, I do believe.

CDL Drivers Hands Free Device

So the company handed out all these hands free devices yesterday, I started using it in the semi today.
Pretty simple stuff, actually.  You enable blue-tooth on your cellphone. Turn on the device and it finds your device, you add it.  That's it.  Incoming calls are automatically directed to the device and you push a single button to answer the phone.

The problem?  Background noise.  Driving down the road, a semi makes a considerably amount more of noise than most any car does.  And it's a constant noise.  It conflicts with your voice and makes it hard for the person on the other end of the line to hear what you are saying.  Further, with the volume turned all the way up, it is hard to hear what someone is saying unless you get your ear pretty much right next to it.

I have seen people wearing an earpiece device that has no wires on it so I assume those are blue tooth and that is what I thought we were going to get in the first place.  I don't wonder if those might work better for the noise element at hand in the truck.  It's good to be able to talk again while driving the truck - but - it would be better with a different setup, I do believe.

Thursday 1/12/2012

Hmmm, well for all the superstitious people out there, prepare yourself: tomorrow is Friday and falls on the 13th.

I have decided one of the best ways to find a new place to live is to simply keep my eyes open.  I drive all over the place in the east valley - which is where I prefer to live - there are "lower income" areas all over the place.  Whether they accept hundreds of pounds of dogs, who knows.  There is one thing for certain: after 2012, the government is allegedly going to start coming after people for taxes owed on the difference in a short sale and if one is going to get it done, best get it done this year.

Moving is such an arduous task, though.  I can only say that I am happy that I do not have a LOT of stuff.  I have stuff, just like everyone, but not piles of things that would have to be moved.  Mostly furniture more than anything.  I have to get myself into the mode of yes, I am leaving this place regardless and keep that mode up for quite a while before I will even force myself into this action.  I could start the short-sale process today, but to sell it before I even know where I am going? Lol.  Not going to happen.  I'm going to check the maps for county islands and land and see what's available in those areas as well.  Some of it is well out into the boonies, but I work in Chandler which is a bit closer to the boonies. I guess I'm saying with these dogs, there aren't a lot of rental options out there.

A pre-cursory glance at the Craigslist housing ads shows a LOT of rental units allowing dogs.  However, it is doubtful that most or any of those places are going to allow Great Danes, much less 2-1/2 of them.  I suppose I could just write up a form letter and start sending it out to all of them in my price range.  There are both houses and apartments alike claiming dogs are allowed.  The arrangement would include a room for Mark and Lynnette, if they so desired to move on with me as this would be an ideal situation, at least for me.

In that case, it would have to be minimum 3 bedrooms to accommodate for Caleb as well.  The only type of  "apartment" I would even consider is a single story situation.  There are many duplexes and quadplexes over in Mesa, probably at good rates I am guessing.  Not far from Caleb's job or school and Mark and Lynnette prefer to live in Mesa, anyway.

That is, undoubtedly, the first area I am going to start looking in since it is loaded with houses and other types of rentals that would be in the price range I am looking for.

I have only mentioned to tenants here that I am thinking about doing this, I haven't concretely sealed that in cement yet as I am working on another refinance option, a lead I was given by a mortgage broker at a large bank who says she has worked with this particular company for 15 years and they are good at getting things done.  If I could JUST bring the payment down another couple of hundred bucks a month,  I wouldn't even think about moving out of this place.  That would be the one thing that would keep me in this house. It would make it a good rental unit - at say $800 per month, a house with 5 bedrooms would easily rent in this market.  Perhaps it would at a grand a month, too, but, I don't want to take that kind of chance.

In that scenario, I would have to start saving up a substantial down payment on another house since banks aren't really all that kind about second loans - but with enough down payment that situation can be altered.

Well, the day's work is almost here and near time to leave for work.  As of lates, plenty to do at work and today?  Plenty of driving to do as well.



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday 1/11/2012

Back to regular, 5-day work weeks.
Meaning today is hump day and half way through.
A couple of weeks of very short work weeks sort of spoiled me, lol.

Not a lot going on besides that of which I have already discussed.
I am guessing, on that front, that to short sell this house and find a place to
live that will accept the dogs, it's not going to be a very pretty place, even if a

Like, more of a dump than anything.  I could live with that for a couple of years
for the tradeoff of getting rid of this house that may never be worth what I  bought
it for and getting into something much more reasonable that is even nicer than this place.
When I say dump, I am thinking one of those trailer parks with dirt lots and lots of
hoarders, drunks, drug users and the like.

So, I will look for something a bit nicer than that, lol.  This is prep stage - find several
options first.  If one fails, others are available to fall back on.  Get money saved up - moving
isn't free and neither are deposits.  Determine if I REALLY want to do this or is there a
better alternative.  Dunno.  Have searched it out, really.  Refinancing- at least so far - has
drawn a blank.  A lower payment would keep me in this house.  The payment I am making
now?  Is enough nowadays to be paying for a 4,000 square foot, 2 story house with all the upgrades
and amenities.  I'll take the top floor and rent out the bottom, lol.

Whatever.  Another page in the book of this life.

Out the door, heading off to work.



Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Final Question

It's been a long and tough inner battle, both mind and heart. 
To short sale or not.  Your credit is trashed - but not for that long, I have found out.
Less than 2 years.  Some people less than 1 year and their credit is up near where it was
when they did the short-sell on their house and walked away from it.
They are renting wherever and saving money to put a down payment on a new

When I heard last week that this kind of thing is not a long-term trashing of your
credit score, I then started looking into this all over again.  If you look at it from a
purely business type of mindset, the ONLY logido is to get out of the house and do
it as fast as possible.  My house is almost 50% underwater.  When you start looking
at the statistics that it may be as far out as the year 2023 before I can even break even?

That pretty much sent me over the edge.  I do NOT want to live in this neighborhood
forever. A young guy at work just bought a new - and very nice - house with only $4,500 down.

Another short-sold his house about 7 months ago.  His credit score is almost back to where it
was before he sold it and got out of it.  My mortgage company jumps all over the "opportunity" - for whatever reason - to get the paperwork started on a short-sale.  I don't get it.  I mean, it was as if they wanted me to do it! 

The final great question, however, would be: where would I live?  Even the "experts" that are encouraging people to do so get to this question and have some reservations.  If I wanted to keep my dogs, that eliminates all apartment complexes of any decency.  I don't want to rent a house.  This is the next dilemna with this situation that I will have to answer before I even think about short-selling this place. I'm not the sort of person who just dumps your dogs because it creates an inconvenience. 

There must be a reasonable answer to this and I am going to search it out and hunt it down, if it does, indeed, exist.

Well, that question will be occupying the next coming days.  But now?  Bedtime.

Tuesday 1/10/2012

Well, not much time here.
I called Josie last night - she is being moved to some sort of treatment facility where they are going to evaluate her and decide what to do with her.  My pastors really want to go down there and minister to her, but, that can't happen until this process is over, apparently.

Day 2 of fasting.  I am spending time in the Word and seeking the Lord while skipping a meal.  Also giving up things that I normally do in order to focus on it. They have, apparently, shut down the prayer days for this thing to do at home instead of corporately.

Mary called last night.  I didn't get into it with her about the situation with my sister-in-law - not worth it.  Just let it go.  I was tired and ended that call quickly.

George - one of my tenants - facing surgery soon that is going to have him off of work for quite a while.  He had been in a bad car accident that - well it really messed up his body because it was a rollover type of thing.  The surgery is to attempt to fix his wrist - most of the bone is gone there.

Other than that, life is grand!  Lol.



Monday, January 9, 2012


So I decided to a fast of some sort in keeping with what the church is doing and, ostensibly, what everyone else in the church is doing together.
I won't be doing a water only fast - well I might on a weekend day but not during the week when I have to work.  I can maybe fast a meal during the week and probably skip something I would normally like to eat such as meats.
In keeping with this I just spent some time in the word - online - love going to online sources cause' you can read whatever version you want in however large print you want to make it : )
No idea what's going to happen this week at work, could be in for a roller coaster ride.
Can't really comment on that, but, I will hope for the best.



Sunday, January 8, 2012


Truly wonderful people at the church I am going to.  I mean, I haven't connected with everyone there - yet - but everyone that I have, well, it's pretty cool.  Susan showed up a few minutes late, no biggies.  She had told me that "all churches are the same" within the same types of churches, which I simply stated my opinion: "Oh no, they are NOT!".

Susan was warmly greeted by numerous individuals, including an older lady who encouraged her to become a part of the family - I mean it was such a genuine offering of love it was amazing.  But, I guess that's what you expect from a sweet, little older lady : )  Susan was astounded by the entire experience, but mostly with the pastor himself. We were leaving after several people introduced themselves to Susan and the pastor came up quickly. Susan asked if he would come to her church, lol, that it was "dead" and he could infuse some motivation into it.

I was a little surprised to find out about a 21 day fast that starts tomorrow.  Lol.  I wasn't prepared for that.  I have done up to something like 10 days fasting, but definitely not 21 days.  I'm gonna have to give that some thought and prayer today and see how I can do that.  This isn't any particular type of fast,  there are many kinds of fasts and we were all urged to seek the Lord and find what He wants us to do.

Well, anyway, Susan had this gift card to Paradise Bakery - I gave it to her for Christmas, lol - she invited me and we went and had a good time eating delicious salads and talking about a wide range of things.  She repeatedly informed me how "good looking" I am, somewhat suggestive to say the least at least from what I read into it - but nothing to get too concerned about.  I am not biting right now.  Interest in finding a mate - yes - interest in rushing into anything with anyone - definitely on the NOT list.  If I am to find anyone, it's going to start out as a friendship first - and that  means no sex involved.

Well, we left the restaurant, I bid her goodbye and headed to the Chinese buffet.  Not to eat again, but because Mark and Lynnette have been feeding me regularly, actually.  I don't ask them for it and I don't really want to take their food - they aren't exactly rich.  But they always say it's cool.  They LOVE the food from this particular Chinese restaurant.  There are 8 buffet tables with all kinds of very good food on it.  Not all soggy and gross like many Chinese buffets.  They have an employee monitoring the buffets at all times and that person calls out - in some form of Chinese - whatever is needed.  The food is made fresh is the point, not gobbs of it made hours in advance and sitting around - getting gooey and nasty.

