Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday 9/22/2011

I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday, when I looked at my cellphone and found it is actually Thursday, well, that actually gave me a boost! 2 more days until the weekend: I'll take it.

I handed the eviction notice to the woman last night who immediately erupted into - what is apparently her usual way of dealing with things. I simply smiled at her and said: "I just handed you an eviction notice, that's it", and that WAS it.

I'm pretty much an opponent of the death penalty. I always have been. There might have been a bit of a time where I thought certain people it might be okay to do it with - Osama Bin Laden for one thing - but I pretty much came back to the staunch opponent of it. We are mere mortals, we do not have the power to give life, therefore, we should not give ourselves the power to take it. In other words, we aren't God. From what I have read, it costs more to try a person in court to try and get the death penalty than it does to simply put them in prison and throw away the key.

Is Troy Davis innocent or guilty? God knows. And last night, he went before the Lord, I am assuming and whatever happens then, already a done deal. This whole case, however, only puts this issue to the spotlight: what IF we are killing innocent people? We can gather all the techical, space-age, science driven evidence we can, but in the end? In at least some of these cases, we don't REALLY know what happened. The prosecutors act like they know what happened and perhaps they get a win, but does that equate into actual justice being served? For me, I think not. No-one really gets away with anything: someday we all have to go stand before Him and then, if you have not received Christ as your Lord and Savior, repented and the whole process - you are going to find some REAL trouble, I am guessing if the Word is true and what it says in it is true.

Obama seems to be getting bad news from all over. If, by some chance, the economy rebounds before the November elections next year, then all these people who voted for him but are not questioning his ability to get ANYTHING done will undoubtedly vote for him and he will remain as president for another 4 years (a thing I would dread). If it doesn't, he might as well quit now and let some other democratic nominee make an attempt at it. I'm seriously doubtful that the economy is going to somehow magically rebound in the next year and all these homes sitting empty are going to be filled with happy families that are working and making good money. In fact, many experts in this area predict 5 years - at least - before it gets any better around here.

Anyway, I am thinking of travelling back up to mom's property on Saturday to fire off both guns. I have quite a large number of practice rounds enmassed at this point - I would like to get the feel of each gun and what to expect when shooting it off. I only got one round off the 40 cal. 2 weeks ago, the noise about sent me to the ground. This time, I will have ample ear protection - but only if I even think I can go up there. The problem is having a tenant that I am evicting still living under my roof. It can pose problems - serious problems - especially in considering leaving for a day. But, I have the trailer tenants to look after things, haven't made a final decision, may not make one until Saturday morning to be honest.

Anyway, time to head off to work.




Fijufic said...

Osama for sure deserved the death penalty. I would most certainly display his head proudly for everyone to see in my living room on a stick. Really a bad person.

I will pray for his forgiveness but it takes every shred of my soul to do so...

As for the death penalty for mere mortals? I hate the thought of it. It makes us just as barbaric.

BenB said...

Yeah, I think it's a bit more than the good Lord had in mind concerning justice and that of which is doled out by mankind. I have no problem, actually, with them hunting Osama down and killing him, no need for a trial, no need for a prison, no need for anything: put a bullet in his brain and be done with it. I doubt the Marines that shot him have any regrets or lose any sleep over it at night............

 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...