Thursday, July 4, 2024

 Happy Independence Day!

I'm tempted to go into some of these debate groups filled with far left progressives (communists) and kids (college students) and ask a poll question: what war took place April 19, 1775? And then give all kinds of ridiculous answers that are real wars but obviously not the answer you would be looking for on July 4th. 

I see people randomly stopping people on the streets and asking them simple questions about American history that literally every American should know at the top of their heads and - it's mostly college students but still - they can't come up with an answer.  Or they take a guess that isn't even remotely close to being the correct answer.  It's just bewildering to watch these videos.  

Meanwhile, Robert, the workamper that was given a second chance by the behest of the new park host? Nothing new under the sun there and hence why I was done with him.  Allen was out there and started on the front acreage yesterday. His current goal is to be able to see the dumpster from his lot so that's what he started working on.k

Where was Robert, who agreed to help him? In his trailer, of course, doing nothing.  He said last week that "I was in my trailer doing things that needed to be done" in answer to a question I posed. Oh, I see.  All day long? I wondered but didn't say.  Anyway, if Allen spends another day out there working alone, I'm just going to give the date to Robert and his wife when the rent is due again.  Which I need to look up, but rest assured I'll have that date which is coming up soon and they can start paying rent.  She gets disability.

I don't know if Allen is working today, I'm not asking him to do anything on a national holiday of great importance to American History, at least in my view of things.  The park is mowed, things are looking good, no need to work on what is historically a day off for many citizens.  I would have been working today if my load hadn't cancelled, the flip side to that is now I have to work the entire weekend starting tomorrow.  

I'm also happier that I have a check in my wallet from another new guest and hopefully Saturday yet another after that.  It will be short-lived full park minus the one I leave open for overnighters/short stays, but, it's a good feeling anyway.  Bills are paid and the bank account continues to grow. Slowly, yes, but an upward trend regardless.  I say short-lived because 2 newbies are only there for a month. Not the man who moved in yesterday.  He has a friend in town that has breast cancer and she asked him to be around for emotional support.  He had a kidney transplant a year and a half ago, he understands what she's going through, whoever his friend is. 

It's just that those 3 lots in a row - they were all lots next to each other - made the park look half empty even tho the rest were full.  I like the presentation that yes, this is a great park, look at all the filled lots! Versus empty lots and who knows what goes through people's minds.  Hmm, wonder why those are all empty?  I'm very happy to have thrown that young couple out after a few months of contending with their constant nonsense.  They removed their Google review which was a good review but they did not add some garbage.  

Speaking of garbage, we now have 3 separate people confirmed as sort of scofflaws that are entering my property to dump their trash, even with a sign posted right there saying the dumpster is only for the park and it's guests and that all violators will be prosecuted. They obviously don't believe anything will happen to them so it's time for action.  I can't believe the park host didn't bother to get a license plate number. He said he didn't have time to get his phone to take a video.  All well and find, just get his license plate number.  That's how the sheriff's office will find them, a video of them doing it would be icing on the cake but not vitally necessary if you aren't going to be able to get any thing about who they are via the license plate identification.

However, now it's being reported that one of my guests says he's seen the next door neighbor dumping trash.  Uhh, those people are rude and I don't much care for them.  I wave at them, they just stare at me.  I haven't done anything to them and besides cars going in and out of my driveway, there isn't any noise or disruption. But let's clarify that: they have been that way since long before the RV park was built and trailers and cars going in and out.  They do not own that property, they are renters.  

I asked the guest why they would need to do that? They have their own trash service.  Yes, but when their trash can gets full, they come over and use ours. I like the idea that this guest thinks that the park is "his" in the sense of taking ownership of community pride and wanting to help out. He's been there about 6 months now.  

But that's just one of them doing this.  I just find it amazing that people who don't live there think they can actually enter my property, drive 100 feet into it, get out of their vehicle, dump their trash and leave as if they had done nothing wrong.  It's the reason I offset the dumpster back there, to keep people from thinking they can just stop along side the road and chuck it.  So now, I have to consider moving it another 200 feet back in full view of the park.  I just didn't want it back there because it's ugly, it attracts rodents, bugs, flies, smell, etc.  

