Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Dear U.S. Government:
Why do you continue to impose your will upon the people? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
When you have a good answer for me that doesn't have 2-steps and other fancy dance moves involved, please reply.

BTW, I do not add salt to my food - ever. I am always looking at sodium contents on packaged product labels. I do think that many foods have FAR too much sodium content in them and I tend to stay away from such. OR, if I do eat something that has a high sodium content, I make sure that I don't eat anything else that day that has anything but a very low sodium count in it. I go by the percentage of a day's intake, as apparently dictated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Of whom are going to start imposing their will to force companies that produce packaged foods to lower the sodium content. People who like salt?.......will probably just ad MORE to the food. Instead of forcing companies to reduce sodium content, perhaps educating the masses about the potential future problems of massive salt/sodium intake would be better? Yes? I think that at this point, people are starting to get sick of a government - in whichever form - that does not listen to the people that voted/put/assigned them in there.

If they really thing it is a "neglected disease", then that intones that people don't understand the implications of eating too much salt - which is where I would fully supprt the USFDA to start a massive EDUCATION program, as salt is readily available anywhere - people can add as much as they want! It's great if companies are reducing the amount they add to their foods, but this does not eradicate the very real potential of a person simply lifting the salt shaker and adding more.

Me? I put lots of pepper onto foods. On foods that will taste good with it, I also add garlic powder. It doesn't mean you can't eat ANY salt, it just means that Americans are eating far too much of the substance and people are - down the road - dying from it. Well, we all have to die one way or another, I would like to just get my Full Life's Serving of allotted days to live - and hopefully in relative good health at that.

In other benb news, the newest tenant is a cleaner! yayyyy! Really, without asking, she is wiping down counters and doing all kinds of cleaning tasks in the house. I only state in my ad to please clean up after yourself, not that you have to clean up after everyone else. I spend a good deal of time doing cleaning tasks in my house. Well, anyway, it is nice to finally have someone that is of like mind as me - clean when and where necessary - and yes, it's always necessary if it isn't clean, thank you.

She hinted yesterday - a couple of times - about having her dog living there. Showed me pics of her daughter and her boy - and then there was the dog pic. Okay, don't worry, the son and daughter are NOT moving in, I am considering the dog. I usually charge a pet rent for dogs simply because of the problems they can cause. Not all dogs are the same - some are troublemakers, some do nothing. I'm guessing she WOULD have her kids living with her if she could. Anyway, I am consideringt he dog request that wasn't really a request but was a request by the subtle way she put it.

And with that, my work day begins,
c'yall later!


Fin said...

Isn't highly unusual for a mother of children that age to be a non-custodial parent? From the first time you mentioned that, I have been wondering how that came to be.

BenB said...

I think she's just too broke to afford her kids. They live with her parents in North Phoenix somewhere, apparently it's a good arrangement - or definitely sounds like it is anyway. She's always talking to them - the kids - on the phone and sees them several times a week.

 Friday - evening Guess it's been a couple days since updating. Uhh, I think 2 trailers pulled out today.  I'm not sure if it's ...