Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Feeling Funny

I went to the doctor last week and then again today.
There is something growing on my face, it's ugly, it's getting bigger and it's itchy.   Mostly between my nose and mouth.  The first doc said it was a virus, much like a cold sore and some version of herpes, gave me a prescription.  I went to the pharmacy only to find that I had totally lost the prescription. 

I stopped by another Cigna facility today, these "Care Now" facilities are far and few between.  Basically, you walk in, see a doc - but it isn't Urgent Care so you don't have to pay the Urgent Care version of a co-pay, it's the same co-pay as a visit to your regular doctor - which is way cool.  On a tangent, our company is leaving Cigna to go to some other healthcare and I really wish they would NOT.  I like Cigna is all I can say about that.

Well, this doc tookalookit me and my blood pressure?  WAY down.  Where it used to be before my house burned down.  I thought that a good thing, I don't necessarily think they think it's that good to be that low.  Well, whatever, I'll take low blood pressure over high any old day.  So, I told this doc that I had already been given a prescription by another doc another Care Now facility - I hadn't had time to go there to try and get another one because it is simply WAY out of the way of anything close to what I normally do or go near. 

She got to looking online, found the original prescription, asked me if she could just sent it directly to them, I said yes and walaah.  2 pills, 4 times a day.  I took 2, 3 or so hours ago.  I have felt funny ever since.  Hard to describe.  Almost a high feeling.  Lol.  I'm not saying it feels BAD, just ODD. 

Will it work? I dunno.  I thought there were to ringworms on my face, that's what they looked like to me.  What do I know?  I've had ringworms a couple of times in my life - that's what it looks like to me, it looks nothing like a cold sore.  If these antibiotics don't work, I'm just going to make an appointment with my regular doctor - though - that can take a while to get in to see him.  Ummm, I guess I should have asked about the potential side-effects of this junk, some of which can be - pretty bad.  However, the picture of the man that I saw that was REALLY bad?  I think I wouldn't be feeling too well right now if I was going to have THAT side effect.  This is the reason I hate taking drugs, well one of them.   Many drugs make me feel naseous, terrible, icky, sick, whatever.  But - these drugs you take that can cause all kinds of stuff including DEATH?  No thanks. 

Got home today and went to work on the turtle pond.  I fixed up one of the waterfall filters I have acquired when I was buying these ponds - those things are expensive if purchased new, btw, and got that thing filtering.  I was using a small filter box on it and it simply wasn't working. 

The always-behind-in-rent tenant paid me today.  Quite a tidy sum, I might add, brings her down to only $70 in arrears.  The Army reservist also owes me, she should have paid me by now so - yes - I am going to ask her about that.  The new tenant is very motivated, just moved here a while back from Alabama, has a job with Bank of America and if things go well for him, I doubt he will be here very long.  I guess that's okay, but - I don't find great tenants every day of the week - those that I do find?  Well, they always get on their feet adn get their own place. I AM happy that people get out of the financial doldrums, just no fun having to find replacements who might not be anything near the level of "quality" a person like this might be. 

The guy with the Koi?  He found a buyer for all of his Koi, but not his goldfish.  Again, people frown on goldfish.  I don't really care.  I like Koi better than goldfish because they have a lot better markings and colorings, but in the end, it's just a fish.  Lol.  They call the "Ornamental" fish.  I wrote him today - he wrote back saying I could have the black and gold Koi, the much smaller ones, but at a price.  Not sure I'm going to do that, but I'll be happy to take his goldfish off of his hands, put them in with the turtles and hope that the turtles don't eat them for lunch.  These are LARGE fish, however, from what I have read as long as the turtles are well fed, they mostly won't bother with them. 

That's it.  I'm going outside to check up on the new filtering setup and make sure that it's going good.



BenB said...

Now, I've read several sites about this "stuff" they've given me. I don't have headaches, I am not nauseous, I don't have diarrhea, I don't have a "general ill feeling", my skin isn't turning into leopard spots, a whole LIST of other stuff, but darn if I ain't having some "visions". I don't feel bad at all. Well, I'm not sure that hallucinatory effects are conducive for driving a tractor trailer rig, I'm going to have to revisit this in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Yes, go back to the doctor.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben: Did your doc address the low blood pressure and could the low blood pressure be the cause of you feeling funny? Take care of yourself. Terri

Anonymous said...

I've had low blood pressure all of my life. At times, VERY low, like mid 90's over high 50's. They've never seemed too concerned with it excepting one nurse who told that "you better not get into a bad accident". Why? "Because your blood pressure is already low, it won't take much loss of blood to blink you out".

Thanks for telling me that, that was information I REALLY needed to know: NOT. That and Pennicillin: doc tells me something like "Lights out for you if you ever take this stuff again". That was over 35 years ago, I'll never forget those words!

Anonymous said...


I had breathing problems in the middle of the night last night. Another potential side effect of this medication, it was a funny feeling. Like you're breathing but you're not breathing at all, so you breath harder cause' you don't feel like you're getting enough air/oxygen.

I have always had terrible side effects to most medications, which is why I HATE taking pills of any kind. Ibuprofen excluded, that stuff works for what it's supposed to do and I don't have ridiculous side effects to it. I suffer extreme allergies and take nothing for it - there is nothing on the market that doesn't give me WORSE side effects than the condition the medication is trying to treat.

I'll have to call the doc later when they open up and see what they have to say about all of this.

The work day is already here, I'm outta here.



Fijufic said...

Hope you get well....GOing to the doc's office is no fun.

 Saturday - late afternoon I did not get up early since I had second load and was really deep in sleep again.  Like, this all seems to have ...