Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Even MORE Police

So, today is just one of those days. I haven't had to deal with police around in here in quite a while, but - it was inevitable that it happened. It was crazy that it happened on both sides of me, but, this isn't a normal neighborhood and there is more trailer trash that lives, with that kind of mindset, than normal people.

Per the guy that threatened me, well he has had his blinds shut and lights off all night. Trust me when I say that that is definitely NOT normal for him. He doesn't want to get visited by the police, period.

Per the other side? Earlier, after the police left, I was out on the other side of the house - where the guy called the police today on my tenant for parking - wrong - apparently. I said "how's it going?". I have tried several times to end this with him, he doesn't want to end anything. He looked at me, shook his head and walked off.

I shrugged it off - they have been that way for 6 years now, certainly wasn't unexpected. 2 hours later? Their dog got out - again. I didn't see it, but I assumed it jumped over the fence, into my yard, trampled more plants and then went running down the street. My dogs alerted me to it - they let out a bark and then I went to see what was going on. The woman was chasing the dog, the dog doesn't listen to anyone because it is completely untrained, she finally caught up to it.

Well, I was watching this from the inside of my yard, looking over the gate. I said nothing, made no gestures, no facial movements, didn't do anything to even let them know I was looking. This guy comes running up to her - directly across the street from my house, grabs the dog, looks over at my gates, sees me and flips me off. The woman also flips me off and starts rattling off in Spanish.

I yelled out: "I'm going to call Sheriff Joe" and other things, I did not flip them off back. Fast forward 45 minutes and who is out front again? 3 more Phoenix police officers, looking for the owner of the house - me. The cop started trying to give me a hard time based on those people's word, I was having none of it. He tried 3 times to "dominate" me, is what I called it and I backed him off all 3 times. I'm not the dude starting this trouble, they started it at the beginning and they start it every single time since then.

This officer makes all kinds of statements but wouldn't let me speak. He kept cutting me off and then told me I was interrupting him. Okay, I'll let you finish, officer, whatever you have to say. Several minutes later, I asked him if I could speak now? Then I was able to explain my side of the story. In the end? He wants us to keep to ourselves. Yup, I replied, I completely ignore them unless they start something with me. I don't WANT wars with neighbors, but they leave no choice.

This has been my day since I got home from work.


Anonymous said...


I'm sorta hoping the police events yesterday will be it for, sayyyyy, at least another year? But if that neighbor threatens me again, I'm calling the police again. That neighbor STILL has his blinds drawn and doors shut. He was talking smack yesterday: "The police won't do anything", apparently that didn't translate into him acting quite so cocky when they actually showed up and started knocking on his door and windows.

As for the neighbors on the OTHER side, nothing is new there, either. I mean, I still don't quite get what they thought the police would be able to do to me for responding back to THEM flipping ME off. I didn't call the police on them for making rude gestures, lol. I waited out there last night for quite a while to see if they had anything further to say to me after their discussion with that guy and his wife - they did not.

Whatever. I received a very nice and interesting reply from the general manager yesterday concerning a quesstion I had posed to him: Do you have any idea when, possibly, corporate might decide to go ahead and restore our hours? It was a several day gap from the time I sent that email to the time I received a reply, but I was glad to get one.

I will not go into specific details of what a GM is saying in an email to an employee - just cause' this is the internet and I don't want to go there publicly, but it was a good reply and though I may not be getting my hours back now, eventually - if/when the economy comes back - I will. I can also get more hours if the situation warrants it, ie: we're having a strong month at our branch and the allotted hours simply aren't enough to get everything done. Last month certainly did not qualify for that, the month before did and I did end up getting a few extra hours on a couple of paychecks.

Sooo, I never did find the paperwork I was looking for for my taxes. I am going to request the paperwork from the company that had processed my payments but - I am sure it won't be found and given to me in time. So, next paycheck being days away, I am going to go ahead and have the tax preparing company go ahead and process it and send it in hopefully early next week. Just want it in before the 15th.

I've read in several places/different authors that later on this year? Good possibility stocks are going to tank again. I've received some pretty decent returns on the various groups I dumped my 401k money into, but I think by July, if I keep hearing this stuff, I am pulling it all out of high risk junk and putting it into the "safest" risk group available. I don't want to go through what a lot of us did the last time: watch the gains disappear. I'd rather take a loan out on it and at least get the money rather than lose it to market volatility. But I don't think I'm going that far with it: just need to get it into a safer house and see what happens this summer or later this year.

That's it. I wrote enough in this blog yesterday, not getting carried away with it today. I mean, there IS the budget and the fact that the 2 sides are butting heads. My question remains, though, since the Dems are pushing the issue: Why didn't they create a budget BEFORE they lost all of their power to, basically, do whatever they want? They can blame GOP all they way, but in reality, they HAD their chance to do whatever they wanted with it and they did NOTHING.

Okay, enough of that. OH, well, it's regarding a cousin, nothing bad, just never had any real conversation with her until last week when she messaged me on Facebook and we started talking.

Have to go into that some other blog entry.



Fijufic said...

Very stressful. This seems to be displaced aggression. I have to get in the middle of tenant issues sometimes and it is always something else that is actually the problem.

 Wednesday - night Washout was crazy, 4 trucks there. I have only seen 1 other truck there when showing up before, this time, there was 1 ah...