The point?  It's VERY low-priced compared to any other Chinese restaurant around and considering the quality of the food, it's no wonder that place is doing bustling business every time I go in there.  $3.97 per pound, that's what their take-out costs.  You pick and choose what you want and that's the cost.

Mark is a very picky eater - but he devours all that food whenever I bring it home.  Lynnette the same.  Caleb loves it, too and yes, I have always loved Chinese food, just not the stuff that sits around  for hours or is even served "fresh" but is still quite soggy - YUCK!!

Day winding down.  Weekends never seem to last long enough and then the new work week arrives.  I got a  lot of nothing done this weekend.  I guess the push I forced myself through with the Christmas party and all that I did every day - working after getting off of work in an attempt to get the place "perfect" - sort of took it all out of me.  I am "recovering" from that push.  At the same time, someone I know has "invited" me to work out with him 4 days a week at the gym.  I have not given an answer to that - yet.  That's a lot of working out - but it's always easier when you are doing it with someone else.  The problem is that person lives in Avondale - it's something like 20 - 25 mile drive one way.  Doing that 4 days a week after work is hardly palatable.

However, working out again - is.


Lol, just got done watching a short video of Samuel Jackson scolding whoever owns guns because you "won't put them down".   You are, apparently, the problem.  I wonder where America would be right now if this same sort of rhetoric held true 200 years ago.

I don't go around taunting people with my guns - I don't even let people know I have them for the most part.  It's quite amusing to me that a man can stand there saying such when, in reality, he is on the big screen in several movies, seen using guns and threatening people with them.  Not real?  No, it's not, but it makes him like a true, unadulterated hypocrite.  If he REALLY believed that guns are so terribly bad, then he should not have taken roles in movies that basically glorify guns.

It's a nice, cool winter morning and I am headed off to the shower.  Love to take a long, hot shower on weekends when I have time to do it - weekdays it's less than 5 minutes and I am out of it to get pre-work rituals done.

Off to the races!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Life Can Be Pretty Strange

So, a bit ago, I get a phone call.
Didn't recognize the number on the cell phone.
Hello?  Hi Ben.  It's Josie and she's calling me from a hospital down south.
She goes into this elongated - and somewhat unbelievable - story about how
she ended up in the hospital after her family believed she was trying to commit
suicide again.  I listened for 10 minutes before her phone cut out and then I called
her back.  She was in the middle of something, she is being detained at the hospital for
72 hours.  She said she would call me back tomorrow and finish the story.

Obviously, she is not going to church with me tomorrow.

Before that, I get a phone call from my sister-in-law.  I knew what this was going to be about:
Mary.  Who started what with who?  I wasn't there, I wouldn't know.  Yes, actually, I would and
do know.  Mary hasn't changed on iota since I used to hang out with her in our teen years.
Which isn't a good thing, in case you were wondering. Susan - my sister-in-law - tells me
a completely different story than what Mary had told me, including Mary's alleged and daily
use of marijuana. 

At this point?  If you want to smoke your brains out of your head, be my guest.  I have absolutely no desire, whatsoever, to smoke dope and that's that.  If true, it would certainly explain some things about  Mary and her behavior that I observed when over there last week.  I smoked pot for 7 years in my youth, I have a bit of experience with it.

I have come to believe that when you hear 2 completely different stories about the same incident from 2 different parties that were there, you probably don't necessarily believe that either party has given you the whole picture and you attempt to mesh the two stories together and find some middle ground and use that as a base reference point.  Notwithstanding the fact that both parties are adament that they are right and the other is wrong.  Or, more pointedly: that one party is telling the truth and the other is lying.

I'm going to limit my interactions with Mary at this point.  Not that I won't visit again, but I am not going to be over there as much as she would like me to be.  As for Susan, I started talking about church tomorrow morning.  I throw out the lure and see if there are any bites.  Yep, I do it on purpose: drag people into church if they are consenting and see what happens.  She said she would meet me there at the start of the service.  Whether that is actually going to happen or not, who knows.  I just know that I fully intend on going to church in the morning regardless of what anyone else is doing.

Oh, and Mary allegedly told Susan that she is thinking about getting back together with her ex - even though she told me differently.  Of course, that doesn't really bother me, I am not in love with Mary neither do I consider her a girlfriend nor am I involved with her in any way at this point excepting as old friends.  And that is where it's going to stay.  The part  about her getting back with her ex is what doesn't bother me, the allegation that she lied to me about it - does.  But, I had questioned her a couple of times about it anyway - it was odd to continue to see and hear her spending so much time with that guy and have her continue to tell me that she is "just" friends with him.

Whatever.  Monkeys don't grow in barrels.



Saturday 1/7/2012

I was going to go shooting with Mary, but apparently she decided to go twice this week already - with her ex-husband.  I'm not really into that kind of thing - the ex being around that is, even if I have no "intentions".  I have been asking her about it - she says he's just a friend and that's that.

Yeah and I was just dumped out the back of the watermelon wagon.  I am not feeling that motivated to go that far today, anyway, so I just cancelled out on it.  After saying I didn't want to go shooting, she then asked about doing something else.  That was 2 hours ago, now she is attempting to call me, but I have totally changed my plans for today and have no desire.

