Monday, October 31, 2011


I just got done checking the City's site.
This particular site allows you to view whatever's going on with a complaint against any particular property.
You don't have to be the person that filed the complaint, either. ALL you have to have is the address.
Well, I definitely am the culprit here. I filed the complaint, they were part and parcel of the parties involved involved in turning in my trailer situation with people living in it. That is, however, ALL they have against my property. I don't live like a pig, I don't have a hoarding situation, etc etc etc.

I make no apologies and I am not hiding anything. They started all this trouble, I will have my say in it. I have been waiting to see what the inspector will file on those 2 properties.

I entered the information on the property that has no house on it. This property has had complaints filed against it in the past - someone else's doings. However, I was VERY surprised to see the results. I figured I would see a "Notice of Violation Issued". No. "Ticket Issued".

This is a fine. This is a recurring violation. I knew it was a violation, I didn't know a ticket would be issued. They will have to go to court to fight it. The ONLY way to fight it is to have that property completely cleared of everything. They brought this war to me. I was minding my own business. I had no issues with these people excepting seeing these giant garage doors in the back of the property every time I walk out the door. I still didn't want to start anything with them. Bring a war to me, you will get one back at you. You will find me to be as person that looks into every crevice, nook and cranny. I will fish out whatever I can find and I will bring it. I will be calling the fire department after this for an inspection as well. If I have to, we'll see what happens.

Time for bed.


 Friday - evening Guess it's been a couple days since updating. Uhh, I think 2 trailers pulled out today.  I'm not sure if it's ...