Sunday, January 18, 2009

Is It Going To Be A BirdBowl?

I hate to say it, but is there going to be 2 Birds at the Superbowl? The Birdbowl!
The game is about to start: Steelers v Ravens.
I'm nervous.


greeneyes67 said...

We did it!! Can you believe that game? I was really scared when the Eagles pulled ahead but we did it!! Unbelievable. I'm so happy I don't care who goes against us. We will prevail!

BenB said...

Happy for the Cardinals, sure - but - Steelers are now blowing the Ravens away and hopefully be there at the Superbowl. Go STEELERS!!

Anonymous said...

I hate football. But from what little I have heard, it is NOT going to be a birdbowl.

BenB said...

Lol, always love a football hater coming and predicting my team is going to win, THANK YOU!!!

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