Friday, December 3, 2010

Arizona Department of Transportation Highway Patrol Commercial Enforcement

So, I was travelling through the same stretch of highway today as I was yesterday.
I got beyond where the "infraction" occured yesterday and was merrily cruising on SR 87
towards Coolidge.  Getting closer to Coolidge, I came upon 2 Highway Patrol - a cruiser and an SUV -
parked window to window so they could talk to each other.

Neither of those vehicles were that of which pulled me over yesterday, issuing bogus warnings.  Yes, I call them bogus because - they WERE bogus, both of them.

Well, I was cruising 63 in a 65 zone, so nothing there.  In fact, I didn't give them a second thought, I am doing nothing wrong, was checked out yesterday, why should I have to worry about it again today?

I check my mirrors frequently.  You learn that in trucking, check your sides.  But it isn't just for traffic, I am pulling a flatbed trailer, I am looking at my load and my straps.  Always looking back there.  Is there a loose strap? Has anything shifted for unknown reason? I can't help BUT to look back there and check it.

So, I can say, I was shocked, literally, after passing those 2 ADOT Highway Patrol cruisers, to see yet a different ADOT pickup behind me.  I mean, I never saw it coming - again, I check my mirrors frequently. WHEREVER it came from, it must have been cruising at VERY high speed, because it is out in the desert and you can see in all directions for quite a distance.  I was looking intently at it's driver, too much distance behind me to ID it as the same guy as yesterday. Well, he appeared out of nowhere and he sat there behind me.  I came into a 45 mph zone on that highway approaching a stop light, slowed to that speed, put on my turn signal, turned right on Arizona Boulevard going through Coolidge - yup- that truck turned right behind me.

When he pulled up beside my trailer, that was when I was able to ID him.  Yup,the guy from yesterday.  I accelerated to a whopping 25mph, he was scrutinizing my straps.  No nicks on them today, you can bank on that.  In fact, most of my straps are new, just replaced them a couple of months ago.  I did not go any faster, if he wants to pull me over, have at it.  I will demand a supervisor to show up at the scene.  If not, I will start making phone calls.  This guy may think he's king out there, just wait til' he gets someone like me going.  Everyone has to account to someone - he has a boss, who has a boss  on up the line until you reach the Governor of the state.

If he didn't pull me over, then I didn't care.  That was my thought at the time.  It still is.  This went on for at least 60 seconds.  Dude, either pull me over or let it go, do something because I have a delivery to make and I don't have time for these games.  He finally pulls up next to the tractor, looks at me, signals to me to show him that I have my seat belt on.  He apparently can't tell from down there.  Yes, it was on.  I pulled it forward, off my chest, to show him.  He gives me the thumbs up, pull into the center lane, flips a U-ey and that was that.

I know, it's about safety, right?  Whatever you say. There are JUNK trucks running up and down that road - they look like junk, they are junk.  Pull THEM over and check their tires, brakes, air lines, etc etc etc.  ONCE was good, the next day? GIVE ME A BREAK.  I have driven through sleet, snow, on ice, through torrential rains, fog, heavy winds, even a tornado.  Okay, the tornado wasn't a good idea, I was young and dumb and didn't know there was a tornado.  EVERY other car and truck out there was pulled over, that should have given me a clue.  I went past all of it, several of them pulled out behind me, apparently looking for a "leader".  I'll NEVER forget that ride.  Wow!!

I didn't know what I was going to do this weekend, it suddenly plunged into my head: CHRISTMAS!!!  Finish that electrical panel and get the lights out!!
That's what it is, it's CHRISTMAS TIME!! Hey, we're in December, my lights aren't on, forget about it. I"m getting it going if I can starting tomorrow.

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