Monday, February 16, 2009

The Dynamics Have Changed

Email continues to pour in.
I just don't know what to say about all of this.
This was hardly anything started to get public attention.
REALLY, it wasn't.
The reporter I talked to wants to follow the formation and process of the next party and then finalize it by visiting with the cameras at the actual event.

NOW we're talking: THIS IS CRAZY!!!

It would be one of their "positive" stories aside from the landfill of negativity that floods in every single friggin' day.

The best part of this second event: with all the help, I wouldn't have to pay hardly anything for it! In fact, if only half the money came in that people have committed to giving, it would go FAR beyond anything I ever thought of.

This isn't something I've given a lot of thought to - there ARE certain things in my life that I have done that weren't given 6 months of analytical processes. Parties are fun - the planning is simply how much food and drinks and how is it all going to be cooked and handed out. If it's a very large group of people expected to show up, then you start soliciting help. You cannot do it by yourself. You have to have several grills going and you have to have more people preparing food. Even more to greet people, pick up trash, just getting stuff done.

I've done it a hundred times - I've just not done it since I got divorced. I'm in my element at parties - I can move from one group to another - whatever they're talking about, I can join right in. If it's slow, I always have something to throw in the mix that will get things moving. I would FAR rather just get a lot of people to help and I just walk around enjoying myself! Lol.

Well, the whole thing is certainly getting a bit surreal. I have to go through a hundred emails and reply to those that want to help with the next party and see if they're serious - serious enough to give me their phone number and bypass the email game. Email is good - but for commitment, a voice contact is much better and far preferred.

I have a bit to think about. Not in terms of analytical - gee do I really want to do this - but in term of how best to go about this. If the media is going to be involved, I want it to show only good. We have ENOUGH bad right now. I want a spark of hope to ignite in people's hearts. I want to see a giant community coming together. I'm definitely a dreamer in such things - I can see the potential outcome of something like this - people starting their own parties, strangers coming together and gutting out this mess we're all going through together.

I would love to see this isolationist era go away. Me, myself and I. I can do it alone, I don't need anyone's help. I've been there myself - but it never used to be that way. And it never used to be that the Government was our source. WE provide the government, not the other way around. Certainly there are people that need help - I'm referring to the handout, mooching era we're in now. It's sickening. Beyond that, now, are all the people that are NOT moochers - they're hard-working people from all different walks of life in all kinds of professions - WHO CAN'T FIND WORK ANYWHERE.

As I said, I have a little thinking to do.


MrScribbler said...

Ben, the good stuff happens when people DON'T think about it, but just do what's in their hearts.

Dorrie said...

I'm just catching up on the activities. Maybe you should set aside a regualar day for the parties, say every third Sunday or something? Then you wouldn't even have to advertise it and the regulars would keep coming.

If you're the only driver, what will they do if you call in sick or something? If there's no one to drive, then what's the use of the company? geeez

BenB said...

Scribbs - indeed.
Dorrie: That's a cool idea!
If I call in sick, they can borrow a driver from the main branch - or they can hire a temporary driver. I pretty much try not to call in sick - but definitely, it happens. We had this setup before - where I was the only driver at that store. When I took a vacation, they hired a temp driver for the entire week I was gone.

 Tuesday - night It's been a very long day, mostly occupied with truck driving stuff.  5:30 am up, out the door at 6:15, off to Gurdon, ...