Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 Grass seed planted in doggy park is coming up nicely.  I was spartan on the spreading because I wanted to see if it would stick or just flow off down the hill and end up in a bunch at the bottom.  For the most part, it stuck. So, I will be spreading much heavier application - just as soon as I have my energy back.

No, the electrician didn't come and now it's been 13 days since the power company installed the poles - and - I texted him about finishing the project.  I just contacted the main contractor and let him know - since all of this was through him - that if his electrician doesn't show by friday I will be attempting to find another electrician that will come out and do the job.  

The main contractor and the electrician have their own businesses, they should understand the need for getting things done in a timely manner.  Apparently they don't care or are just aloof.  It's gotten to the point of ridiculousness.  The main contractor - amazingly - contacted me back 2 minutes later and said "I will let him know".  I imagine this electrician will brush it off and basically tell me to go **** myself, that's the attitude I've gotten from him since after he installed the utilities for the individual site hookups.  

IF I do business with this main contractor again, it will not be with the usage of this electrician.  There are other, just-as-competent electricians in town with high marks and reputations that can also do the job.  

It's just a bit disappointing I can't get this guy to come out and finish the job.  

Well that was fast.  The main contractor must have said "something" to this dude because all of a sudden, I have a text message from him saying that he is "fixin' to go run the power lines".  I have to stick a cattle prod up their @$$ apparently to get them to do anything.  On high voltage setting.  Excuse the French in this post, but this stuff went beyond the "I'm starting to get pissed off" stage weeks ago.  

No power = no operation running.  No thanks.  Whatever it costs, it costs, get the damn s*** done, please and thank you.  

That will leave the gravel install and then I can really turn up the heat and get this thing going.  I have an intended start date for December 1st.  Later than I wanted, but that is what I am shooting for.  It's going to be awfully difficult to go back to work in December, my finances will be getting low - unless I really get a good amount of revenue stream coming in - I'm not sure I'm going to go back to work this year or wait until after the New Year.  

I've tightened up the money purse even more, just buying needed things - that's mostly for the house and eating and the dog and stuff.  Fuel for the vehicle.  If I need a tool out there, then yes I'll buy it if I absolutely need it. Otherwise, it's just the regular, recurring monthly bills and I'm getting rid of more of that as well.  Small stuff, but it adds up.  

My credit score is low now and I can't get a loan without high interest rate.  I knew that was coming.  After I get a job, I will apply for enough of a loan to get my credit usage down to below 10%. That will shoot my credit score back up so that later on next year, I can apply for a large business loan.  For now? I'm just going to let it stay low and probably use even more credit to get things started. Such as the down payment for the insurance and the initial start up fee for the campground software.  

I wish I could put the gravel for the main driveway on hold, but it's an absolute necessity.  It's just something I have to do without even thinking twice about it, especially after looking at it again today. However, I don't need as much gravel as I thought. There are stretches where apparently the gas company came in and dumped some random gravel.  But, it's going to be 2 grand worth regardless.  

Maybe a little more if I really want to do some parking for boondocking. I'm wishy-washy on that.  That's probably a couple of truckloads.  Just spread it out, mark the lots and that's it. No hookups of any kind, just a parking space.  I don't know the demand for such things in this area.  That would probably only apply to travelers coming through and moving on the next day or possibly people that just don't want to pay full lot prices and can deal with having to find a place to dump their holding tanks.  If I do it, I want 4 spaces and see what happens.  It will be included on the reservation site, everything is going through the website and I intend on having as near as automated park as I can have.  

I'd still charge them $20 per night to park there.  

Laundry facility - even just one of each machine - greatly concerns me.  Many people want that particular amenity or they won't come to your place.  Thousands of dollars I really don't have atm.  I have to figure this out and somehow get this done - sooner than later.  

I dunno, I'm just riding along with the tide on this one. The first customers just texted me asking if I was still on track for the middle of November.  Uhhh, I might be!  Lol I can't say for sure until that gravel is installed. 

If I lose them, I lose them. I wasn't looking anyway, they just happened along.  

Well, more research today after I got some things done. 

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 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...