Anyway, I am hoping to get up enough motivation to get up on the trailer roof and start on project number 2 today.  If not that, then something else.  I should have emailed that kid to come over and do some more work, I have plenty for him to do and he is an energetic worker, one of the few I have had over here that actually does something besides expecting to get paid for next-to-nothing.

Tomorrow, Josie is supposed to come over before church and then we will go to church.  This is the biggest priority of the weekend - it will supersede anything else.  That being because of the state of mind she is in and wanting to end her own life.

Well, that's the end of this line.  I have nothing else I want to speak about on an open blog - plenty I would LIKE to speak about but I am not going there.  The situation will play itself out - for good or bad - and then I may or may not have some decisions to make - but it is totally subjective to how it all works out.  The feeling isn't good and some of what I have been hearing isn't all that good, either.  But I don't tend to make drastic decisions based on how I "feel" about something when it's a situation that is this - important.  I just tend to ride the wave and see where I end up at.  Maybe it IS time for a change, however.

Whatever the case, I am done with this one.  Going to go out to the trailer and take stock of what is going to have to be done to get that project finished.



Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday 1/6/2012

2 nights in a row without hardly getting any sleep equals - sleeping like a log the third night and now?  Groggy.
Usually will last well into the morning, too, been here, done this but not the end of the world, either.

I will be glad when Iowa, the vote counts and all the hype is over and done with.

It isn't always the greatest feeling when you are 6 days into the month and nothing has been paid to you by any tenants.  The draining effect on my bank account - when paying bills and watching it go down - is almost scary.  But, I expect to be paid by one of them today or whenever he reappears and another on the 9th.  The third - he always pays when he gets his paycheck but it's always a week or so late as far as the rent is concerned.

Nothing pressing on bills now - I paid almost all of them so I have time, I guess.  Just going to not spend money excepting on bills for a while and let the numbers go back up a bit.  Well, I do have some things to buy for the trailer, but it can wait.  I expect to get all of the necessary information to file tax return by the end of this month.  I am also still awaiting word as to whether I will get the safe driver award for 2011 or not.  That would be a huge help in getting that trailer done and over with.

Whatever the case, my time is up.



Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday 1/5/2012

Whatever happened to my entry this morning?  It disappeared into cyberspace.
It may still be in the Dashboard as a draft, who knows, but I definitely posted it and it gave me the confirmation screen - really weird.   I usually do not post drafts - lots of them in there, too.  I just start over, it doesn't take that long and it is "fresh", lol.

Mary attempted to call me today several times- but I was on the phone attempting to get a situation with a company's product mitigated.  I wrote to her on FB while on the phone - she has already gone out shooting at Sycamore Creek.  Oh well, Caleb wants to go and the next time our schedules mesh, we will go and that's that.

More news on the 350 man front.  He informed Randy that Randy is "living off the government".  I don't speak to Randy at this point, Mark does.  No biggies to me, he can talk to whoever, but I choose not to have anything further to do with Randy until/if/when/probably never he apologizes to me.

What I found snorting-your-drink-you-were-swallowing-out-your-nose funny is that this guy does NOTHING.  He lives off of his mother!  This guy claims in court that he has a medical condition that keeps him from working yet he's out there trying to build the fence!  ROFL!!

So tomorrow is Friday already.  I have been told that there is Saturday work, I have not heard back whether I will have to show up for that or not.  Usually not - they don't like OT.  They rather use salaried employees. Nice, aye?

A more interesting note was a visit to our store today.  But, I am not going into that.  Too much potential for problem in writing such on a public blog.  One that I have reason to believe a certain individual from my company found through a means that also won't be discussed here.  Not that I care, but the kind of detail that came out today - revelation to say the least.  But it will prove interesting, to say the least, what might become of it in the near future.

I got the truck and the forklift stuck in the yard today.  Yes, indeed.  The new yard is a - nightmare.  It has a thick layer of landscaping rock that just causes tires to sink into it.  We cannot, basically, use that yard - a lot of square footage - until something is done to alleviate the problem.  It took me 2-1/2 hours to get the semi and the forklift unstuck.

I dunno, but working on Saturday isn't necessarily all that wonderful.  Holiday on Monday - meaning that I would be working for free because I would have to work all the hours that I didn't work on Monday and then anything after that to get OT.

Whatever.  I'm tired.  I busted my butt today and I haven't slept well 2 nights in a row.  Going to bed early - yes.



Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Scaled Back Eating

I gave into eating a lot of junk in the last month and a half - and gained 5 pounds while doing it.  Lots of pie and cookies and this, that and the other thing being shoved in my face.  Especially that caramel pecan turtle pie - oh my goodness.

I am not giving in now and it has nothing to do with New Year's Resolutions.  It's simply going back - a bit more extreme though to make up for what I have indulged in - to what I was doing before Thanksgiving hit and ever since then until New Year's.

I can't believe I let myself go like that.  Not anymore.  I didn't eat today until 3:30pm.  I didn't eat yesterday until late, either and have only eaten twice on both days.  It won't stop, either.  I can do without food.  I get hungry and eat, yes, but if I'm not hungry, I don't sit around and eat the "mindless" junk food.  Today was a fluke, though, I was looking for somewhere to stop and eat and there was nothing but garbage food available at whatever places a large truck can find a place to pull into.

