Tuesday, September 1, 2020

 This isn't the first time that they have somehow forgotten that I am - not working but should be.  Pretty much every time I come back from vacation this happens.  And other situations where they don't even realize that I am available - but that's their job.  I was going to text the dispatcher today and ask about getting back on the road - but I didn't lol.

But tomorrow I'll have to get back in the system.  My manager definitely knows I'm back, we might be slow but we aren't that slow.  I'll ask for 20 or 30 hours of vacation time put on next week's check and go back to work.  Whatever work they have, I assume I'm not getting sent to Brownsville and I assume I'll get sent to Alabama or Illinois.  Guess, I should say.

Anyway, I just checked and I am back in ketosis.  Like I said, I'm following the diet strict for the next month or so and lose a bunch of this fat and get it over with.  Drinking nothing but water all day long and a few cups of coffee in the morning.  No diet sodas, no low carb beers.  I might get some tea for a change up, stuff that helps with this diet actually.  I'm down 4 pounds as it is without ketosis, this should really start coming off quick.

What I was doing for the last  - 8 months or longer was eating more carbs than I should and not really following the diet that strict, maintaining my weight but at too high of a level. After this trip, however, gaining 10, well actually I was down to 209 so 11 pounds now that I think about it?  Time to get serious again.  

I will have to be prepared to leave tomorrow. A lot of times I contact them after this stuff happens being on hold and they come up with something and ask if I can "leave today?".  I never say no, but I will be putting my mind into that zone in case they do that.  It's funny my manager isn't keeping up with this stuff.  I wasn't fired or let go, lol, just got done taking a random drug test, so I know they aren't getting rid of me. 

I won't fail a random lol. I don't take drugs and no alcohol in my system.  

But, if they don't happen to send me off tomorrow I'll be working on building a platform for the pond waterfall filter, get the water treatment chemicals to condition the water.  

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