Friday, May 21, 2010


Just got done reading an interview that our Governor, Janet Brewer, had with - whoever it was, I never heard the name of the interviewer beforere.
"Do your job".  That is the only thing, I believe, that Arizona has been looking for, for a long time now.  Not just Obama, but definitely included in the Presidential mix since he is obviously ignoring this issue. They spent too much money on healthcare - which is NOT part of the federal mandate, so they have nothing left over for securing our borders, which is DEFINITELY a part of the job of the Federal Government to oversee and do whatever it takes.  It was amazing to read this interview and find out that NO-ONE from the Federal Government has contacted her about the bill or her repeated requests, over and over, to get something done about our wide-open borders. 

Don't want to go off on that too long - this is going to play itself out.  Other states are considering adopting their own version of this bill, what are the boycotters going to do if that happens?  A nation divided cannot stand.  

Meanwhile, it's Friday!  This is only the 3rd day I've worked this week - and I haven't even gotten on the clock yet - and I am 4 hours over my allotted hours.  Meaning - whenever I get the stuff in our truck routing system done, I will be going home early.  Unless, of course, more stuff is thrown my way.  Frankly, wouldn't bother me a bit to have a full day's work and keep the hours, I definitely need the money.

I contacted the guy that has a huge pond setup for sale - $500 - and asked if he would sell them separately. I want the big one.  Yes and no.  Yes, he will sell the big one, but another pond goes with it and a filter and such.  I don't know, maybe this guy paid a lot of money for all of that and that's why he's standing on his prices, but from what I can see, he hasn't sold ANY of it and he has been advertising it for over a month now, every single day.  Oh, he wants $200 for the 2 ponds and the related equipment.  No chance of that for me, I don't have that kind of money to spend right now - though - I am sure that setup is worth far more than that. 

Meanwhile, I have the rather arduous task facing me of having to haul block from Home Depot to my house in my car.  I figure I might be able to get 10 of them in my trunk, at least 2 trips, probably 3.  I bought 2 small plecostomus from Pet Smart yesterday - they were cheap and if they survive the shock of being taken out of an aquarium and put into an outdoor pond, they will also take care of my ponds nicely.  I did put the shock treatment in both ponds to help them out.  I did not see any fish bodies floating this morning - a good sign.

I just realized that THIS - IS - Memorial Day weekend!! Hootinannyholler! 3 more days off! Startling revelation - I thought it was next weekend!!! Yeeeeehawww!!!

Back to reality.  Gotta get this day done first, there is already a freight truck sitting out front waiting to get unloaded.

I must get offa here.


And remember, THIS is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!



Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. I misread the calendar, Memorial Day weekend is next weekend, not this weekend. No biggies, gives me time to plan on what I might do with 3 days instead of 2 off.

Anonymous said...

I haven't even looked at the calendar. When is Memorial Day? I've lost track of time.

BenB said...

Uhh, 31st I think it was - 2 Mondays from now.

 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...