Friday, July 16, 2010

Late Edition

Another one - I didn't finish it, really don't know WHAT happened, posting it anyway.

Number one, I am just as ecstatic as anyone else about the oil gusher being capped, but, I still refrain from becoming too optimistic. They have no idea whether that cap is going to hold or not. Oh, yet, let's hope it does, but after all the past failures, this thing could shoot right off of there and we would be back a square one.

There has, obviously, never been any REAL pre-planning or REAL technology devised to deal with this issue. They are engineering this stuff NOW, not decades ago when they SHOULD have started coming up with this kind of equipment. They aren't fooling anyone. Even if it is a fix that will hold until the well is plugged, the cleanup? How many years? Decades? How much more marine life will die? If their super boat thing that sucks up the oil and water from the ocean, spits out the water and keeps the oil - works, they need to build 20 more of them.

Of course, the real questions I haven't heard answered. Why didn't their failsafes work? Why did they ignore the warning signs that "something" wasn't right? On and on.

I came home from work to find my pond with the fishies in it warm. TOO warm, I'm surprised those fish were still alive, but I have been reading about goldfish. They are a VERY hearty fish - MUCH more so than Koi. Koi LOOK better, but - dunno. What I do know is that if I hadn't added those air pumping machines to aerate the water, I doubt any of them would have been alive when I came home from work today. The hotter it is, the more air fish take out of the water. There is all kinds of science to this stuff - reading about it you wonder if you're talking about keeping fish in a pond or building nuclear bombs. Okay, nothing quite near that kind of disparity, but there is definitely a lot of applied science to keeping fish in a pond that I am still learning about.

Electric use off the wall. I turned the thermostat to 81 degrees, up from 78. Daytime only, cooler at night. If tenants don't like it, they can either pay more - and I don't have a problem asking for that - or they can find a new place to live. Not to sound crass about it, I just can't afford $550 per month electric use. No, it is going to come down one way or the other - the only way I know of is to turn the thermostat to a bit warmer setting.


Anonymous said...

With record breaking temps in the 'hood, I've had to reluctantly begin using a small window ac unit to keep inside temps 81-82, which is fine with a few fans to move it around. When it gets around 85-87 though, it gets real uncomfortable. fin

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you guys over there are getting hit hard. I can't imagine a house without AC - but - I don't live in an area where not having some kind of cooling (beyond fans) is not mandatory. I have the AC on right now at about 81 degrees, celing fans going, it feels fine in here since AC also removes the humidity.

Hello Joven, thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Do NOT go to Joven's site. Whoever this person it, they are mass converging on blogger sites and asking people to come join. Simply going to that site will execute the initation of a malware program infection onto your computer. My Avast - thankfully - caught it and removed the executable files before they could do anything. What a bunch of bs.

Anonymous said...

maybe you should delete his comments then?

Anonymous said...

site unaccessible. I filed a report abuse complaint and I'm sure others did as well.

BenB said...

That's funny, his comments are removed - and I didn't do anything! I bet they shut that site down.

 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...