Went to church today - which was good and then helped set up for a women's meeting that is going to happen today at 6. I then finally remembered about the doggy park and it turns out it is directly across the street/loop from the church. They have a small dog enclosure - which is very small, not even worth taking a dog into - and then there's the large dog enclosre. It's HUGE. I mean, a dog could run wild and free in that place. My goal was to find out what hours it's opened and closed - no sign at all saying that. Instead, there was a sign saying it's closed for fence repairs.
Well, the gates weren't locked up, I could have gone in there if I had wanted to. But, I didn't have Addler with me and I just wanted to check it out before heading home. Iwill definitely be taking him there sometine in the future - though realistically that's a Saturday or Sunday thing considering a 35 minute drive each way. Addler gets plenty of exercise in the back yard running all over the place with the other dogs and on walks - though I haven't been walking him since I got sick. I'm still coughing all over the place and I won't do any kind of strenuous activity that I don't have to until it's gone.
Valerie - on a different note - was complaining to my landlady about my decision to take my other 4 wheeler back. Did you say anything to him about what I said? No, the landlady said. Well I heard some of it, actually, but I had already made my decision long before that, I just was having trouble really solidifying that decision in my mind. The thing that made me go ahead and finally say it is time. A lot of time has passed since we have been divorced and I didn't want to let it go on forever. As for her statements about me - all complete lies or volumous exaggerations - I am looking into seeing what the early termination fee is for getting the Dish Network shut off over there. It should be getting down there by now as there is only 6 months left on the contract. I would like to get out of it, get their equipment out of her house and back to them and wash my hands of it.
Work. Friday was the bi-annual physical inventory. Meaning counting everything on the property which is no smalll undertaking. We got it all done on Friday and then came back Saturday to do second and third counts. Stuff that is showing we have in the system but is missing. Which is always a lot there because of their poor accounting practices, something I noticed the day I started working there. But, I am not responsible for having to rectify all of that at inventory time and I have nothing to do with the bad practices that lead to it, so I don't care one way or the other.
The new manager starts tomorrow. The man seems to be going out of his way to come across as something different than what his reputation - truthful reputation - has him pegged as. We''ll see. That's all I'm saying about it right now, I'll see.
Caleb is back in Phoenix. He announced on FB that he is going to New Zealand in a month. Well that wasn't shocking, but idea that he isn't really communicating with me is a bit disturbing. I just came out and asked him if there is a problem? Nope, he says, just trying to raise money to get to New Zealand with some obvious hints that he would like dear old dad to help out. He has $700 of it, he needs about $400 more for the airfare. I might help him out with $100 or so, but I think if God is really in it, then he needs to have some faith in God that He will supply the need. I'm trying to determine a date to go back and visit mom and see Caleb before he leaves. I really need a definitive leave date so I can make plans. Seems the further out you try to get airfare, the better deals you can find.
Life at the house I'm living in is going pretty well, actually. Addler is slowly coming around. What I mean by that is he is starting to act like a Great Dane more and more. He was lacking in many attributes of Danes when I first got him - which doesn't mean I wouldn't want him if he didn't start showing them - but he wasn't a house dog at all and I conclude that to be the reason. Yesterday, I woke him up out of an apparent deep sleep and he growled at me, but he immediately put his ears down, jumped out of bed and came over and put his head on my legs. As if to say I'm sorry! Lol, apology accepted. He is doing much better around the baby as well. No growling there at all now. I still don't want him around the boy unsupervised and neither do my landlords. They DO trust him around the kid, but it's the potential for accidental injury that is of concern for all of us.
I was going to try to mostly take it easy this weekend and try to get past this sickness, but work brought me in for 3 hours yesterday and church took about 3 hours today as well. I would have left work after 2 hours, but I was informed that a contractor wanted their materials early on Monday and that I would need to load the truck on Saturday. And church - I helped set up for the lady's meeting so time spent there went on much longer than normal. I'm taking it easy now, but it's already 3:35. I don't really feel like I've gotten much rest this weekend and I am intent on watching the NFL games today, one of which is in progress right now. Broncos - v - Patriots. I hope the Patriots win only because the Broncos beat the Steelers last week putting us out of the playoffs. It's a close game right now.
I'm keeping my eyes open for any companies that have need for CDL drivers that are local runs, home every night, no or little weekend work and good benefits. No desperation here, just looking. No applications put in, either. I don't think there are many like that out there and I don't know where the economy is headed. The Dow tanked quite a lot this week and my 401k went down a couple of thousand, but it must have made some kind of comeback because mine came back up a grand. If there's one good reason I want more money it's my retirement. I'm putting in around $700 per month but it's not enough. I'm too far behind and I have a lot of catching up to do. I would like to be able to double that if I could. I also need to be able to save cash for emergencies. I depleted my savings account back down to $100 and it's going to take time to get it back up again. I need reserves in case something goes wrong at the house, something goes wrong with the car, dog or me. I wouldn't mind getting another vehicle as well. 401k loan is almost paid off, I will at least have access to money when it is - only takes a few days to get a check - but I would rather not touch it again if I can avoid it.
Enough for now. Halftime and I am sleepy. Nap time.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
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Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday. What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...
Well, I posted a day and a half ago's post - just now actually. Got busy when an empty trailer showed up - I get distracted at that poi...
Short saling. It's the next wave of financial chaos being forced down the American economy's throat. I hear story after story of bot...
This will be the first of an on-going series of how to own a dog - or several dogs - without having to shell out a fortune in keeping them h...
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