I thought, "I'm hungry, time to stop".  Something else intervened and said: "Gee, and you want to be a 300 pound man, yes?"  Drove right on by those places and quelched the hunger desire with sheer, utter determination.  Yes, I am aware that quelched is not a word, but it should be, lol.  Funny thing? I wasn't morbidly hungry when I got home and ate a portion of a shrimp platter  and was full.

Later, I was offered a sloppy joe sandwich.  High calorie?  Maybe, but only 1? Notta problem.

It will be this way for a while, too.  I will decline whatever sugar or fat filled junk I am offered.

Hmm, time got away from me.



Wednesday 1/4/2012

The hands free cell phone fiasco rages on.
I am asking other truck drivers if their company was prepared for it - so far all of them have said yes.  One of them stated he had to sign a form that states that he agrees not to use a hand held cellphone while driving his truck.
Our operations manager sent out an email advising us that he has ordered some sort of device for the trucks.  I have no clue, I am not up on bluetooth devices and what is used to make them work.

Whatever the case, the U.S. responded to Iran's statement, in a fashion that I would expect our nation's military to respond, something like swatting a fly.  Iran can send out all the ships it wants, how is that going to deter us?  Are they going to fire on one of our battleships?

I'm tired this morning.  Did not sleep well last night - makes for a looooong day at work.  Gag.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday 1/3/2012

Well, here's the beginning of the work week - and the start of new CDL driver rules.

I'll be curious to see if there is anything from corporate about this on the main news board or in emails or from anyone, for that matter.

I'm curious to know if Iran intends on starting a war with the U.S after Iran's army chief gave a statement "recommending" one of our Navy's largest ships in it's entire fleet to not pass through the straight of Hermuz again.  I had to take a lookit Google and see what this strait looks like.  I dunno what the U.S. response is going to be or if we are going to stop sending our ships through there - but I would find that a highly unlikely move.

But who needs another war.

My internet is running so slow, my Verizon broadband router is faster.  I am waiting for my new router/modem to come via UPS - tomorrow unfortunately - and find out if that is what the problem is with my internet connection.  According to the tech, it is. According to a supervisor, it might be.  According to more people, who knows.  This is how Qwest runs it's operation.

So, no sense on going on with this, plus it's soon time to leave for work. But it's only a 4-day work week, which is nice.



Monday, January 2, 2012

When Your Life Flashes Before You............

I watched a video of a young man that died of some sort of heart condition.  He had cheated death 3 times before that.  In this video was a statement about a total life recall.

I've had it twice.  It may not be what people might imagine.

A total life recall happens in a flash of a second. For all intents and purposes, it is quite supernatural.  You see and hear every single thing you did in your life, every word you spoke, everything.  It's so fast yet you know what's happening.

On both occasions that it happened to my I thought I was going to be dead in the next few seconds because of the events that were taking place.  For reasons unknown, I am not yet dead.  Maybe not totally unknown -  God and His will are what I will give that credit to -  but it's interesting to look back on one own's life and sit in wonder.

I am only saying that seeing that gave me cause' to sit back and reflect.

1/2/2012 Monday

Qwest is now Century Link.  That's nice, but it certainly doesn't change the level or quality of service you get from them, which is usually at the very low end of the scale.  We also like to call it piss poor customer service.
Exactly what I received from Qwest in the last week until, after going through earthly hell with them, I got hold of a supervisor that actually could do something about the situation and help to remedy it.

My issue was slow speed. They sent out a guy last week to check it - he said my modem is bad (I'm making this story shorter without going into a lot of details of back and forth stuff).  I called a supervisor who said the modem might be bad or might not be.  ???  "You're field tech said the modem was bad".  It COULD be bad or it couldn't, he states and tells me he will call me back at 3:30pm that day - the time I told him I  would be home.

He never called back, but when I got home, I checked the speed, back up to what it is supposed to be.  Great. Then, yesterday, down to 2208 MBPS.  Internet dragging badly, I called up repair again. Guy says he wants to send out a field tech.  Already been done, I replied.  No matter, he's going to send one anyway.  Skipping a lot of it, the field tech sort of comes out to my house this morning.  He actually parked his truck down the street.  He calls me.  I am so and so, was out at your house the other day, I already told you what is wrong with your service: your modem is back.

Great, I tell him, tell that to everyone else that insisted on sending you out here today.  He gets a bit testy with me, I simply asked to speak to his supervisor - he'll have him call me back.  No call for about 2 hours, that guy leaves where he was parked and did not come to my house.  That was enough for me to demand a new modem for free. I paid over $100 for the one I have now, I am NOT paying for another one, at least not with THIS company.

Long story short, cause' this story goes on forever, talking to a lot of people including 3 different supervisors and finally a supervisor in Boise, Idaho, earlier:  free modem being sent to me, should be here on Wednesday.  I simply said that after all I have gone through with this service, I am not going to be buying a new modem, or if I have to, it's going to be a Cox internet compatible modem, not a Century Link compatible modem and I am going to switch services.  Yes, I have this lady's phone number, she treated me well and that's all I really wanted in the first place.  On top of that, if a technician has to come out here again, the visit is on Century Link, not on my tab.

