Friday, April 26, 2024

 Friday late-morning

Typical morning when there is no work.  It was, I should say, until the new guy called.  "There's nothing wrong with your park or anything." Obviously having trouble getting to the point of his call, he eventually asks if I have a jack?  Flat tire, his jack is missing out of his truck, couldn't find anyone in the park, can you help?  This guy is just starting a new job, didn't really want to have him starting out on the wrong foot so I ran over there, we got the tire off, took it to a shop, got a plug in it and he's good to go.

Then the 4 day stay called. "We're coming in today but I have a couple of questions for you". Sure. "Forecast rain the next several days, how is your drainage there?".  Obviously never been to my park before. The pads are elevated probably 6 inches off the ground.  Storm drainage is good and I only have an issue when the entrance to the pipes get clogged up. It takes 10 seconds to fix.  

In other words, no, I do not have drainage issues, well the driveway but that won't affect them or anyone else for that matter, it just makes the driveway a mess and needs attention.  Whatever.  I do what I can do, I won't fix the driveway until after all this rain is over and done with. It will stop eventually.  

After that, the next door neighbor after I got home.  Discussing a falling, dead vine. These are 2 inch thick vines and occasionally fall from the trees. After that, she was asking if I know anyone that could install electrical outlets? Sure, James can. Actually, I can, but I'm not crawling through people's roof crawl spaces running wiring, no thank you.

Now?  I dunno.  The rain stopped me from even thinking about doing the trenching for the underground line, at the same time, it's not raining!  

As for work canceling, I dunno about that either.  My plans are being delayed or even stopped by this constant work nonsense.   They give me the work, I'll do it whether I want to or not.  I don't complain about it tho I have said something about giving me late loads and now finding out they're giving those loads to the new guy. That doesn't work in my world.  The point is there are so many cancellations and I'm finding out others are not having their loads canceled. 

In other words, I'm the dude with an RV park with secondary income, my work is expendable. That's what I'm getting out of it and I'm going to have to start forcing the issue.  A pay raise is worthless if you don't have the work to turn in to be paid for.  I can't even imagine what my next check will be, abysmal I'm sure.  Like no better than what it was before the pay raise or even worse.  How does this help me? 

Constant conundrums, it seems.  Still waiting for pricing on tractors from TYM.  I dunno what to expect, I was just informed they have better pricing, more bang for your buck.  I mean, if it's the same price as everyone else but comes with more attachments, that's something to consider, attachments are expensive and I need a variety of them. 

That's it for now. I'm going to get something to eat and get some stuff done around here.


Anonymous said...

ALL I know about what is going on here is what you post.

To me, the surprise is that you are surprised.

If I have got the facts right, the company you work for is almost a shoestring outfit, with equipment problems etc. I believe you made a private arrangement to get paid more than any other driver for doing the exact same job. So, economically, why would they give a load to anybody but the guy who gives them the biggest profit?

If you had to evict one tenant from the park, would you pick the guy who paid you the most or the lowest? Regardless of whether they complained.

BenB said...

Why? Because they lose drivers constantly. If they want someone to stick around a while, they are going to do whatever it takes, within reason, to keep that person/those people. Who knows how long this new guy is going stick around? I had to threaten to find another job to get a pay raise, I'll just start looking again, get some solid leads and make the same statement if I have to and follow through with it if I have to. Yes, it's an outfit that's been around a long time but the management of the company was handed off from the people that started it to their kids who are basically running it in to the ground, from what I can see. They don't buy new equipment and they just keep fixing this old junk until it costs more to fix it than it's worth.
I'm not sure what the second question is about. I don't evict people from the park unless they are starting trouble with other people regardless of how much they are paying. I threw Mark out, for instance, for calling the ladies in the park c****, wh****, etc. The amount they are paying is irrelevant. If people are being harassed, they aren't going to want to stick around.

  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...