So, the party is over. Just an informal get together of a couple of families. The man of the hour - I think he turned 19, maybe 20 - was giving me funny looks. I was talking to the lady of the house from that side and he finally interjected. Are you saying 50 hours is part time? In the trucking industry it is. They pretty much want 70 official hours out of you every week if you're doing "full time". You really work more than that off the clock. But 70 hours is plenty and way too much for me any more. I just don't want to sit in a truck 11 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week.
He was just shocked. I do wonder if the general public understands how grueling and invasive the trucking industry is to drivers. People I've encountered with negative views of truckers say we just sit around in a truck all day long, why do you call yourselves professionals and it isn't that hard, you aren't really doing anything more than driving. Well in my case, that is hardly true, but for a lot of OTR drivers, they don't load or unload. But we all have to put up with the constant bs.
I didn't go into all of that with him. I just think about it and understand most people have no idea what we go through. And most people don't want to know. They just know they go to the gas station, grocery store, Lowe's, etc and everything is always there unless there are dire or unforeseen circumstances.
I've got people wanting to move in. Lots of them. They say that anyway, I don't turn anyone down or tell them others want it, it's first come, first served. People say they are thinking about it all the time and you never see them. I want that place filled up and that doesn't happen telling a potential customer: Well, there is someone else that wants it. Nah, bro, I have no problems telling a person who said they wanted a spot but never showed up or even committed to it that the spot is no longer available, please visit one of the other parks in the area. This is the time of the year where I make more money with lower electric bills and I want that place filled up.
A dude just called and said he'd like to move in Sunday. Another showed up today in his pickup and said he's likely moving in on Sunday as well. A repeat customer said their daughter might be interested in moving in. A couple of others have called and said the same thing. BUT UNTIL I HAVE MONEY IN MY HAND, IT IS FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. I have 3 lots open, tho I like to keep lot 1 for overnight/short term. The other 2 are fair game.
I had a talk with the park host today. He left a half bag of grass seed sitting in one of the wagons and it's in a pool of water. He had debris laying all over his lot. Orange peels, cigarette butts, plastic wrapping material, etc etc etc. Russ and I (Russ is an older gentleman who has been there getting close to a year I think) picked most of it up. The boy was told in no uncertain terms he's going to have to do better. He apologized and said he would.
Maybe, but really? You just have to constantly keep on him to keep him in line. He does ok work when he actually does it. It's just getting him off his ass. A bit ridiculous, but I'll take on that role for a while just to keep the park moving along and have someone there. I also told him I need him available, ie: answer the phone when I call or reply when I text. Please. A lot of times, it's something that needs done right now. Like collecting money, showing somebody their lot, dealing with a situation.
He just disappeared for 2 days and said nothing to me. If he wants to go out with his friends, fine, but LET ME KNOW about it. Don't just disappear and leave me hanging, wondering if you left permanently, or coming back and when are you coming back? It turned out a friend came and got him and took him back to their home town to party. All well and fine until the friend said he couldn't bring him back. It's a 2 hour drive, lol. He eventually got his mom to bring him home, home being the trailer. I'm trying not to overwork the dude but at the same time I want my money's worth out of him. He's got one of the best lots in the fact I think it is the best lot in the park.
Annndddd, the days of Pierre, that person occupying the position of press secretary in the White House, will be immediately gone and a person that will probably actually answer questions and not play word salad games, non-answers and all the rest of the nonsense she engages in, such as getting mad at Peter Doocy and storming out of the room - will be completely gone. Even liberal outlets were tired of her antics.
In fact, there are so many people in positions of power that will be leaving that makes me so happy. Just wonderful. People put in those positions because of woke/DEI policies, not because of merit. Like, are they qualified by any real experience or is it because they are trans, minority, gender, etc that they got the position? Do you really think Pete Buttigege is qualified to be the Secretary of Transportation? That was purely a DEI measure putting him in there. He'll be gone, thankfully. Not because he's gay, but because he has no idea what he's doing.
And I do not have any mixed feelings about Musk manning the helm of this newly created agency, DOGE, to weed out fraud, abuse and waste in the Federal government. It's about time. If I thought anyone could do that job efficiently, Musk would definitely be near the top of the list. I also don't care what the left thinks about him, the left hates him now because he bought Twitter and got rid of endless censorship. There are 3 things that immediately come to mind with what is going to happen. Homan at the helm to deal with the border crisis. Musk and Ramaswaney (spelling) at the head of this DOGE adventure and Trump putting us back in leadership on the world stage. There are many more things, of course, such as reigning in the powers of the EPA ONCE AGAIN.
Ridiculous EV mandates that have no basis in reality. Deal with all the problems first, then tell everyone they should buy these electric cars. I hate electric cars, I want a gasoline or diesel powered engine in my vehicles, but that's me. I don't hold it against anyone to want to drive electric vehicles, I just don't want them rammed down my throat. There are serious issues with this mandate, the first and most complex and undoubtedly the most expensive to address is power grid capability to deal with all of these cars and semi trucks that are going to be added to the mix. We don't have that and experts tell us we don't have it.
Anyway, I could write far more from memory the stuff that the Biden administration either kept going with Obama policies or made new garbage up that needs to go. The military doesn't need to be paying for trans surgeries to turn a man into a woman or a woman into a man.
It's getting late. Well, it's not that late, it's just that I have to get up at 5:20 am on a Saturday morning.....gag. I don't want to, lol. I will, but I wont want to do it. It was rough getting up this morning because I didn't sleep well, but eventually did get into a deep sleep sometime late in the night. It was pretty bad trying to wake up out of that. I came home from work today and passed out on the bed for over half an hour. It wasn't just a desired nap, my mind, body, whatever told me nope, you aren't doing anything else til you nap.
So, g'nite!
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