Changing the subject, I am a bit fuming at my company for this situation with the change in the rules for hand held cellphones and no notice, whatsoever, being given about it. The company isn't prepared for it, either.  Drivers do not have blue tooth devices with our phones for hands free, voice prompted use. If the company knew about this new rule and the change that is effective tomorrow, they would have already bought all this stuff for us and more importantly, we would have received the notice of the change LONG ago.

A potential $2,750 fine for using a handheld cellphone is nothing to laugh about. The potential fine against the company is $11,000.  What trucking company or company that has it's own fleet of trucks hasn't already dealt with this situation?  All I can say?  I am not getting stuck with a $2,750 fine.  I will NOT be using that cell phone in the truck tomorrow at work, period.  Unless they go out today and buy blue tooth junk and all that - even then, I need time to figure out how to use it.  It might be simple - I wouldn't know, I have never owned or used such and never had a desire to do so.

Whatever.  I don't get it is all.  I have to search this stuff out to make sure that I am not doing something that isn't in compliance with D.O.T. rules, which are always being changed or modified.

Whatever again.  Just completely annoyed by it.  Anyway, today is "holiday" and I decided to do nothing.  Sit around on my @$$ all day long like all the drug users around here - excepting I am not doing any drugs  of course - and be lazy.  Not that there is anything pressing to do, anyway.  4 day work week in-queue - with a useless phone, lol - but I like the idea of a shorter work week if nothing else.

That's it.  No travelling today, no working, maybe some puttering outside but that's it.



Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Cell Phone Rule For CDL/Truck Drivers

I got through the internet frequently to find whatever new is coming from the Feds in the terms of new regulations.  The level of expertise that is required to be a truck driver in having to know so many regulations - the trucking industry is the MOST regulated industry in the United States - is going to the levels that the pay level is going to have to be increased significantly to attract people who have actual brains and can do more than handle a steering wheel.

Why should I have to spend my own personal time looking at all of this stuff and educating my company about things they haven't even heard about and not getting paid extra for it?  Why should I have to be dumped with exhaustive numbers of regulations that are predisposed to the opinion of a law enforcement officer?  That's right - you could ask 100 commercial enforcement officers the same question about whatever - especially technical questions - and get numerous different answers that have no relevance with other answers that would be received.

I am exposed to more risk than most people realize.  I have to concentrate at high levels the entire time I am driving - certainly in city driving which is most of what I do.  I CONSTANTLY watch traffic not only in front of me, but beside me on both sides and behind me, plus side streets coming up and attempting to constantly change the level of reaction to the potential threats that are coming.  If I run over a car and there is a family in it, even if it is not my fault that I just turned human beings into mince-meat, I would have to live with that in my mind and heart the rest of my life.

There is absolutely no way, in my mind, that with all this regulation coming out that the same Federal agency isn't forcing every  single driver in the United States to go through exhaustive training on more than just that stupid test they are giving for a regular driver's license that an ape with half a brain could pass.

The Brainiacs that are coming up with these regulations are completely clueless.  I would like to have a video camera installed on my truck dashboard and have all driver's that are breaking laws in front of me be ticketed by virtue of that camera.  I want all drivers to have to go through training - including graphic video illustration - on the effects of recklessness enacted in front of a semi-truck.  If we are to absorb this kind of stringent, potentially career-ending regulation, then the rest of the motoring public should have to be subjected to the same thing, because honey, it's the drivers of car and pickup trucks that are causing the most accidents with heavy trucks.

I predicted when I started reading about CSA2010 that there will eventually be a huge reduction in the CDL driver pool because of elimination and that it is going to in turn, affect the American economy.  Trucks delivery almost everything.  If vast amounts of drivers are going to be disqualified either by the Federal Government or by the companies that hire them. you are going to eventually see serious shortages of all kinds of merchandise in every venue.  This new ruling?  It's a potential $11,000 fine for the company that the driver is driving for if he/she is caught talking on a hand-held set while driving and up to $2,700 for the driver.

This new ruling came out at the end of last month and goes into effect  - 2 days from now, I am just finding this out today and NOT by my own company.  I was going through the FMCSA site and saw the "final rules" coming out.  I just sent out emails to the general manager and to the operations manager.  I will not be answering the phone in my truck while driving, period, unless they want to get hands-free, blue-tooth devices installed in the truck or blue tooth headsets with voice command.

I'm not paying for it, either.  Let the trucking companies absorb this cost, they have more of a voice to the Feds than individual truckers do, though if truckers would truly unite, it would be a different story.  For example, if it were truly possible to coordinate a shutdown of all trucks everywhere in America for a week - that would change the entire situation immediately. Truckers could, actually, shut down the American economy if they really wanted to.

Money talks.  That's all I have to say about this.  I may not be flying a commercial jetliner, but I am subjected to more regulation than any of them are.  It may take more technical knowledge to fly an airplane, yes, but they aren't flying in city-type traffic, either.  They aren't being "cut off" by other airplanes numerous times per day, etc. ad-nauseum. Why should I settle for all this increasing regulation and not demand more pay to equalize it?  Yes, it IS going to affect the economy and that's that.


So, I am cruising along today, cleaning the ponds out and doing this that and the other thing type of minutia. Temps are perfect, weather great, what could happen today?

Josie calls me totally out of the blue. I had thought about her yesterday while with Mary.

