Thursday, April 14, 2022

 There is a 12% to 58% chance and everything in between - of rain for the next 15 days.

There is no chance of work being done at the property with all of that going on.  The contractor did say he wants to meet out there again - I changed my plan of which he immediately agreed was a better idea. (So why he didn't just suggest it in the first place I have no idea, I asked him that if he saw a better way, please let me know). 

The plan is simply to move much further back the location of where the first RV sites will go.  That way, it will be much more level. The front portion can eventually be leveled out either by hauling in a lot more dirt or scraping it down from the high side over to the low side with a two tiered park, the lower tier at the front and the higher tier at the back.  

This will allow for me to install "premium" sites at the front and simply charge twice as much.  A premium site being a site twice as large as the regular site, something like 80X80 with more amenities (such as a built in dog run where people can just put them out in it and not have to have them on a leash all the time) - perhaps natural gas run BBQ grill, larger fire pit, picnic table with a permanent canopy and charge a lot more for them.  

Give me 10 of those sites at $65 per night X 30 nights - do the math.  The rear of the park having smaller sites - but definitely not small by industry standards.  Up the number of total sites to 70, be done with it, live happily ever after, or so the fairy tale goes lol.

The plan for this park has evolved since it's inception where I'm buying property and wondering about all kinds of things. I have more confidence now that I have done ample research and even if I continue to change the plan, it isn't a daunting task that leaves me wondering if I'm making the right decision. In wanting level lots to start with and not having to spend a fortune to get them level, there is definitely nothing wrong with that and a prudent business decision, IMO.  

The idea of having it opened for the summer has gone out the window.  I'm thinking it will be summer before they can even do the dirt work.  It's going to sit there like that until then and there's nothing I can do about it, excepting I might contact a new start up business I saw on the Interstate that rents out heavy equipment. I would love to just get the lot graded smooth.  Nothing about the dirt work they want to do, just make it level and have a better idea about level lots.  

But it's probably a waste of money and I should probably just bide my time.  Heavy equipment rentals are extremely expensive and every place I contacted either don't have bulldozers or won't rent to an inexperienced operator.  

See, my mind hasn't completely departed from this project, but, I can't really dwell on it now that it's completely stalled with no start up date in sight. Mother Nature is in control of that. What I can say is that when I see a swath of enough days for drying and after that at least 3 days they can work the dirt with no rain, I'm going to be blowing up this dude's phone.  When are you coming? Have you seen the weather forecast?  Please bring your equipment, let's get moving with this.  I will want a firm commitment that he's coming for if he doesn't, I will immediately contact another company whose phone number I already have and whose owner I have already spoken with.

As for my pay? It finally showed up.  The payroll department insists they sent out a check on Monday.  Well that's funny because it's Thursday and it isn't anywhere in sight.  The second one they sent out yesterday and it arrived last night.  That's the way it always works and I don't believe they actually sent out the first one.  I think they made a mistake and are just trying to cover their @$$ by lying about it.  

I can tell ya that yesterday, I was discussing with the dispatcher about quitting. Not a threat against her, per se, but this stuff went on entirely too long and there was entirely too much pay at stake, the whole ordeal with 3 runs, all 3 of them longer runs, over $4,000 worth in total.  My manager wasn't particularly happy with me as my attitude degraded with time and nothing getting done, ie: my money actually showing up in my bank account.  I didn't care, either, I was ready to quit and frankly still thinking about it.  

It wouldn't be near as devastating to me as they think it would be if I showed up to work, they handed me walking papers and I had to clean out my truck and go home without a job.  I'm not going to sit here and say I would be happy about it, losing a job isn't normally a happy thing - tho the Ferguson ordeal and getting out of that, tough as it was to quit, I was extremely happy after I got away from it and confirmed how much abusive treatment that manager was doling out.  This one I wouldn't be quite so happy for the sole fact of the amount of money I am making at this job.  The caveat is, of course, that actually have to get paid the money and it actually has to land in your bank account for it to do you any good.  Fighting constantly over detention and breakdown pay gets very, very old. 

I just put in for next month off a couple of days to go to the High School Reunion.  I should have done it sooner, but it slipped my mind. Not a big deal if I can't go.  We are definitely set to go to Galveston Beach in July, I have the dates marked as off for working.  5 days, I'm taking more than just the vacation off. I always forget to add an extra day after vacation is over and we are home for recuperation and getting my mind into work frame of thinking - which is becoming and increasingly hard thing to do.

This is day two off. Well yesterday was half day off and all of today - the 70 hour clock was down to 8 hours and 3 minutes.  There is absolutely nothing you can do with that small amount of hours excepting to go load a trailer or even two.  This dispatcher rarely has anyone doing that anymore.  It is a good tool, tho, if you are short drivers but you need the loads to show that they have been taken on the board with both the chemical plant and the plant it's going to.  It can sit in the yard a day until a driver becomes available to take it.  

