Thursday, March 21, 2024

 Thursday - mid afternoon

Pretty typical day going to Gurdon and back. Product was a bit warmer so it came out faster, I was done about 35 minutes earlier than what it has taken for the last 3 loads up there.  

The only thing of note was when the other driver contacted me.  The company hired a new driver and my driver trainer - who is the "other" driver - said he's an early bird the other day.  When I hear that, I think: this dude is going to play games trying to get there earlier than the first load  - when he's been given the second load.  My guess was correct.

He already delivered before the trainer the other day, but since it didn't affect him, he didn't say anything about it. However, today?  The driver trainer pulls into the trailer washout facility and lo and behold, there is this new driver in the office, getting his paperwork so he can go get the trailer washed out.  The driver trainer just drove straight to the washout area and bypassed the office. You don't have to do the paperwork first, lmao. 

This new driver became infuriated.  He immediately called the manager to complain about what the driver trainer had done.  He apparently was raising his voice with the manager over the phone, so the manager just said "we can talk later when you cool down a bit".  Then, the driver trainer called the manager to inform him of what happened, the manager said yup, he already called. The early load goes to the senior drivers. Lol, I've bee there since September and I'm already a "senior driver".  That's because people don't stay at this company for very long and if you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you will understand why people quit and I don't feel like going into all of that right now.

In fact, the last guy that was pulling this stunt frequently, cutting in front of other drivers on appointment times, he also quit.  I'm not shocked at all if/when people quit.  

I thought it was hilarious the newbie was getting all kinds of angry because of circumstances created by his own selfishness.  I'm guessing he won't last long, either.  I don't know how the company keeps up with the schedule from the plant with people coming and going like that. 

The lady texted me yet again - 3 piles of poop she said she found at the doggy park today.  It makes me just want to shut the damn thing down, take down the fencing and be done with it. It's really annoying that people just don't give a damn and let their dogs s*** all over the place and they can't be bothered to clean it up.  Unbelievable. 

The new people that moved in yesterday didn't stay in the trailer last night. I know this because there were no vehicles parked in front of the thing either early this morning or this afternoon when I got home. Was trying to collect rent.  I'm not worried about it tho,


Night time. It's been raining on and off since I got home.  The new people called back. You can tell they are well up there in age.  Nice sounding, hopefully that pans out.  The man is ex-military, Marines.  

Anyway, it's time to relax, take in some show - I think I'm going to start watching Shogun, it looks interesting and the Japanese are of a great curiosity to me (not in a bad way) - just really interesting culture.  



Anonymous said...

Mr bear reminded me of you two days running on our walk. First time he got a big stick and carried it almost home then remembered he had not pooped and did so right by neighbors driveway. i walked over ten minutes with scoop and bucket for that (plus he dropped the dam stick and i had to bring THAT back too.

Today, a different but much respected neighbor drove by JUST as he appeared to be pooping on the lawn of yet another neighbor, but it was his 4th of the walk and was nothing but air. Still I would feel funny a little funny calling him up and trying to explain that.

Anonymous said...

In other news, I don't know if you have any vacancies for April 7-9, but you should know that some hotels in Arkansas are asking for $900 a night for rooms there. We reserved our last June 30th.

BenB said...

Oh well I don't care where the dog poops, it's the owner not cleaning up the mess that greatly annoys me. There are people that will walk their dogs in residential neighborhoods, let their dog do it's duty wherever and just walk off, like it's the neighbor's responsibility to clean their dog's dung up. I've seen it and yes, I will say something to someone I see doing that. it's crazy. When I used to walk my 3 Danes back in Phoenix, I always carried at least 2 poop bags with me for surely, on any given walk, at least one of them is going to stop and drop. They don't care where they do it lmao.

BenB said...

We are not in the line of the eclipse, we're about 60 miles off, I'm told, from where you would have to be to be in the full eclipse but we will experience a partial eclipse here. I have a couple of people coming in that day. Yes, I should have raised the rates for they said they were coming in specifically to see that and I told them that we aren't in the direct area for it. No matter to them, RV parks are charging exorbitant rates that are in the line where you will be able to see the full version of it, they said they would be happy to just see partial and they were going to be driving through anyway.

Anonymous said...

Your "partial" is close to 99%.

 Saturday - evening The ordeal started yesterday.  What is this ordeal you speak of? Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my l...