Josie is the widow of one of the best friends I have ever had who died 1 year ago, yesterday/New Year's Eve Day, quite suddenly and out of the blue, btw.

She started crying on the phone immediately. Her family has all but abandoned her.  She has tried to commit suicide 3 times, she confesses, in the last year.  She got aneurysms from the cuts and has had to spend time in the hospital because of it.  She is at the end of her rope - the bottom of the barrel - and she called me because she had no-one left to call.

It got intensely emotional quickly.  But, I have only 1 answer to life and what it deals us.  She was married to Boe for 46 years, I think it was.  Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of his passing. She doesn't know what to do, she doesn't know where or who to turn to.  I could do nothing present the Lord to her.  I have no other answers.  I wouldn't try to give other answers because there is nothing to fill a void like that excepting the love of the Lord.

The pain is, she stated and it was obvious, as intense today as it was 366 days ago when he passed.  I asked some pointed questions.  I can't not.  It's vital to dealing with the issue if you are really going to get to the root of the problem. You can play mushy-mushy and say how it's going to get better - when you know unless something changes, it is not going to get better, it is going to get worse.  She will, eventually, find a way to take her own life if this situation isn't radically changed.

I offered to walk with her through this - but through the church.

So, I contacted the pastor through email and awaiting his reply.  I am asking him to contact her and hopefully pray with her and give her some of the warmth that comes through someone that has that anointing on their life.  He definitely has that.  I know he will call her, it's a granted given.  That is his heart towards the Lord and for people.

The "stuff" in life is never-ending.  I can only explain it through my beliefs.  We aren't here to just live our lives and that's that.  We are here to love the Lord and love one another.  I know, what are you saying when you just posted such and such about your neighbors.  Yup, I don't much care for them.  But I have also hoped and prayed that some sort of conclusion that is amiable in the end will come.  I don't know how, but with God, all things are possible.

I came back in the house shortly after that call, sat down, began to absorb all of that and Caleb came out of his bedroom.  I shared with him the phone call and we both shed some tears.  I don't care what anyone thinks, it's a tragedy when a person has lost hope in life to the point that they want to end it on their own.

For the sake of the my long-time friend who is now in heaven and because of the love the Lord and the love that the Lord has for all of us - and for the sake of Josie, I am going to exert whatever energies I have and can give to trying to help her walk through this.

350 Man

Short and sweet:  the City of Phoenix had removed 350 man's property across the street from the active list.  I decided this time, the third time, to write the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services department and tell them that if they didn't enforce the same rules that they do with everyone else, namely: no storage is allowed on a residential property unless there is a structure on the property with at least 750 square feet ( I think, somewhere around there) - that I would call the City Council and file a grievance with the City.

Well, as I stated in the last entry, ponds are on the priority list today.  The pumps get clogged up because of the time of year it is  and leaves falling all over the place, getting into the ponds and the pumps are powerful enough to drag all that stuff on the bottom of the ponds to the pump.  I was out front dealing with the smallest pond when I looked up - for no particular reason - and realized that all of that stuff had been removed from the property.

Meanwhile, the people next door - the other side of which I have had years worth of problems with - are collecting vehicles.  I am going to look into just how many vehicles a person can have for one residence.  I don't know that there is a restriction, but I am going to find out.  Between the 5 vehicles on the street and the 3 vehicles in the driveway - we have a total of 8 vehicles, only 2 of which are ever used.

The hoarders behind me? Left a bag of grapefruit on top of my shed and made a cute little statement on it.  I don't know if that's a peace offering or perhaps they have injected poison into the fruit itself.  Lol, probably not the latter, but who knows.

Randy - is talking to me through Mark.  That's the way it is.  I will not speak to him until if/when/if ever he apologizes for his total and pure BS.  Other neighbors drive by his property, stop in front of it and start shaking their heads.  And not nods of approval, either.  The situation with my neighbors is hardly made up or even exaggerated even a little.  They are slobs and hoarders, period.

Back to 350 man, I received a letter from the Justice Court yesterday, but only saw it today when I got home from Mary's.  350 man's appeal has been dropped because he took no action on it.  I was prepared to write up a lengthy rebuttal to whatever he might say, but I didn't actually do it because?  Not worth the waste  of time going through that if he isn't going to follow through with the appeal.  Now he is stuck with the Injunction Against Harassment for the full 365 day's worth and Randy is also considering filing against him.

350 better not bother me - at all - is all I can say about it.  He is such a d*** that I would have no reservations, whatsoever, in calling the police, handing them the paperwork and telling them what happened - provided there are witnesses anyway - and having him prosecuted.

Oh, back to the hoarders behind me: they have done absolutely NOTHING to clean up the property that is in violation.  Not only have they not cleaned it up, they have brought even MORE junk onto that property.  The status on that case is still at "ticket issued".  Freaking human pigs. I am also going to inquire with the City about that  - well they aren't going to be opened tomorrow, so on Tuesday or this coming week, whenever I remember to do it during their normal business hours.

Even more.  Mark just came in and said that Randy asked him to ask me if I wanted to go halves with him to finish the fence near the back of our properties.  Yeah, half my @$$.  The guy is so cheap he'll find the stuff for free, the stuff he finds won't match the block that is already there and it will look like s***.  He won't care what it looks like, either, meaning he won't try to align the new block with the existing block.

