Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday 4/19/2012

I don't particularly care for checks floating around that aren't cashed.  So it is every time I send these people a check to make payment on the trailer.  They've had it for 2 weeks and finally it went through last night.  ONE more payment on that and it frees up $200 a month.  Which is good, cause' summer is almost here and that money will be needed for electricity.

I'm definitely leaning more and more towards selling it if I can get what I paid for it out of it.  It's in good condition but who knows what the market for such things is right now.  I won't take less than I paid for it, that's a fact.  So it might sit there for a while if that's the case.

You see the corruption going on with that Federal agency with the lavish parties and then you come online in the morning and find a woman that has allegedly stolen 30 million from a small town, apparently over the course of a long period of time and then you wonder: how much MORE of this is going on?

Pay taxes so thieves can live a lavish lifestyle and wave it in our faces?

Whatever the case, the work day is here, must be leaving now.




Lowandslow said...

But that wasn't REAL was just TAXPAYER money. And there's plenty more where that came from. :(


BenB said...

But the attitude is like: well it's the government, there's nothing you can do about it. So, we should accept as normal people taking from the public coffers for personal use and so beit.

 Saturday - late afternoon I did not get up early since I had second load and was really deep in sleep again.  Like, this all seems to have ...