I am home with the 5 year old, who is being a bit cranky. Mommy went to an Ambassador function - it's a thing she does with the city and goes to events to help host them.  Volunteer type work.  She's been doing it for a couple of years now?  

I dunno, but this boy is going to get out of here and outdoors if he keeps it up.  The dogs need walked and I don't care if this kid is afraid of Siren Head, Cartoon Cat and Bendy.  Those are all scary, fictional cartoon type characters of which he believes are real and he also believes they live on my property and are roaming about it, looking to eat humans.  If I take my small 9mm pistol and show it to him, I can tell him I will kill Siren Head (again, this is a fictional cartoon character that does not exist in real life, no need reporting this blog lmao) if I see  him and I will keep  him (the boy) safe.  

I did that once before and it actually worked.  he feels if I have my "shoot gun", he will be safe.  I feel like my dogs could take down Siren Head lol.  

Both of these kids treat me like a parent, even tho I have repeatedly told them I am not mom or dad and I certainly had nothing to do with their inception LOL.  Doesn't matter to them, I have been here all of their lives, l am a part of their family regardless of how I see it.  I do feel like I'm a part of the family, I'm just not a "parental unit" and don't want to be.  I don't mind watching them, at all, when the real parents have other things to do, but in the end, those boys are their responsibility and they do take that responsibility quite seriously.  It's just funny to me these kids think I am a part of that equation.  I do get on their cases whenever they are disobeying or showing their age reflection of rebellion and disobedience. 

Well, winding this one down. It's Thursday, highly likely I will be sent out tomorrow.  My wish? Get sent out on a 3 day run and get home in time on Sunday to enjoy Easter dinner.  The reality? I have no idea.  Well, my real wish is that I would somehow get Easter day off and enjoy it with the family and help cook a feast - I have 4 prime rib roasts in the freezer and one of them is coming out of it for the dinner whether I'm here or not.  If not, I can always enjoy leftovers when I get home.  I far-more-often-than-not get dumped with working on holidays, I don't usually ask for them off, I just hope that it works out that I get at least a few off.  I got lucky both Thanksgiving and Christmas in that department.  

The boy is getting dressed.  He wants to go to Waffle House.  I will not take him unless agrees to and actually engages in a walk in the woods.  IF he does that, I will post a live video of it once we get back in there.  He will start talking about Siren Head  - you'll just have to look it up if you don't know what it is, but basically it's a walking tornado type siren monster.  It has a bone structure that is very tall, as tall as trees and it has sirens for a head. The sirens have mouths inside of them and they bite off the heads of humans, discarding the body and apparently swallowing the human head.  Yup, I figure someone high and on drugs thought up of that one.  Hallucinogens may have had a part of dreaming that thing up. And then it morphed into all kinds of other "heads", such as light head which is also a tall, pole like creature that has street lights as a head instead of sirens.  

Weight loss has been slow this time around.  I've been faithful to the diet, I just let it go too long and had too much fat to get rid of.  I don't intend on cheating until vacation - or the High School reunion if I go.  That will entail flying out the day of the reunion, going that evening, staying over night, going the next evening, it's a two day event, and then flying home the next day, hopefully finding time to visit some folks while I'm there.  If not, I won't be cheating on the diet again until July.  Yes, I can make it that far, I have been doing this diet for 2-1/2 years now.  It's really just a way of life at this point.  

With that, I'm going to find out what this boy wants to do. If hiking, we are leaving. If not, I'm making breakfast!


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

 My company said they were going to deposit my "lost" pay either Friday or today - Monday - for sure.  So yea, there aren't any deposits in my account. When they deposit it, it sits there as "pending".  No pending nothing.  

My dispatcher sent me another Oklahoma run for tomorrow.  "I'm waiting for my pay to actually be paid".  

Long story from the dispatcher - she tried, I'll give her that and my issue wasn't with her. I told her that in no uncertain terms.  Thank you for trying, I know our payroll department is incompetent, etc, stuff that makes her understand I wasn't blaming her for my not getting paid.  

She sent me more texts.  I simply stated: "This company can pay my ass before I do any more work".  

That started a firestorm of activity that basically had a threat from my manager - but only in the terms of the company forcing him to do that - and I continued on. I have never, in my 37 years of driving, had this kind of ridiculous, outrageous, unbelievable treatment from a payroll department. They literally don't give a damn.  

He eventually called me and I informed him that I have had several companies begging me to come work for them for years.  I am not concerned about turning down a load with this company - and I put that nicely, because other words came to my mind.  Like f*** this company.  Eventually, we got to him admitting they had screwed him out of 30% of his pay - a yearly bonus they promised him  if his performance met X requirements - which his performance went WELL beyond that and they told him 


That was yesterday.  The "conversation" wasn't a nice one.  Pay me or I will sit home. That was my stance.  I am not going to have almost $2,500 worth of pay just sitting there in limbo, not getting it to me because...why?

