Friday, January 11, 2019

Well then.
The battle for the  wall continues and as more data comes out, it's making democrats look rather foolish on their continued stance against a wall.  Democrats have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars - Obama's stimulus package and the ACA just to name 2 of them - but they think an actual barrier to stop people from simply walking across the border is a waste of money?  This has turned into a circus, the Dem leaders are the clowns and we all sit back and watch it as it plays out.

The whole thing is making them look extremely petty.


Home for another day.  I didn't want to go out today, so I just didn't ask my manager when I'm going out next.  If I do that, it usually means I'll get sent out.  Well, I've been on the road a lot, a couple days off are good for the mind, heart and soul.  I am feeling particularly unmotivated today, even worse than yesterday.  Tho, I did get some stuff done yesterday at least.  It's only 9 am, there is plenty of day left to at least do some cleaning if nothing else.  Regardless, it's Friday and the weekend is upon us, I can't afford 5 days off so she'll hopefully be sending me somewhere tomorrow, Sunday or Monday.

I finally got what appears to be a correct weekly paycheck. But I have no way of telling and a phone call to the payroll department was answered by a message to leave my name and number, which I did yesterday and of course haven't heard anything back.  This company sucks on the communication level, in fact, pretty much everything on the corporate level is ridiculous.

Well this day turned nasty on me. Apparently I have picked up the stomach bug that is going around.  4 visits to the bathroom so far.....

Good thing I'm not on the road today, gag. 


luvdaytrips said...

What does a Wall stop? As Trump said himself a few years ago, at a Commencement, one can go under it or over it. It is an antique way of dealing with the problem. Drones can detect someone crossing the Border and is a much more up to date way to fix the problem. Democrats are not the ones looking foolish.

BenB said...

The wall stops illegals from simply walking across, as they do now in areas where there is no fence or the fence is breached. It slows them down, gives BP a chance to stop them.

 Sunday - afternoon No church for me, but Taylor went again with one of the family friends.  I don't know what is causing her to want to...