Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday 2/15/2012

I got home yesterday from work and had forgotten that M Power was low - like so low the power would be out by midnight.  I had to turn right back around and head up to the store.  No, not the end of the world, but that one will stick with me for a while - don't do THAT again.

Caleb just now came out and said his last day of work is today.

I wish my last day of work was today, forever.  But it isn't and isn't anywhere near it.

Did I say I am still a bit cranky this morning?

Next time I come home from work - the second time per yesterday - and people aren't leaving me alone if/when I don't feel like being around people - I am just going to disappear into my bedroom.

I need my laptop back.  What is the deal? They say they are going to fix it for free now, but they haven't got it done.  How long does it take a trained repair person to replace a computer screen on a laptop? Certainly not days.  In fact, I would imagine they would have it down to a science and have it done rather quickly.

I'll give it til' Friday.  If I don't see  a change in the status - ie: it's on a truck and being sent back - I will call and find out what's going on with it.  I don't want to get too pushy here, but, if they aren't going to do it, send it back and send it back NOW.  You have had it LONG enough and have done NOTHING with it.

Good thing I am not calling them right now, I'm not sure that conversation would end too well.  I am like half awake right now and hardly ready to go to work and start busting @$$, yet, that is exactly what I am going to have to do.

Wish me luck.



Anonymous said...

Guess we were REALLY lucky that Dell came to the home in dixie in just a few days and a tech replaced the screen in minutes (even matched the pink, lol).

This made me smile. There's a reefer truck heading north out of Phoenix on I-17 (Central I think) and you could have passed him or even sat at a light beside him, and neither of you would know that you both, in common, had met and spent time with Blogger Girl and yours truly!


BenB said...

Happy Birthday, fin! Hope you are with your lovely lady on your special day : )

BenB said...

Ummm, and what about this Central truck driver?

 Sunday - afternoon No church for me, but Taylor went again with one of the family friends.  I don't know what is causing her to want to...