Tuesday - night
I gave Trey Ultimatum 2 today. It was much more severe in nature than the 1st one. This one is a "my way or the highway" type of deal. After finding out he lied about selling firewood, that was the end of my patience. I'm not going to give him hell, I'm simply going to give him a couple of weeks to show whether he's going to give me the hours of work in exchange for the lot rent and also clean up his act or he is going to be told in the final part of this deal that he is now leaving. If it comes to that, I'll give him 2 weeks to get him, his stuff and that trailer out of my place. I'm afraid it is going to come down to that. I've put up with his bs long enough.
Unloading went quickly. 1 hour and 9 minutes, which is lightning compared to several previous episodes. The driving sucked, people drive like idiots out there. One person came flying up beside me, cut directly in front of me and slammed on their brakes. I shut that truck down much faster than I thought it would considering it was loaded at near 79,000 pounds. These stupid people then proceeded to put on their flashers, then flipped a u-turn in the middle of the highway, cutting off even more people and took off in the other direction.
It wasn't the only driver that cut me off like that today and it just plain sucked.
Lot 1 is available for overnights. I just can't rent it out when I know that, even if it is 3 weeks from now and several other reservations in the future, I have all the other lots filled up. The problem is that everyone in there now is "long term". There is no set departure date. Could be a month, months, half a year, a year, permanent, who knows?
What I'd like to do is just do that other thing I was talking about in adding 2 or 3 lots at the other end of the park. Overload the septic, yes, but as long as it doesn't need pumped more than once a month, we're good. I just would like to figure out how I could make them pull throughs. I mean, I can but it's a long way from where they pull in and getting back to the main driveway.
No, that's out of the question. It's just too much money in gravel. I want to keep the cost down on this and I can do that by cutting a few corners. Back in lots mean no new driveway. 2 truckloads at most of gravel for the pads. I can install 2 separate outlets on each one for 30 and 50 amp - we're talking $250 for all of it instead of $700. It's not bad or improper, just doesn't look the same. Wiring not sure, it's expensive, yes, but I won't need a lot. Well, probably 100 feet worth so still probably a grand worth of wire. Another panel, a meter and a 200 amp breaker, water and sewer line and connectors, mini ex rental.
Even cutting corners? It still adds up. I never did get over there to measure it out so I can come up with an exact length for pipe and wire. I've been distracted by numerous things.
Regardless, I've got 20 more pushups to go and then bedtime. Yes, I'm still doing the 100 day pushup challenge. It's going ok.
Same comment as last one. If Trey goes, who will take his place?
Trey has been removed. Read newest post to get the story. But to clarify, Trey was going to be gone 5 days a week - without bothering to tell me about it. That's not a park host.
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