Wednesday - early
Supposed to start raining in a few minutes. I don't know if the park host got it done, but I asked him several times to get the remaining grass seed out. 150 pounds worth needed to be spread, especially in the dog park where he missed it last time. There was no reason given why he didn't do it, I wasn't particularly happy about it. Say, well, why not do it yourself? Because this guy is getting lots of freebies to stay at the park and him not getting basic stuff done doesn't cut it for me. He knows that, too.
I am delivering to Gurdon today, not sure what that is going to entail with the weather about to hit us, just glad I don't have to wait until late in the day to leave here to try and get it done.
In a shocking twist, the 7 year old was up before anyone today. He is already ready to go to school and they don't leave for at least another 35 minutes. Why is that shocking? Well it isn't really shocking, lol, just very unusual. He's usually taking a long time to get up, get dressed, has to be goaded, told, instructed, please get your clothes on!!!!
Well I don't have a lot of time here all of a sudden. It was so nice before kids started bombarding my room with comments, questions and statements, lmao. Taylor isn't feeling well so I'm taking them to the bus stop today before heading over to get into the truck and cruise off into the Arkansian wilderness, if that is even a word.
The park is actually full, if only temporarily. Even the alternate spot is taken for 5 days. A bunch of people all decided they were going to visit our area for whatever reasons all at once. And last night, at 8:30, people called sounding rather desperate: do you by chance happen to have a lot available for tonight? Why yes, in fact, I do! We've had a very long day without going into detail. It happens, usually it's a breakdown or some rather irritating inconvenience that just makes the day suck. So, I was happy to help them and obviously take their money, lol. I think my site says to call if it's late - I want to talk to anyone coming in late to ensure they actually understand how to get into the park and not take the wrong entrance - which has a "exit only" sign - and not to run over things such as expensive pedestals.
I left it to Trey to go over and collect from them, I heard nothing back from him, he's not the greatest communicator on earth. I'm not sure how long he's going to last there, I hear nothing from him about what his intentions are. I do ask, of course. I think he doesn't want to say because he has no ambitions in life and doesn't want to sound .... like...that kind of person. No worries, I am definitely working on a more structured lifestyle for him while he's there. I give him stuff to do on a daily basis. Nothing too much, it's only on month's lot rent free so I don't want to abuse the situation.
His main duties are - were - keeping the grass cut, I have greatly expanded that. People coming in? Greet them. If they owe money? Learn how to tactfully ask how they are going to pay. Keep your area clean and clutter free. So and so needs this. That lot needs that. Etc. His mom comes around every so often and pretty much whips him into shape as well.
Anyway, time to get offa here.
Mention of 7 yr old reminded me of a question. Are James and Taylor TOTALLY on board with your decision to take off work to go on field trip with him simply because he fussed about it? It seems to reinforce the problem
you mentioned recently involving him smashing his electric bike etc.
Yeah they are, they like to see someone go with them if it's at all possible. It isn't my decision, actually, this stuff started with them asking me if I could go on one with one of the kids and it just continued on from there. I probably mis-stated how the boy was asking. He wasn't making a scene or anything, just sort of pleading with the puppy dog eyes type of thing, it wasn't a melt down type of thing.
Good to know. Enjoy.
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