Monday, April 20, 2009


???? I wrote an entry - and kablaam - it's gone into cyberspace somewhere.
Ummm, so there really isn't going to be going into all of that again.
Well, excepting the s*** I came home to after work. Both exterior doors were unlocked and no-one was here - besides my dogs, of course.

I started the dishwasher last night - no-one bothered to empty it today.

The sink was full of dirty dishes.

That's my recap and of course, I have left a sincere notice to all 3 tenants: Ben's Maid Service - Will Cost You Dearly.

I put up the second trellis today - I started and finished the foam project yesterday.

It got warm today.
It's going to get warmer tomorrow.
I have so much I put in that entry that was lost - siiiiiiigh.

I don't feel like doing it again.

24 starts in an hour and a half and then bedtime.



Fin said...

I'm with you, Ben. I can never recover the energy to make a post a second time. I know long ones should be done in word or something first, but I seldom do it any more.

Flying home tomorrow, always a sad occassion.

becomingkate said...

I'm surprised your auto-save didn't save it in drafts. I read that somewhere right after the crash, but haven't had to use it yet. That sucks, sorry ben.

Fijufic said...

I usually post in a word document and then paste it over. Losing a post crushes me...

Stay cool!!!


Anonymous said...

Fin: Definitely leaving is going to have much less elation (if any) as arriving) : )

Kate: Better than losing the entire journal as in JS, is all I can say!

Bobby: For whatever reason, I just can't really write entries in a word document. I've done it and it just wasn't quite the same.

  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...