No one seems to mind that idea tho so tomorrow - I was going to call today but the office is probably closed - I will be calling them about moving the thing much further back. They charge $200 to do that. I can do it myself of course, but I don't know if they require them to do it so they can see if the truck can access it wherever the intended point is and give the driver new instructions?  I'll pay the $200 begrudgingly, the long term savings will outweigh the initial output of cash.  

I have to say that if I had the financial wherewithal, I would consider starting my own dumpster service. This Republic Services is high priced and business owners are constantly complaining about them.  There are other players in the region but they don't service our area.  Get a truck, screw the trucking job and start acquiring accounts.  People have to have their garbage removed and business especially aren't going to want to do it themselves, hence paying exorbitant fees to have this particular company remove it.

I have considered just having the competition regular trash cans and get rid of the dumpster.  But that would mean the other company would have to agree to drive that far down the driveway, or, that we would have to move them to the front every week. 

I think I'm going to ditch the diet for one meal today and have potatoes.  It won't set me back far and I just want potatoes lol.  I'm also ditching it for the entirety of the vacation. We are all dining together and it's just not worth the hassle trying to maintain a diet that no one else is doing.  I can rigidly follow Keto for long periods of time, but then? I have pent up food anxieties lmao.  Like, okay, I'm stopping it for awhile, so now I can eat potatoes, pasta and other things I can't have daily.  I know it kicks you out of keto, but if it's only a meal or two, ketosis will come back quickly.  

I'm not looking forward to working the entire weekend.  In fact, I could sit here at home for quite a while and do nothing. I will probably go over to the park today only to check in and leave.  I am cleaning today, actually, seemed fitting since I'm home.  Bedding, dog bedding, clothes, rugs, everything.  

I have been invited to go see a TYM tractor at a different place tomorrow.  I may well stop by there as long as I can find a place to park the truck without it being on the highway.  I didn't notice whether I could pull the truck into their lot. One would think you could considering they sell tractors and those things are delivered to them on trucks, but then again, they may stop on the highway shoulder and offload there.  I just get concerned about DOT seeing it and not liking it.  

I need a new bridge. The wooden one I put over the creek has been washed away several times now.  When we get a gully washer, that thing just gets smashed against some trees.  It's not long enough, it was 6 feet and it was cheap, that was what I was looking for at the time. But, my thinking has evolved and I need at least and 8 foot wide bridge to raise it up high enough that heavy water flow won't carry it off.  People are using the walking trails and a certain individual living in the park has been keeping the trails cleared for his purposes, of which everyone else benefits.  


Cleaning day commenced and I have been busy. I let my room go a wee bit and it just becomes intolerable to the point I go stone wild crazy cleaning everything back up.  I still have a pile of papers - mostly business related stuff - to go through and I may do that later, but for now, it's break time.  Going through those papers means getting on quickbooks and taking pics of receipts and that can be tedious. I don't have a lot of that tho, I got caught up during tax time and there hasn't been anything near the volume of receipts like it was when I was building the place out. 

Anyway, back at it.  Dog bedding washing, a couple of bathroom rugs and all of the wash is done.  But I'm running out of steam.  Going on 7 hours of this and tho there are several other things I could do, the worst of it is over.  I have to go to work tomorrow and since it's a little after 2, I think I'll finish up the wash, put that stuff up and relax the rest of the day. I may forgo, now that I think about it, going to the Park unless something comes up that requires my presence over there. 

The park host is doing well, but there are issues that I will deal with and have informed him if there is confrontation that needs to be done, that's on me.  I'll take that heat, it will work out better that way.  

Oh, btw, the new vet I took Obi to is cheaper than the animal hospital I normally take my dog/s to.  I would have never even considered using anyone else, but they attempted to put me on a 13 day wait just to get in and get shots? No thank you.  That's ridiculous, I'm a long time customer and now, they are charging a walk-in fee.  This all happened after they combined with another vet clinic in town who shut down their operation at their building and moved over to the vet hospital.  

Whatever.  They couldn't make time for me yesterday even with walk in fee and today they're closed, I was like, welp, time to look elsewhere.  So, I'm glad I did.  

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 I've decided to get up at 4 am, get over to the park and get rolling out of there no later than 5 am.  That gets me to the washout at 6...