Saturday, February 18, 2012

This and That

I'm fighting a mind battle that I may eventually lose.
I took the dive back into the church scene - 8 months ago?  I don't know. last year some time.
I was intent on getting back into it to the fullest.
I find myself not wanting to go to church tomorrow and though I may force myself to go, my
mind will probably not change about the situation.
Of course, that's today, who knows about tomorrow - and not going to spend the time going into all of it.

Meanwhile, Caleb is applying to go back up to the mountains and be a staff member at the - internationally known - ministry that has a camp up there that parents send their kids to from all over the country.  He undoubtedly will get the gig.  I have been getting used to the idea of not having him around since - that's the natural progression of things when it comes to your kids, them growing up and going out on their own.  I have no judgments on his choices of what he is doing with his life.  There are things I would love to see happen, but that's my opinion and a person - even if your kid - has to make their own choices in life and  either reap from them or pay for them.  I give input where it is asked for or the opportunity arises.

We have agreed that when he comes back from the mountains, we will go to San Diego again and do the boat/sport fishing trip again.  Well, not an agreement, just a conversation that arose out of the conversation of going to do the 2 month gig up in the mountains.  We both want to go and we both want to do the overnight trip.

I have bugs in my right eye.  I have already been to the doctor once about this almost 3 weeks ago telling me there is nothing there.  Uh-huh.  My eye is still red after doing their antibiotic drops for 2 weeks. I was reminded of whatever those things are again tonight as I felt something twitching on my eyelashes.  I got my reading glasses, went into the bathroom and saw 2 "things" moving around there.  I will be going to the doc again tomorrow, I guess, but not the same doc.  They don't want to believe me, they can go jump into a lake.  I have SEEN the damned things with my own eyes, they are there.  They seem to burrow into the eyelashes themselves.  Yes folks, not dinner time reading, but a reality that has been going for a month now and not something I am willing to "live with".  Good grief.  I don't KNOW how they got there or why they are only in one eye and not both.

General manager.  He's sick.  Not a bad person type of person, I mean sick.  He sent out an email explaining why he isn't around and what's going on.  Some sort of ulcer condition that he has been attempting to deal with since October of last year.  Friday - when he sent out the email - was the first I heard of it.  I am not in the "inner loop", of course, since I am not in management.  Which did not stop me from sending him a personal reply to his mass email.  The email consisted of the fact that I am a firm believer in the power of prayer and would he mind if I put him on a couple of international prayer lists.  I have no idea if he's a believer or not, I only know the power of God.  I have seen it with my own eyes time and time again, in person, not on TV shows.  Well, I have seen the TV shows, but that isn't that qualifying factor here.  My own, personal experience is enough for me, which is ample and not limited to just one person or family.

I don't know what his reply, if any, is, because I wrote that out of my company email at work on Friday and left directly after that.  He is laid up at home, in pain and apparently is going to have to stay that way for weeks if not months.

Meanwhile, Coco, my Great Dane/Catahoula mix has done something to her rear, left leg.  I don't know what, but she is limping and not in good spirits.  Wincing occasionally.  She is putting pressure on the leg in walking around, but definitely favoring it.  I don't know what happened, but I am wondering if it has to do with that kid I have been giving a little money to to walk the dogs here and there.  I don't know.  I will be asking him about it the next time he comes over.  I gave her some aspirin for the pain and she is conked out.

Life and it's continual offerings.


Lowandslow said...

Hope your eye and Coco's leg feels better soon. :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Scott!

  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...