Sunday, March 1, 2009


Can you believe it's March already?
I'm not really wanting all the cool months to pass by so quickly - every year, I get less and less tolerant of the AZ summer heat. Pretty much at the point where I would just love to up and say buh-bye to this place - forever. If I didn't have all the ties holding me here, I guarantee you I would be gone.

Not to mention the fact that I am also employed - doing anything that would disrupt that at this moment in time would be very - stupid I think. I probably couldn't sell this house for what I owe on it, and even if I did, I definitely would not qualify for another home loan in this economic environment.

No, I've settled in. Tomorrow, if I want, I can call the mortgage company back up and ask them for the FHA thing where they stick the past due payment on the end of the loan. I will be doing that, oh yes, I will. No matter how long it takes on the phone, I will be calling them and asking them to go ahead and do this for me. I will try to get through to the refinance department as well.

Today? I've already taken the dogs for a gruesome walk in the mountains. Duke continues to lag behind when we get to about 2/3rds of the walk being over. I also threw some free-weights around - chest stuff - and have made some phone calls to Capital One. They handed my account over to a collection agency even though I have been making the payments. Albeit, I've been making minimum payments, the problem is that they feed me to death when I got behind that one month when the other female tenant wasn't paying me anything, and the fees have compounded.

I don't want to lose this credit card to collections. I arranged to pay some of the over-the-limit fees - but I refused to do it if they weren't going to erase some of it. Why they agreed to take off a large chunk of change - I don't know. I don't care, either, I just wanted to get this taken care of. That is now paid down to acceptable levels and all the other credit lines are current and the amount of money on each account is at least below the maximum of credit for each of those acounts, Capital One now included with that.

With the other payments - I'm doing pretty good. I'm a week or so late on the car payment (but I paid it yesterday online) - that is nothing and they don't even charge a late fee for only being a week late (and it doesn't show as a late payment on the credit files with Transunion and such), I am NEVER late with the child support, I paid up the DSL account to zero and the satellite is also at zero balance. The only thing left after paying the child support - which will be much earlier this month than I normally send it - is the water bill. I can't pay that until tomorrow - they simply aren't open right now and I totally forgot about it until this weekend. Don't want to let that sucker get too far behind, they will come out and shut off the water, they don't care. I don't blame them, but it ain't going that far.

Umm, the only other thing today: I decided to simply get an entrance door pet door instead of wall mount. I cannot find a wall mount that is big enough with the accessories needed. I can only get it online, and I don't want to wait that long. The door is in the utility room and after thinking about it, I thought maybe it's better to "ruin" the door than put a permanent hole in the side of the house - in terms of resellability. Plus it will be much cheaper.

I have already placed an ad for the next temporary tenant. The current one is allegedly leaving on the 16th. I won't be committing the room until I am sure about that date, but I wanted to get that ad out there. I have had one response so far.

I also committed to a date for the next party: the 28th of March. I have several confirmed coming - and bringing food. I am going through "piles" of email looking for that individual that offered $600 for the next party. I have no clue what I did with that email - I definitely would not have deleted it.

Well, I have some runs to go on - I want to get that doggy door and I need to get money for the electric card reader and - whatever else.

Have a great and happy Sunday!


becomingkate said...

Sounds like you're doing good keeping up.
Bill's salary can pay for the mortgage, groceries and utilities, but can't handle the credit or truck payments.
I've applied at a lot of banks, but so far haven't gotten an interview. I'm worried that I might have to work at Walmart, that is IF they're hiring.

Anonymous said...

Walmart's always hiring. Too many disgruntled workers leave on a regular basis. Perhaps not so much in the current economic climate.
Anyway, remember that for me to keep up, I have to have 2 tenants and a 3rd temp to buy the things beyond what 2 tenants don't pay for. I may not have to go to work for that tenant money, but I certainly pay for it in other ways.

Anonymous said...

With the amount of food that you have stockpiled, it is sure a good idea to keep current with the electric bill. That would be a helluva waste if it all spoiled in the summer heat. fin

BenB said...

Yes, it would be rather stupid to get a bunch of food - hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth - and then it go to s***. Of course, I am always current with the electric bill since it is always prepaid : )

 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...