Saturday, June 15, 2019

Police excitement!

My next door neighbor is a cop. I'm sure I've stated that on here at least a few times.  Well, he was out on his front porch so I mozied on over and sat down to have a chat.  Well, he's got his police radio on and listening to this chase going on over in Louisiana.  It had caught his attention because they were headed to the Texas border and potentially, that chase could come all the way through our town.

So we're listening to this thing go on for quite a while.  The dude was driving a stolen SUV and a cop had tried to pull him over in Shreveport, I think.  Anyway, they tried putting out the stop strips that flatten your tires, he got around them. They tried again on I-20 near the weigh station - somehow he managed to get around them again.  Well, this guy gets into Texas.  Now we're listening to this insanity with this guy driving the wrong way going 100 mph - presumably to avoid any more spike strips, but also putting a lot of people in harm's way. 

As we're listening, he starts talking about getting his 12 gauge shotgun, going out on the interstate and blowing the tires off - I can assure he was dead serious and he's been doing this for 30 years.  This person is getting closer and closer to the main highway that runs through our town.  Let's go!  Let's take your SUV!  Okay! YOU drive, not me, lmao.  So, we get into my ride, he starts driving 80-90 mph to get into position in time on the Interstate to be able to get that shot off.  Well, this dude turns onto the highway going through our town and starts driving northbound in the southbound lanes. 

I dunno how fast he was going, but my cop friend flipped a uey and guessed the guy would head down highway 80 once he got there - so, we got to 80 and were going to wait.  Sure enough, the guy turned onto 80 - but - he crashed into a vehicle in the intersection while turning, totaling that other person's vehicle and having a dozen various agency police vehicles on his tail, they had him and the passenger arrested and hauled out of there in no time.  I was going to get my video rolling and video him shooting out the tires on that vehicle, it almost happened lol.  Well, went down to the scene of the accident and parked in a Walgreens right there at the corner and watched for a while. 

He knows all of those cops from all of those agencies out there, save the 3 Louisiana State Troopers that stayed on that guy's tail.  Turns out both occupants of the vehicle had felony warrants on them - in Texas. 

It was a bit of excitement.  I don't know why people think they can out run the cops.  They made their situation worse by putting other motoring public lives in danger. 

He did not get the bank vice president job.  He was being seriously considered - besides being a cop he's also a banker - but they chose someone else.  So, he's definitely running for Sheriff next year, campaign starting early next year.  He has a lot of support from a lot of rich people that want to get rid of the current Sheriff.  I dunno how that's going to pan out, but it will be exciting, I think, to see small town antics going on around here.  He was talking about having me run around with him going to scenes and getting in on some of the excitement.  I do think that would be fascinating, especially hanging out with the actual sheriff of the county? lol. 

Other than that, I have done absolutely nothing today and I don't feel bad about it.  Well, i did go to Walmart and pick up an order Taylor made.  You can order everything on line, pay for it and then they get it ready for you, you just come pick it up. 

Well, tomorrow off. That's a granted cause I haven't received anything and it's 10:00 pm.  I suspect I'l be back at it Monday. But a good 2 full days off is nice after a full week's work.  Tomorrow, I'm smoking a whole chicken fryer.  It's brining right now. 

 Wednesday - night Washout was crazy, 4 trucks there. I have only seen 1 other truck there when showing up before, this time, there was 1 ah...