Tuesday, August 31, 2010



The news is full of it today. Iran calls French first lady a PROSTITUTE? A giant "boot print" scar on Mars that is "baffling" scientists, Arizona being named in a state department report (going out to the world) about civil rights - yada yada yada.

Politics certainly is going to hell in a handbasket. It isn't mud-slinging anymore, it's throwing fireballs at each other. I guess it's normal, just seems like there's a LOT of it going on around the nation right now.

I suppose of concern to me is this issue of Iran wanting to stone a woman to death because she was caught committing adultery. It doesn't take a great leap, after hearing their president talking about the destruction of Israel and the U.S. on MANY occasions, to say that if they had nuclear warheads it wouldn't take much to get them to use one of them.

I do wish we had a real President in the Oval Office instead of what we have sitting in there now. I don't think he has the cahoneys to stand up to Iran. In fact, I'm not sure he even cares one way or the other, he certainly doesn't want to hear the voice of the American people when it comes to several issues and overwhelming majorities opposing him on issues such as the healthcare bill - and still doing it anyway. I heard him say the other day that he is working to "help future generations". Yeah, sure, to load them down with debt from THIS generation.

Gobbledygook I'm tired of it. Anyway, there is nothing in the truck routing system to today, but the Ops manager wrote me an email asking if I would try to sell all of our non-selling drip irrigation stuff on Craigslist.

Why, actually, I would be happy to! Lol. Give me something to do!




Anonymous said...


Came home yesterday from work to find things "out of place". Couldn't quite put my finger on it, so I checked video surveillance.
Ahhh, good ole surveillance cameras. They always give it away.

2 black boys, ditching school. I didn't throw the black kids out, they just don't come around much since Michael isn't there anymore. However, I do not believe my house should be some sort of refuge to take cover in while playing hookie and I will be addressing that post haste.

Fishies: I am pulling plants out of the water and doing head counts every day now. I SHOULD have 18 fish in there, large ones anyway, I actually have 12. If I lose any more of them, then I will be putting up fencing around the pond edge to keep birds/Herons out, as they are the only thing around that could eat a fish that big.

The experts tell you to look around your yard, sometimes they pick up a fish to fly off with it and then drop it. No fish bodies. I mean, if the bird already has the fish, he might as well eat it versus just letting it lay on the ground to rot.

I prefer them not even coming around my yard, thank you very much.

Turtles are still plain terrified. No biggies now that I have the info I needed to figure out what to do with them concerning their terror: nothing. And now I know I can simply put them in a cardboard box lined with a quilt or something and "store" them in the shed for the winter. Don't have to worry about them freezing to death in the cold water. Hey, that's what the expert told me to do, just store them on a high shelf in the shed from mid October to sometime in - March I think he said.

Whatever. I haven't done any work on that pond instllation in over a week, I simply decided to take a break from it. I will, however, be starting back up as I have noticed that this work must be part of the impetus that was causing me to lose weight which, as soon as I stopped the work, is also another point where weight loss also stopped.

Okay, folks, it's the first day of September. My "mind-frame" will begin to change as the temps and weather change along with it. That probably won't be happening today since the forecast high is 107, but still. Just the fact that the 3 hottest months are done and over with is enough to get me into a bit better - mood. Probably the extreme use of electricity is what sours things for me as I see my money going to operate a piece of machinery that cools the house.......

So, do I go for the year-long plan that equalizes the amount paid every month? Dunno yet. October is when they said to do it. I rather enjoy the 7 or 8 months of not having high electric use/bills. Just that summer always catches me and I am always struggling to get the money to pay it up - and this year was easily the high electric use in terms of money that I have ever seen being chucked out the window.

Well, anyway, work day almost here, only one thing to do in truck routing system but - it's better than nothing.



Fijufic said...


That pond is stressing me out already!!!

Politics? You will see the silent majority snap back into line once again...


Fin said...

I waited a long time to go on a budget plan for my electric use, but am glad I did.

  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...