Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

It occured to me that there is no absolute necessity for metal poles to build my own posts for a T setup for hanging laundry.
Wood will do just as nicely, I will be able to do the project myself and it will cost less than the pre-made setups found at any of the stores.

Everything I saw either on-line or at the stores were nothing but junk. The stuff would last - not very long especially with heavy usage - and then I would just be out that money. No, a couple of posts, 2 top pieces, cut them to size, drill holes, put in eyelets. Concreted into the ground. Good to go. Get it down in 2 days - 1 day to set the posts in the concrete and the next day to pull the lines tight.

Solace in the fact I am not the only one facing severe economic times. Not that I wish that on anyone, but at this point, I'm on the same boat as everyone else - that boat must be HUGE to accomodate that many people.

I've run a budget 10 times at least. Float? Maybe. Depends on monthly expenses that I have some control over - mostly electric and water. Time will tell - also really don't know how much my checks will be. I added an exemption to reduce my taxes, so - it will be 3 weeks before I find that out, I am getting paid tomorrow at the "full" rate.

Work - very slow right now, VERY slow.

Hope you all are having a great day.
Prayers are with those that need them.


becomingkate said...

I've been asking Bill for a clothesline, but have to check with the city first. Not sure if they are allowed because we've never seen one inside city limits. I love it for bedding though!

Fin said...

A solar powered dryer should work well in Arizona. Prolly be dry by the time they are hung up, and you WILL save a lot of electricity, especially if you get your boarders on-board with the idea.

Anonymous said...

Kate: I can't possibly imagine why a simple clotheslines would violate any city codes? If they do, tell your city council you are going green and this is part of your plan: decreasing your use of electricity.
Fin: My boarders have been given no choice in the matter. If I find "violators", I will remove the eletrical line from the back of the dryer which will effectively force them to either use the clothesline - or they can go to a laundromat if the prefer.

Fijufic said...

You may consider adding 4 0r 5 more exemptions depending on your tax rate/writeoffs etc. The idea is to zero out exactly...

BenB said...

Oh. Well, I don't know how much a tax exemption actually means in terms of dollars. I just added one, maybe after next paycheck I'll see what they are taking out with it and add another if it is doable. I don't want to get hit with paying anything at tax time. Thanks for the suggestion, though, it's a great idea and I'm sure it will help out quite a bit.

 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...