Monday, March 25, 2024

 It is interesting how my park's name is starting to get a - good - reputation and people are starting to call from all over wanting a space.  I have turned away a lot of people lately and unfortunately.  The stinger was telling that lady I couldn't take her 3 employees who would have taken up 3 lots for an extended period of time because I just don't have the space.  

What really gets to me is I tell people this and then bam, 3 people will up and leave unexpectedly and without notice.  Or, they tell you the day they are leaving, "btw, we are leaving today, I am being reassigned" or other such things.  

The farmers? I have no idea whether they will stay or go. They paid for a month and that was that.  They are there but whether they are going to stay longer? The family I also don't know about. They keep saying they are buying property - but they keep getting hung up on paperwork or whatever the title company is griping about.  

So, I can't tell people yes this lot is leaving so you can come without actually having that lot cleared out.  I can base short term on that, people staying 3 nights will need to leave the next morning for yes, there is someone coming in.  Not too many have tried to extend their stay in those circumstances, some have tried and I have been able to accommodate them. But, if someone else already made a reservation 2 months in advance, they are going to want their space they already paid for and I will tell the current short term that yes, you are going to need to leave today, so sorry, so sad, too late, too bad.  

No, I don't really talk to customers like that lmao.  

BTW, referring to the min-ex in the last post, those things have blades on them.  The worst of the driveway could be bladed and worked until the ridges and holes are gone.  I really could get my use out of a day's worth of a mini ex.  But, I won't even think about doing that until I get my next paycheck and see if what I am thinking it's going to be actually plays out.  My manager hasn't said the request he put in to have my pay increased was rejected, he had to ask a senior management person for approval.  But, it's my manager's pool of money he has to work with, so approval shouldn't be terribly difficult and I'd like to hope by now we have that squared away. 

What I am saying here is that I am not putting the mini ex on credit to pay for it. I hate credit at this point, I have over-used it and I am really trying hard not to use any credit at all for anything.  I was considering it for the property tax but that has worked out, albeit I haven't gone in to pay the second bill.  That's because I was super busy today and just didn't have time for it.  Hopefully I will be able to tomorrow.  Whatever the case, I just need it done by the end of this week.  

Meh. I was going to go to bed and I got tricked in my mind into writing another post.  But yea, it's time to get offa here.  

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 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...