Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This week's hump day - would be today : )
A call the mortgage company yesterday confirmed that a second, notarized copy of the mod agreement would have to be sent in, and after talking to a manager - no, it being late isn't going to nix the deal.

Good. Then a call to the auto insurance company - my rate went from $70 and change to almost $100. Insurance agent checked into it - a one-time fee was added to "renew" the policy. I think I'm going to start getting quotes for new insurance policy.

GM is apparently dumping Pontiacs at up to 47% savings for consumers- they're doing away with that line completely and want them gone, so I read online this morning. That deal is good through the 4th of next month. My car is nickle and diming me to death, I would love to get a new car at half off - the ONLY way I would ever buy a new car. Flip side is usually much higher insurance premiums.

I will be checking into that possibility this week - just to see if there are some options out there. I haven't checked my credit report in a while so I have no idea where it stands in terms of the score right now, guess I better do that first. I would actually far rather get a pickup truck - but I fear the 4 dollar gasoline so I probably otter stay away from that idea. I will say that a new car would afford a pretty low monthly payment. I would love to get away from monthly car payments, but - no choice in that matter right now.

Yet another "warrant has been issued" report for Anthony arrived in my mailbox. I assume he is not going to see the probation officer. Actually, I think his deal is that he wants to smoke pot and they do monthly drug testing - a good thing. I have also heard that they are now implementing drug testing for people receiving food stamps. If this is true, it's the best idea I've heard yet for weeding out the people that are simply living off of that kind of government handout and spend their time - high all day long.

Work day approacheth. Enough to do today, I believe anyway, to keep me busy until sign-out time. I'm 2 hours over from yesterday, I hope to be able to leave early today.

Take care, Happy New Year's and have a great day!


Fijufic said...


The loan mod will screw with your credit scores if you aren't careful. Love the drug testing for food stamps. Actually, I think drug testing should bemandatory for anyone receiving assistance. Sounds intrusive but boy howdy it would sure clear things up in a hurry.


Anonymous said...

Hiya Bobby:
Didn't hear about that one. I'll have to check my score after all of this mess is over. Yes, it would clear things up - at least a lot of it - quickly and there would be a HUGE savings to the government in denied benefits right there!

becomingkate said...

We don't have food stamps. I'd say that 99% of all the food shortages are taken care of by non-profit agencies. A hamper will cover a family for about a week, and you can walk in to stock up on bread and (community gardens) potatoes and vegetables.
Income Support (welfare) will help a family while they're waiting for unemployment benefits, but the EI recipient will have to pay it back.
There would be a LOT of people booted out of the system if they did random drug tests, but that would also put their kids on the street and that's even scarier to think about.
Personally, I think that long term recipients should work for their pay by having to perform a type of community service. Work at the pool, at city hall, landscaping with animal control. They'd learn a trade, too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, true, wouldn't want to see the kids pay for the "sins" of their parents - but it is a cyclical, generational thing that seems to go from one to the next. I don't know how people get the mentality that the government should take care of them, but plenty of them do.

becomingkate said...

Some people are raised to "work the system", like Em's birth mother.

 Wednesday - night Washout was crazy, 4 trucks there. I have only seen 1 other truck there when showing up before, this time, there was 1 ah...