Thursday, February 11, 2010


Splinter in my finger nail? Still there. As much as I tried yesterday to dig that thing out of there, it wasn't budging. I have no desire to spend $50 to have a doc remove the thing, I'm going to leave it and see if it will eventually start to move out on it's own. Well, unless the pain gets too much, then I'll pay to have the thing removed. Cheaper to take a hammer and smash the fingernail so it comes off and the splinter comes out with it - but that probably wouldn't feel to good.

Newest residents - of the trailer that is - were gone all day yesterday, but resurfaced at night, came in and handed me $25. That's what I want from them - for now - to pay for their use of electricity and water: $25 per week. They were talking about getting a space heater - all well and fine, but that price per week will go up with it. It will also go up if they are here when it starts getting warm and they turn on the AC. Whatever the amount goes up every day for power use, that's what they're going to pay. However, I think I will see if I can locate a downdraft evap cooler - those things work well in certain months of the year when it's not too hot and the air is dry - keeps it as cool as AC without removing all the moisture.

The cleaning, however, did not start as they had promised - but - I'll give them a pass on that since they took their bicycles and rode clear over to Mesa to go to a thrift store they frequent. The store gives them freebies because they are homeless. They scored a couple of blankets and who knows what else. I forgot to tell them but will say something today about the fact that whatever they acquire, it needs to go inside the trailer as I will not tolerate outdoor storage of - junk. Been there, done that, bought the farm with those "other" people, never again. My "threat" will include fact of me simply throwing things in the trash can that I find laying about the yard, if, indeed, such happens. I don't get that these people are like that, but as with everything when dealing with the human element - especially that element being strangers living on your property - I find that I HAVE to spell things out VERY clearly and repeat it over and over until the message gets through.

As for the newest paying tenant, well I don't see him, at all. He leaves after I leave in the morning and returns very late - like 11 or even 12 pm at night. I want to talk to him to discuss whether there is anything that is not to his liking, and if so, what can we do to rectify it - I guess that will have to wait until the weekend.

I do have a few people living on my property at this point. 8 in total. Plus 4 dogs. Lol. I'm still quite amazed at the scripture that spoke directly to this situation that seemingly popped up right in front of my eyes yesterday. God certainly is capable of communicating with us - all of us - if we bother to listen and have the desire to do so. But that's another subject for another day. I was only speaking for myself and to myself about confirmation of whether doing this, or more like, allowing this, is anything headed in the right direction. My ex-wife believes I am a lost, evil, soul headed directly towards hell. I profess, here and now - publicly for the world to see - that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I love Him, I know He loves me, that's really all there is to it. I attempt to try and do things in life that I hope He would find pleasing - though I know I also fall far short many times and no, I am not happy about those aspects of my life.

Oh well. Pick myself up, move on. And moving on I shall be - cause' work day approaches and I best be offa here.

C'yall later.

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  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...