Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hot Days

I am SO sick of burning up in this heat! I just went outside a few minutes ago to turn the water off, it's well over 100 out there and it's almost 8:00pm!
Cooler times are coming, yes, but they should have already come by now!! August is NEVER that hot, much less September!!

I was up in Globe today, higher elevation in the mountains - it was QUITE warm and humid up there, as well! I did snap a few shots, however, of a fire burning on a mountain range that was even higher. Too bad I have absolutely no desire to go through the rigarmoroo of uploading photos right now. A lightning strike sparked the fire and apparently the fire officials have determined to let it burn itself out.

The contractor I was delivering to said it had been burning for a week. Well, if that's all the bigger it is going to get in a week's time, I can understand the decision to not take crews off of larger, more threatening fires to deal with this very small fire - though the smoke is visible for miles.

Umm, new tenant moving into tomorrow. Money is guaranteed, I'm not worried about that part of it. I'm not sure this person is all there. But, she is sweet enough. Only time will tell whether she will make a good fit here or not.

Ummm, whatever. Situation at work is going to be - messing with my head - for a while. I am waiting to hear back from the GM. That could be days or even weeks.

Anyway, I'm in good spirits, come what may.




Anonymous said...


Well, I just threw a monkey wrench into the "plan" - can't and won't go into it here or anywhere else concerning work - at least for now. Until I know how this is going to go and where it's leading to, just going to bide my time, take the necessary actions and see what happens.

I don't really have anything else here. I am sort of lost in thought about all of this situation and how it's all going to turn out.

So, I won't drag on anymore with it.



Anonymous said...

There are only 2 things dominating my mind right now:
The never-ending summer and this situation at work.
Today's high is supposed to be 109 degrees. It's the 8th of SEPTEMBER, not JUNE!!!
I just sweat all day long while out at work. By the time I get home from work,I don't want to do anything.
There is a LOT to do on my property that I have put off for a while now because of this situation.
Now, IF the forecasters are right - which they seem to rarely accomplish - then Saturday marks the beginning of much cooler temperatures with a daytime high of 99 degrees. Won't hold my breath on that one, but certainly it would be nice.

As for work, I am not going to go into that here and that's that. Divulging that kind of information on a public website accessible by anyone in the world is probably not a good idea, therefore, I will mute myself on that one, at least for now.

One of the Danes decided that dumping in my bathroom last night was better than waking me up and "asking" to go outside, like they normally do when such needs arise. No democracy here, I threw both of them out for the rest of the night as I didn't know which one did it (though I have to say, Prince, the black Dane, definitely had that guilty look on his face). You might be the best sleeper on the planet, but I pretty much guarantee you that when that smells hits your nostrils? You aren't going to sleep through the night like that! That's the worst part: having to get up in the middle of a deep sleep and clean that mess up. Fortunately, it doesn't happen often.

Dunno what else, nothing really. Just biding time and taking one step at a time in this situation unfolding before me - see where it ends up!


 Sunday - afternoon No church for me, but Taylor went again with one of the family friends.  I don't know what is causing her to want to...