Sunday, February 13, 2011


So, I worked out yesterday and the day before.  I am going to give it a pass today and then try to hit the gym at least 4 times after work this coming week.  I'm only doing a half hour so far - though it is a very intense half hour of doing the stairmaster machine - it isn't creating some sort of stigma in my head that "gee, I have to spend 2 hours there".  I'm eyeing the free-weights, but Bobby was correct in his statement that at our age, the focus should really be on cardio.  That's not to say that I might not go over after the 30 minute deal and do some bench pressed, flies and tricep curls on one day this week and then maybe biceps, lats and abs another day, just want to focus on the cardio/fat burning stuff.

Amazing how the feeling of lethargy disappears once you get your heart pumping and get the blood flowing.  I am psyched already at the difference I am already feeling after just 2 workouts, great motivation to keep it going.

I cheated today on my diet.  I don't do that often, but when I do, well, might as well go for the gusto.  2 Jumbo Jacks.  600 calories each, 315 calories from fat.  Lol.  However, I had mine made without mayo, that reduces the fact content quite a lot.  If I were doing that weekly or more often, then I would feel guilty.  Monthly or less?? No biggies.  Oh, and 940 mgs of sodium.  I am definitely looking at sodium content of everything nowadays.  I will eat a salad later on and that will be it for the day.

Next month: Dairy Queen German Chocolate Blizzard, the largest one they make : )  Get a nice sugar high, crash from it, wonder why I ate something that makes me feel so BAD after the crash and then not have another one of those for at least 6 months.

Tenant issues seem to be tempering down a bit.  I don't really want to go into all of that on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, so I won't.

Welcome to the world of texting.  No, I do not text.  I haven't wanted to text, I don't care anything about texting.  Pick up the phone and CALL me if you want to talk to me.  My distaste for texting is greatly amplified with the idiots that drive down the freeways paying more attention, literally, to their phone and messages/ing than the road.  If they gave texting the same weight of law and consequences as a DUI, which I believe they should, perhaps some of the mayhem on the roads would subside.

I thought talking on cell phones while driving was bad, texting is FAR worse.  Anyway, it seems that the ladies nowadays want to text.  You wanna get a date, it appears your opportunities significantly increase if you have texting capabilities.  When it comes to cell phones and services, I am a big fan of Cricket.  Unlimited access at a pretty decent price.

I haven't quite jumped over the fence to get to the texting pastures, but I am considering it.

Well, it has been a pleasant weekend.  There was quite a lot of work in the truck routing system for Monday last time I looked - which I can only do at work through the company's system, Monday will be busy.  After work, I intend on a 30 minute workout.  I might up it to 35 minutes for the fun of it.

Football season is over, so, back to enjoying the great outdoors in this kind of unbelievably great weather.



Anonymous said...


I do like to be busy at work, but what I found in the truck routing system today? Not enough hours in this day to do all of that!

2 pickups in Phoenix, deliveries spread out all over the east valley, orders haven't been pulled yet. That's a day's plus work.

3.7 trillion dollar budget. That's 3,700,000,000,000 - if you want to look at the actual number instead of it's name. Is this anything even close to being realistic? I wonder how much of that is going towards payments and interest to China. This is Obama's budget proposal. I thought it was bad when we broke ONE trillion dollars. I dunno, I guess the government wants us to start thinking that billions of dollars is mere chump change and an "evolving" society needs to embrace this word: trillion in context to the word money and think that it's an acceptable thing to waste that kind of money on junk. I consider much of it waste and certainly not anything even remotely close to the spectrum that the Federal government was originally conceived to fill.

Meanwhile, the other day I was reading about a new method scientists have come up with for drilling oil and that this new method is allow access to a lot of underground oil in the states - land versus attempting to do it in the ocean. They're talking a lot of oil, btw. I thought that a glimmer of good news, especially considering rising gas prices right now. Not that it's going to make any immediate difference.

Well, whatever.

Work day is here.

I'm sorta out of it this morning, didn't sleep all that well last night, some good ole' fashioned hard labor should help wake me up.



Fijufic said...

Kick ASS!!! i like it. Yes sir, do the cardio first and lift weights second. Lifting weights increases vascularity and muscle mass. This will in turn lower your blood pressure.

Some workout days are better than others. Being consistent is the entire key.


Anonymous said...

Amen, brother, some days are better than others. Yesterday was a total flop. I worked late, had to get home to deal with issues, had no time for the gym. I still intend on making it there 4 days this week.

Anonymous said...


Oops, forgot to move Monday's entry to it's own spot yesterday.
I got home late. I mean, at 1:00 pm, I still had another delivery to do - in Coolidge, AZ. About 45 miles from where I was at and then back to Chandler.

In other words, I got off way late and got home late, no time for the gym. In fact, no time for much of anything.

I was able, however, to sell ALL of our company's drip irrigation tubing. About 24,000 feet of it to one buyer. I have been slowly selling that material off for some time now, but to get rid of all of that tubing is a big plus. My motivation is that when I get rid of all of it, I get a "spiff" - ie: money/percentage.

Thank goodness I have plenty of that tubing left from my home project : ) Just cause, if something breaks, I don't want to have to pay Home Depot prices for it. I bought an extra 500 foot roll of it a while back. Company management should at least be slightly happy to have all of that tubing - that has been sitting around for 2 years now - sold and gone.

Which reminds me, I have to take that ad down and start up another one. Selling the tubing was a matter of changing my ad, especially the title. Instead of putting Drip Irrigation Supplies as the title, I had put 24,000' Drip Irrigation Tubing and that generated QUITE a lot of interest.

Well, work day is almost here and - there is MORE work in there than there was yesterday. I hope I can find the energy to get to the gym for at least the 30 minute workout after I get done with all of this today.



 Wednesday - night Washout was crazy, 4 trucks there. I have only seen 1 other truck there when showing up before, this time, there was 1 ah...