Monday, January 27, 2025

 Monday - late

Today was day 2 of 2 days off - I only wanted Sunday off but whatever.  Started in on laundry, went to the bank and deposited checks, quarters from the laundry and cash into the business account. Over to Kroger's to get some stuff that we don't have at the house.  Pretty much we all pitch in for "main" groceries - dinners mostly but also some household goods, if you want anything beyond that, you are on your own.  

Which is fine, I don't expect anyone else to buy stuff I am eating to help lower cholesterol and eat less calories.  And other things I like that may not be so low on cholesterol or fat, I just have to have something here and there to make eating a little more interesting.  I'm also basically the only one that eats salads.  Others will eat some - infrequently - I like to have them often.  

After that, I went home, put all the stuff away and cleaned the kitchen.  In my bedroom, I was looking at - what was I looking at? I think it was the campground software. The park is now almost completely full.  Even the alternate spots - Jason, the guy that was living here while running the maintenance operation at a local natural gas fueled power plant - is coming back Wednesday.  I think.  The student taking back in lot 8 came in - yesterday? I have no idea, really.  They paid and then they showed up, apparently. Even Trey hadn't seen them come in and didn't notice the lot was occupied. Oh, I noticed alright.  

Lot 5 is leaving at the end of the month, which is only a couple of days from now.  Funny thing is, the people that bought a house - or rented? - that had been living there for close to two years are coming back. I had no details why they would want to move out of a house and back into a trailer.  I'd think you'd not want to go back to living in such confined quarters, especially with a 6 year old child and 2 dogs, but who am I to judge? I'm not judging, I just think it would be difficult attempting to transition back to a 30 foot long by 8 feet wide (plus a couple slideouts) trailer.  Maybe they are trying to save for the property they want, I will find out if they actually  move back in. 

Oh, well it's getting really late and I'll get to that.  See, I ended up back in here, at my bedroom office desk, thinking what I was going to do next, when the phone rang.  I looked at the caller ID, it's the manager.  What does he want, I wondered and thought: probably nothing good.  I said hi to him upon answering and he said, well you haven't left yet.  Left for where?  You have a load today.  Umm, last time I checked I was going on a run tomorrow.  

I got pretty irritated.  It was near 1 o'clock (afternoon) and he wants me to start now?  We went back and forth, I wasn't about to let him tell me that he hadn't changed the load information from the time he originally put it in there and today.  He had clearly changed it, I had double checked the dates to ensure I had it correct.  He finally apologized for not letting me know while I am sitting there telling him I'm in the middle of doing laundry and other things. 

Then he lies.  Well, so and so is off on vacation and the other guy's truck is broke down. I know and confirmed after the phone call that the other driver is not on vacation.  I don't know about the broken down truck, but I am coming to the belief that he just throws s*** out in the air and hope it sticks somewhere, ie: making up completely false stories to try and get sympathy for his problem of getting a load covered.  

I was disgusted at this point, it was obvious he wasn't going to give up and I was very close to telling him I'm simply not going to do it.  Why the fork would you wait until this late in the day to call me? I'm wondering. He even told me that he had seen I hadn't left at the normal time I would have left for the second load, but he thought it was too early? No. No. No. The man lies too much.  He KNOWS because he's TOLD ME "you normally do such and such".  The only thing that tipped the scales for me is when he finally resorted to offering me more money. Even that wasn't all that convincing, but it was better than nothing.

I abruptly ended the phone call, ran out of the house, got to the yard and got out of there. I didn't get back until after  7.  Most of the run went ok excepting coming back.  Road construction on 59 was funneling traffic from 2 lanes to 1 and we all know people don't know how to do that without backing up traffic for miles.  It was crawling speed for quite a while and then, there was a flashing sign saying "lane ends, merge left" or whatever it said.  The right lane was empty and I just kept on going down it all the way until the merge point.  It's almost universal that the lane that ends is also the one that goes much faster. In this case, it was over a mile.  Why sit in the left lane? There is no law saying I can't just stay in the right lane until I am forced over and that's exactly what I did. 

People will let you in, that's guaranteed.  

It's almost 11 pm.  I don't have to get up until 7 or even 7:30 if I really want to. I want to leave the yard by 8:30 am.  I would actually leave even later but I didn't get fuel today, didn't want to stop seeing how late it was already and the truck has around 100 gallons of fuel in it. I can stop at a Love's on the way up tomorrow.  Oh, the fuel gauge isn't working again, I just know how far I can go on full tanks.  

There is on thing that can come good out of all of this.  I can work the next 5 days and have Sunday off.  The church is celebrating it's 50th anniversary and I'd like to be there for it.  

Anyway, I'm getting tired, time to go to bed. 

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