In other words, it is a project I am going to have to do, unless he starts doing it without my input or help and then I will hope to be able to cover over his job with enough stucco type stuff to make it look good.

I had no intention of this entry getting so long, especially about this particular subject, but there it is.  The ponds are finished - for today anyway.  The bathroom is clean and only have light cleanup in my bedroom and yes, I am done for the day.

1/1/2012 Sunday Happy New Year!!!!!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I managed to stay up until around 1:15am last night.

An interested night, to say the least.  Mary decided that she wanted to drag some firewood over to a party that was going on out in front of a house a few blocks away.  She asked if I wanted to come with her. No.  She basically had a mini-cow so I relented - but I've been there and done that, most likely everyone would be drunk and acting - drunk.

I was not off, in the slightest little bit, with that assessment, either.  My sister-in-law had called - I find out she lives like 5 blocks away from Mary - we all headed to this party.  I was having a few beers, yes, but I was determined that I was not going to go overboard with anything.  We got there and I was offered shots of fine Vodka and numerous beers.  I had a couple, but I then quit.  There was a fire pit out front in the driveway and Mary shoved a log into it.

Then some woman - drunk and belligerent - started trouble.  It was a no burn day in Maricopa county - they issue those when the pollution gets too high and they don't want people using their fireplaces - the woman started barking at Mary about how much smoke the wood she put on there was making.  The rant went on and on and finally Mary dished some pork back to her, which made this woman really mad.  Turns out she doesn't even live there.  There was a simple solution to this problem, btw, something I learned when I was a kid.

Simply throw more kindling on the fire, get the fire really hot and get the wood burning well and the excessive smoke will dissipate.  I wasn't getting into this argument, I wanted nothing to do with it, I didn't even want to go in the first place.  Well, I was chatting with perfect strangers but finally had had enough.  Let's go, Mary, now, thank you.  We left and went to Susan's house - my sister-in-law and spent 45 minutes over there.  Then back to Mary's house to blow off some fireworks with the kids, ring in the new year and that was the end of that.  I crashed there for the night - no hangover for me but going to bed that late throws my internal clock system off so I'm tired today.  I knew I would be.  Mary wanted me to come back today and tomorrow - no thanks. I have stuff to do and I haven't seen anyone in the New Year at my house, including my son.

My ponds need some attention - not too much but still.  I want to get up on that trailer and finish the other project I started up there now that the AC project is done and that thing is up and running.  I don't know that I will do that today, probably tomorrow. Basic house cleaning duties, etc etc etc.  Not to mention Coco was starting to get rather annoying over there - she wanted to go home this morning and that was that.  She is all kinds of crashed out right now.

So, I am sorta kicking back right now, trying to get the motivation up to get some things done and I am sure I will at least get my bathroom and bedroom cleaned today and the pond pumps unclogged, but if I get nothing done other than that?  I'm good with it.

We are officially in the year when the earth is going to end and life is we know it is going to disappear.  At least that's what those that believe the Mayan calendar hubba bubba believe.  I don't happen to believe that - at all.  It is also allegedly the year that another recession or even depression is going to hit.  I have no "belief" systems on those kinds of things, if it happens it happens.  Nothing I can do about it.   Certainly, it seems to me, our society is changing to reflect the financial circus that is going on all around us in terms of the way people are living.

Perhaps, in some sense, it isn't such a bad thing.  Such as the news that a lot of people have shut off cable/satellite tv because they can't afford it.  Cool, find something else to do like we did in the "old" days where we watched a bit of TV here and there, but certainly our lives didn't revolve around it.  Perhaps the roots of where we came from might take hold.  I have no faith in the politicians to do anything but spend more money.  I don't really like any of the candidates that are likely to win the GOP nomination, I think they are all full of it.

Eventually, some degree of civil unrest will undoubtedly have to occur to change the course of America back to some semblance of what it once was.  I have at least some degree of certainty that that is what the Occupy this and that people are up to.  I only know that I have armed myself and if some civil chaos starts, my home is my castle and that's all I am going to protect - the castle and the people that live in it.  I hope that doesn't happy, really.  But, people are getting tired of this economic condition, especially the have-nots.

I am not going to make any New Year's resolutions this year.  I have already resolved to do several things in my life which started last year and I am continuing on with.  So, I guess I could say I resolve to continue on with what I had resolved to do and started to do some time ago.  Church being the biggest one - getting back into the flow of it and getting past internal issues of the heart and mind.  The trailer is another one, though not a huge priority, the thing is well underway with it being paid off, new wallpaper, AC fixed and in position to get more done on it.  Other things that are my own, personal business that I won't go into on an internet site that is readable by anyone in the world.

So, I have no idea what 2012 is going to bring. But, good, bad or ugly, God is in control and my faith is in Him.  There IS no-one else to turn to.  That's the end of the story, for me anyway.

So, I am going to enjoy today, the first day of the year.  It is a beautiful, gorgeous day outside, at least in Phoenix, AZ, the weather is perfect and though I am a bit tired, I am going to go out for a while and enjoy it. Probably come back in and take an hour's nap and then see what I might do with the rest of the day.

Happy New Year, again.


 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...