Saturday, February 21, 2009


I've spent literally hours trying to figure out how to get this in-home network going. The only thing I can figure out is that there is some sort of code that needs to be updated or changed to a new code. Apparently it does it by itself - but I haven't got a friggin' clue HOW to do it. And - I gave up. Ken - my roommate - has a friend at work who is coming over here after work today to try to figure it out for him/me. I cannot get a "Wizard" to pop up to install the setup, I have tried to install it manually - nothing works. I even got lost in all of it and didn't have internet access on THIS computer for a short time.

Whatever. I just received notice in my mailbox that for 2010, my property assessed value is going to TRIPLE. Well - it hasn't really been updated since my house burned down and I put this house on here - which is worth far more than their assessed value, so I ain't gonna dispute it. It might to UP if I do that. They're saying the property is worth $98,000.00, Zillow has it at $160,000.00, a year ago it was appraised at $178,000.00. Property values have gone way done, so Zillow's estimate is probably close.

Walgreens has a coupon online that you print out and get ink cartridges for $5 - whether color or ink. Couldn't pass that up as yellow was gone and though I don't use it often, I still want the option available. That and cleaning house have been my big projects for the day. I realized I am almost out of paint - will have to buy another gallon of paint to do that room. I'm feeling TOTALLY unmotivated today. I think this work week sorta knocked me out coupled with a 2-day fast.

Anyway, the City of Phoenix is "banging on the door" for me to pay my water bill - I didn't realize I had let it go. They give you lots of time and notices to pay up before they come out and shut it off. It AIN'T gonna go that far. I was going to pay it online today, but I realized that the shutoff date is well into next month, and I get paid next week. Just wait until then. Sometimes I forget a bill and then I get a reminder. Almost everything else is current - excepting the mortgage of course. The car payment will be a week past due it's due date - no big deal there. Insurance paid up until next month, all credit card bills paid up and of course child support payment is ALWAYS paid up regardless. Sheriff Joe had a program on last week where they were luring deadbeat dads into a freebie of a makeover or whatever it was. A person puts this junk on the person's face and cucumbers over the eyes, the deputies move in and arrest him/her. Sheriff Joe was actually there for this one. He walks up to one particular guy and reads him the riot act. You have warrants, you haven't been paying your child support, a list of things.

I was thinking of chucking $50 per paycheck into my ING account and see if I can just find a way to live without it. My head says no, but - who knows. The money would go for the August slim and trim vacation. I'll have to really think that one out - I have things to get done around here that really need to be done. I definitely intend on getting that doggy door with this rent money from the 3rd tenant. I hope this person works out well enough to be around here a couple of months - but - you never know. Deal with it, as always. Security deposit up front - in fact, the check is a month's rent and the deposit. Good enough.

Oh, well, maybe Obama's newest deal to order companies to decrease the amount of taxes being withheld will pay for that? A "savings" of something like $60 per month, I think? He certainly is going to town in attempting to do something about the economy - I have to wonder, though, HOW all of this money is going to get paid back? Doesn't take much thinking.......

I'm gonna laze today - much as I hate to admit it, I'm not into doing projects and therefore, I'm simply not going to do them. Tomorrow, I'll have no choice but to go buy the paint and do that room. Oh well......

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 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...