Saturday, November 2, 2024

This was yesterday - Friday forgot to post it. 


It's clean-out-the-bedroom-so-it-doesn't-smell-like-a-Great-Dane-Day. 

Yes, indeed, it is. In fact, I'm going to town with this.  His old bed is ridiculous and need to be replaced.  I will be heading to Ollie's later on plus getting a throw rug for underneath where he feeds and replacing his bed. I guess I could feed him outside, unlike Addler who would eat, step away, eat, etc.  Then the raccoons would come and eat his food. 

Obie? Not at all. He inhales his food.  So much so - now that I think of it - not a good idea outside feeding. He needs to lay down after he eats to let his food digest.  I don't need stomach bloat otherwise known as a twisted stomach. 

Anyway, I just went over all the main travel areas of the carpet. The water coming back out was dark brown for quite a while.  It's actually something I should probably get a pro out here to do with a van, but I think I got it clean enough.  I had to refill the water container many times over just to do what amounts to a small area of carpeting.  

I am not going to do anything about the loan today. I need to sit on that a while and think about it, pray about it, ponder, meditate, whatever, all of it.  The question is: is an additional 30 years worth of debt going to be worth it?  The answer? I don't know yet. I don't have all the variables and won't until I see if I can get the project financed and what the terms will be.  Only then will I be able to say yes, I can make this work or no, I not only can't, it doesn't make sense.  If the profitability doesn't end up with me being able to either quit my trucking job completely - or - work my trucking job until debt is paid off - it simply makes no sense and back to the drawing board. 

Well lookit there. It isn't even noon yet.  I've gotten a lot done this morning, thankfully. Not outside of the house, I have only wandered out on the back porch today, haven't gone anywhere and wasn't thinking about it until now. Ollie's has a 15% off coupon that I will be taking advantage of today.  Their dog beds are low priced as it stands and I might get some area rugs for where the kids walk back and forth.  

Oh, I said I wasn't doing anything about the loan, that doesn't mean my mind will be going down all the rabbit trails, the paths of what if's, the analytics, the hmm, if I do this, what will be the end result? Hmm, if I tweak that, what will be the end result?

You know what I can't determine? If 76k worth of covered parking sites will be worth the money. I think it will based on observations of other rv parks that have full parks.  But those are other areas. What if that doesn't pan out here? How does one conduct a feasibility study? I will be researching that today.  Well, I don't really need to do research, I need to do a survey.  Who do I survey? That's easy, RV'ers. But when venue do I use to survey them? And how do I go about doing that on a local level? I can easily access giant RV forums, but those are people from all over the world. 

I need a survey pinpointed to my town/region. I also don't want any competitors to see this survey, if they do, they may start thinking about upping their ante to match me with an amenity that is, as far as I have seen it, highly desirable.  Trees are good too, but they don't actually protect your roof. They give shade, but they don't actually elminate sun damage and they don't stop water from coming down on it during rainy season. And we have a pretty vibrant rainy season here.  

So, do I gamble not do a survey or do I do the survey and hope they don't see it? Or, if they do see it, hope they don't want to put that kind of money out?  And/or do I just do a survey in a group of hundreds of thousands of rv'ers to get a pulse of what I might expect? The last one is a good place to start, I think.  You can pay a marketing agency to do such analysis, but that costs a lot of money. I don't want to spend my cash on this. 

Meanwhile, this lady got me sold on the idea of getting a Go-Pro, mounting it on the dash and post the stupid things people do in traffic. Oh trust me, I could post at least a couple things every day I drive.  I could post more than that, but I would probably only post the outrageous nonsense.  Put up a video, put some stupid statement on it in letters over top of it, get the subscribers and make money? I have no idea but it's worth a shot. I see a lot of other truckers doing it and many of them have no clue what they are talking about or what they are doing.  

Oh, yes, I would boost it.  Pay the money initially to get it out there.  

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 Saturday - late afternoon I did not get up early since I had second load and was really deep in sleep again.  Like, this all seems to have ...