Sunday, May 24, 2009


Okay, hanging laundry about the 4th load starts to get old. Not the biggest ordeal on earth, but - not exactly Sunday afternoon fun, either.

Also continued the deep watering I started yesterday. Should be completed by the end of the holiday weekend.

Went to Fry's. For me, Fry's Food Stores are becoming notorious for issuing ads with product that they don't have.
This time - 88 cents per pound chicken breast, bone-in. None. Tude Dude was back there, I avoided him like the plague - he gave me a long stare - so - I decided it only fitting to - completely ignore him.

When done with shopping, I asked the guy at the front about when there will be more chicken coming in. I knew the answer before he called the meat department: tomorrow. I decided to ask them to call another Fry's down the road - the man disappeared. When done paying for my stuff, the printer wasn't working and it did not give me my receipt. I ALWAYS check my receipt to make sure the computer hasn't over-charged me. It happens frequently enough that it warrants me to stand at the front of the store and go over the entire receipt.

I ask the lady 3 times to print the receipt - she never does. I finally get word back - no meat at the other store. Now, I really don't take pleasure in making life difficult for these people, but they also should not be luring people into their stores by having these "wonderful" sales for the customer to find NONE of the product on their shelves. I was definitely not the only person back there looking for the chicken - there were 3 other people standing there with rather bewildered looks on their faces - looking at a giant sign that says 88cent chicken breast, bone-in - the sign was planted in the middle of a bunch of whole fryers, there was definitely none of the sale chicken breast anywhere on those shelves.

So, as is my fashion, I ask for the manager. The lady at the front calls for her 5 times. Lol. She then asks for the second in command - of whom I would have rather talked to anyway if I had known he was there. He explains that they have been shorted on all of their chicken orders. I replied that that is the same story I have been hearing every time they have a sale and don't have the sale product. He offers to substitute, I rejected it. I wanted chicken breast with the bones, not the boneless. I think it grills better, and they didn't have another brand on the shelf.

Long story short? Same-o, same-o. One starts thinking at what point do you switch from thinking - Gee, they're just out, I'll get some tomorrow - to - Gee, they're always out, they are doing this on purpose - get people in the store, they will buy something else at a higher price, most people won't go to the trouble of saying something as I do.

Whatever. I wanted to cook the stuff up today for an afternoon BBQ for Caleb - it's his 16th birthday today. Actually, I ended up doing what I just said other people would do - I bought him a fat steak instead and will be grilling that later.

It's an amazing thought that my son is 16 years old. He is my only child - and soon he will be grown up and out of the house. THAT will definitely be strange. At the same time, "only" 2 more years of child support payments. I'm at 4 and a half years of it already. Basically could have bought a car on payments with what I have paid, and then another half of one by the time this is over.

Well, back to the races - I dumped tick killing powder on my bedroom floor - dogs have infested with them and it's been a daily war for over 2 weeks now trying to get rid of them - and it's almost time to vacuum that stuff up.



becomingkate said...

Happy Belated to Caleb!

BenB said...

Thanks - I'll give him the message!

  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...