Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday 4/22/2011


Now it's REALLY Friday, lol.
Yesterday was a very long day at work.
3 different trips, out until almost 4:00 pm.

Of course, today has almost nothing to do in the routing system, se la vie.

I haven't got much this morning. I woke up out of a really strange dream that I can't quite seem to shake from my head.

I was living in a house on the side of a large mountain with a bunch of relatives. That's strange in itself - who wants to live with their relatives? Anyway, one of my Koi ponds was up in a giant barn/garage like structure on the second floor. The thing caught on fire and I was, for whatever reason, trying to catch the fish and save them (In real life? the fish would burn! I ain't riskin' my life for fish!).

It was in a remote area of the wilderness, the house that is, but it was set on this REALLY steep mountainside. I remember leaving to get out of there as the house was burning, walking along a dirt road, looking up and see at the top of the mountain a wave of lava coming over it. The next thing I know, I'm climbing up a huge tree to escape the lava.

As I said, it was a strange dream. Why it's stuck in my head, no clue, usually dreams just fizzle out of my mind - but, obviously - not always. Not only that, the alarm clock had been going off for over a full minute before I finally woke up out of it!

Oh, Caleb's graduation. This should be lovely. My dad and my mom - who haven't seen each other since 1985 - will be "forced" to be in the same place, at the same time. Not only that, my brothers are coming. My brothers haven't spoken to my dad in like 6 years. I am guessing this whole situation is going to be VERY uncomfortable for all of them. Well, they don't HAVE to come. I guess they don't even have to sit together, I'm guessing they probably won't.

One thing that is good out of all of it: My brothers and mom are pitching in together to buy Caleb a brand new laptop as a gift. You can't beat that with a stick!!!




Anonymous said...


Now it's REALLY Friday, lol.
Yesterday was a very long day at work.
3 different trips, out until almost 4:00 pm.

Of course, today has almost nothing to do in the routing system, se la vie.

I haven't got much this morning. I woke up out of a really strange dream that I can't quite seem to shake from my head.

I was living in a house on the side of a large mountain with a bunch of relatives. That's strange in itself - who wants to live with their relatives? Anyway, one of my Koi ponds was up in a giant barn/garage like structure on the second floor. The thing caught on fire and I was, for whatever reason, trying to catch the fish and save them (In real life? the fish would burn! I ain't riskin' my life for fish!).

It was in a remote area of the wilderness, the house that is, but it was set on this REALLY steep mountainside. I remember leaving to get out of there as the house was burning, walking along a dirt road, looking up and see at the top of the mountain a wave of lava coming over it. The next thing I know, I'm climbing up a huge tree to escape the lava.

As I said, it was a strange dream. Why it's stuck in my head, no clue, usually dreams just fizzle out of my mind - but, obviously - not always. Not only that, the alarm clock had been going off for over a full minute before I finally woke up out of it!

Oh, Caleb's graduation. This should be lovely. My dad and my mom - who haven't seen each other since 1985 - will be "forced" to be in the same place, at the same time. Not only that, my brothers are coming. My brothers haven't spoken to my dad in like 6 years. I am guessing this whole situation is going to be VERY uncomfortable for all of them. Well, they don't HAVE to come. I guess they don't even have to sit together, I'm guessing they probably won't.

One thing that is good out of all of it: My brothers and mom are pitching in together to buy Caleb a brand new laptop as a gift. You can't beat that with a stick!!!



Anonymous said...

Ah yes-good old graduation reunions of split-up families. Fun for all.


BenB said...

It never crossed my mind - any of it - until I started hearing that everyone wants to come. I wonder if they thought about the potential. I called my mother and let her know and she is in turn calling my brothers to let them know that yes, dad will be there and NO, it is NOT the place to start trouble. Unless, of course, there might be some hope for healing the relationship with my brothers, that is, the deal between my parents has been over for a long, long time and I am quite sure that is of a finality made with concrete and stone.

Anonymous said...

Congratulatons to Caleb on his graduation and I hope it all goes smoothly for you. :)


Western Australia

Anonymous said...

Then y'all get to rest up till he gets married!


PS-Don't know if you ever read the trucker blog on Bigrigtravels dot com, but he has an interesting post today about Arkansas putting up a weight limit sign on a bridge (33,000 lbs) and then a bunch of DOT officials with portable scales waiting on the other side to write summons.

BenB said...

Thanks, Lynne!
Fin, it never surprises me what DOT will do in terms of doing anything to hand out warnings and tickets with fines. My company doesn't quite get it and all the explaining in the world will never get it through most people's heads that are not truck drivers and haven't spend a good deal of time out there having to experience the sometimes-abuse of these DOT officials - or city police - or county - they all love to pull over trucks and give drivers a hard time.

I'll check it out later, right now I'm getting ready to go get my free tree!

 Wednesday - night Washout was crazy, 4 trucks there. I have only seen 1 other truck there when showing up before, this time, there was 1 ah...