Yesterday was a very long day at work - at least not normal for my hours any more at 10-1/2 hours, non-stop, all day long, running all over the place making delivery after delivery, loading and unloading the truck fully 3 times. This isn't a pickup truck, it's a semi with a 48' flatbed trailer.
Regardless of the fatigue, I went home and started playing with the boulders to see how I wanted to arrange it. I ran out of steam and gave up on it after getting it halfway up.
I then watched the Suns get their @$$es handed to them on a platter by the LA Lakers and wondered if the next 2 games were going to look like that as well, because if they are, there is no point in watching any more of it.
After that comes the "revelation" that, purportedly, North Korea definitely torpedoed a South Korean Naval ship, which killed some 47 sailors a few months back. Is South Korea afraid of the North? I'm just wondering, because as I wrote last night, I don't know of too many people that would think of an act such as that of anything but war. Not that I am all happy go lucky to see us get involved in another war - but American troops are right there and if another war starts, we're going to be in the middle of it.
And why is it that everyone BUT the federal government thinks we need the Guard at our borders? It makes me wonder what sort of dealings might be going on behind closed doors. Obama seems intent only on socializing America - more inflamed statements from individuals call it Marxism. I won't go that far with it, but - the government wants your money, you don't know how to handle it, just give it to them, they'll take care of it.
Meanwhile, a Commissioner from Arizona writes the mayor of LA telling him that he would be happy to encourage the people that would be involved to renegotiate the contracts on the power plants for the power being sent to them from our generators - a whopping 25% of their power coming from AZ. I was amused at the mayor's response. LA owns part of the plant, therefore it isn't helping the AZ economy. Really? I thought a boycott means that you stop doing all business with the entity that you are - mad - at. If they were SO intent on a pure boycott, they would sell their share of the plants, go ahead and do the contract renegotiation and pull out of Arizona altogether. It is hypocrisy at it's finest. It's also a man with a big mouth that wants attention. In reality: where would they make up that 25%? LA is the second largest city in the U.S., one therefore would conclude that that city needs a LOT of power to survive.
My life does not revolve around the news, but I don't want to hide my head in the sand, either. There is the ever-present threat of Isreal getting into it with Iran - the world is kind of messed up right now. Maybe it always is, but with all this oil being dumped into the Gulf and everything else, it seems to be adding up to something greater. Look at all the earthquakes going on all over the place. Yes, I would point to God and ask, (very respectfully, like on my knees): What's going on here?
He is, after all, still in control. It may not seem like it, but this is His earth. I doubt the Lord to be very happy about all this oil contamination that is threatening to spread all over the place at this point.
Well, the work day is almost here. I went out this morning before leaving for work to look at the ponds. For $35, if that guy's pond is what he says it is, I'm definitely getting it. It will complete the effect I am looking for. I am racking my brains on the waterfall. I was going to dismiss the idea of using a retaining wall, but I am now revisiting it. I'm not sure I have a choice in the matter at this point, meaning having to lug a bunch of them home in my car.
Gotta do it right, and I don't see how to keep all that dirt contained without one, otherwise, the thing will be HUGE just because of the mound of dirt necessary. I'm just concerned about how I am going to make that back side of the retaining wall look good. I don't just want blocks showing. I guess I'll build the waterfall and cross that bridge later on.
Anyway, I'm outta here.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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"I doubt the Lord to be very happy about all this oil contamination that is threatening to spread all over the place at this point. "
obvious question then, why doesn't he stop it???
Actually, that isn't a very smart question at all. God doesn't intervene in a lot of things going on on this earth. "Be ye not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap". Plenty of people get away with all kinds of junk in this life, but, we all have to stand before Him one day and give an accounting. The Bible clearly speaks of man destroying the earth and the Lord not being happy about it - at all. If God were to intervene, the intervention would have to be against mankind. All of us have sinned. The intervention has already come, in reality: The birth, life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, The Savior. Each individual can be redeemed, if he or she chooses to.
Joven: thank you. I will check yours out, too!
I just love it when people, who ignore the laws of God and willfully do what they please to abandon, blame God in a New York minute when tragedies or disasters happen. ("He could have prevented it!!! Er, Free Will?)
News Flash: This is a man made disaster. Man screwed up, but I think God, because He is such a nice guy, will straighten things out somehow even if we have to suffer a little pain in the process.
"All of us have sinned"
Interesting. Even 5 year old children dying of cancer?
First off, if you would like to get into a discussion about God, the Bible and how Christians believe it relates to mankind in general, then please identify yourself - what is your blogging site, what is your first name.
As for extreme hypotheticals, which God-haters/non-believers always come out with, there is a point in life where a person knows the difference between right and wrong. Before that person reaches that age, I do not believe the person is doomed to hell, if that is what you are asking. It is also a good idea to direct your questions to God, He left us His Word, it's available to just about anyone on the planet, really.
Doali, I totally agree. It's pretty disheartening, though, to all of this oil now going into marshlands and probably, in the end, totally wrecking the ecological balance.
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