Thursday, July 22, 2010


Writing this one from home (morning). Our company sent out an email saying they were doing some sort of changes to internet access and that only IE 7 or less will work after those changes are implemented. I had my work computer using IE 8. Dunno where to get a copy of IE 7, probably could burn a CD I guess and take it into work.

Today is court day. I'm actually looking forward to it. The challenge gets the blood pumping. I have a good idea, now, what the rep from Redflex is going to say, they say the same thing at every hearing and if you know in advance what they are going to do, makes it much easier to prepare a defense. Defense - you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent in photo radar cases.

An aberration of the law, yes, but, it's there and unless someone challenges the constitutionality of it in the U.S. Supreme court, likely these cameras are never going away.

Anyway, just a short entry. I intentionally got up later and gave myself less time - just going to work in time to sign in and start working instead of going in early.



Fijufic said...

Good luck brother. I hope you prevail.

Anonymous said...

will you have to swear on the bible to tell the truth?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, bobby!

Whoever anonymous is you are asking a loaded question if you are referring to scripture and the statement to not swear by anything. Or are you referring to something else?
And why do you folks insist on posting anonymously?

 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...