There are some things companies can get away with in toying with their employees.  There is at least one sacred thing any company should never mess with if they want employee retention: their paychecks. A man - or woman - puts in X amount of hours of work, then turns it in, then expects to get paid for it the next pay period after turning it in. That's it. It's very simple.  

I have bills to pay, that was another statement I said several times over.  I don't drive for free. etc etc etc. all the things you would expect someone who is getting pissed off to say when their pay didn't show up, went through the proper channels to get it to show up - it still doesn't show up anyway and then that's it.  I was willing to quit or be fired over it yesterday, i didn't care at that point and I made it exceedingly clear.  

And what does my manager care? He is quitting - over pay - as well!  He doesn't, actually, care he just has to act like he does until he's out of there.  I don't know if he's given a notice or not, but if I were him, I would be extremely upset over 30% of my pay being denied.  Witnesses said he was letting out all kinds of f bombs and other such niceties when the company informed him they weren't giving him the bonus they promised him.

THAT after they told him his division made   a lot of money.  

The writing is on the wall. My days at that company are numbered.  I will not tolerate abusive treatment from a company - not paying a person and then demanding that person prove that the work even exists and that I actually did it? No thanks.  It's the best paying job I ever had but I will gladly walk away from it for reasons such as this.  

Well, after a long conversation, I was "guaranteed" that it will be put in my account tomorrow, which is today.  It's barely after 8:00 am so I will not be checking it until later.  He - my manager - kept saying "you're not doing yourself any favors" by refusing a load.  I was at the "I literally don't give a shit about this job at this point" stage, threats were not going to work against me.  I eventually agreed to take today's Oklahoma load under the condition that my pay is going to be in there TODAY. 

He assured me it would be. 

That's it.  IT's time to head out to the yard and - wait on a trailer. That's the other thing. There is no trailer available. Gag.


Monday, April 11, 2022

 I don't know what happened to that last entry, I thought I had finished and posted it.  Oh well, it was almost finished and I posted it anyway.

I didn't get out of the plant until 3:30 yesterday afternoon. An empty didn't show up until noon and then when I got to the plant, there were 2 trucks ahead of me. 

Motoring up there, drop and hooking, around 9:30 pm, I left the receiving plant and decided I would at least get to Okmulgee to get fuel at the Love's.  But when I got there, I became a bit irritated with the lack of schedule and just "take it when it gets there" garbage, so I decided I was going to at least try and drive the route out.  I knew it would be minimum 3:30 am before I got back, but what the heck.

I got within 50 miles and was too tired to continue driving, so I stopped at a truck stop in Pittsburg, TX, took a 15 minute nap and that was all I needed. I didn't get to bed until almost 5:00 am.  I am at home. I would still be sitting on a 10 hour break right now and I wouldn't be getting back to the yard until around 2 - 2:30, add 45 minutes to unhook tractor, do paperwork and drive home.  

I just feel better about getting home even if tired. I have nothing pressing that must be done so I can just lounge around all day if I seriously want to.  The 5 year old messed with my sleep and started knocking on the door, hence I am up much earlier than I wanted to be.  I forgot to look at the 70 hour clock last night - well this morning - it is probably around the low 20 hour range, meaning they could send me out on another trip tomorrow.  I would prefer going out on Wednesday, buffering the next pay period and have a couple days off.  

A week later and the contractor finally messaged me back: I just now seen your text, my phone has been messing up.

Well, sir, your phone appears to have been messing up for a long, long time now, perhaps you should think about fixing it or getting a new one.  I didn't actually say that to him, but he's been saying this for a while now. He owns his own company, he has a large number of employees, it's obvious he's raking in the dough, buy a phone - or stop making excuses, I'm not sure which.  

The forecast is a slight chance of rain today, possible thunderstorms tomorrow and definitely heavy rain with tornado warnings, hail and damaging winds.  Various chances of rain all the way through the 25th, as far as the forecast goes.  Yeah, this project is going to progress any time soon.  

The extended forecast is not helpful.  Enough days have to pass for the ground to dry up and then you have to have 3 days in a row after that drying period to do the dirt work.  Or so I am told.  

Anyway, I will have to find things to do to get my mind off of that.  I don't know what, but it's obvious nothing is going to happen over there for a while to come. Frustrating, absolutely.  I really need another business venture to get involved with that isn't dependent on good weather.  Rentals are my go to.  Subrenting doesn't sound like a good idea, I'd have to actually buy a house here to rent out rooms or rent the whole thing.  At 20% down, that would eat up a good chunk of finances. It wouldn't necessarily put the project in jeopardy, but it would likely mean borrowing a substantial amount more of money to make it happen.

I'm a bit cranky - 5 hours of sleep wasn't enough but once you have been awakened twice out of sleep and it's daytime and daylight, the sleep hours are gone, there is no getting back to sleep. I feel like going on a nice walk out on the property even if tired, just to get some anxiety out and enjoy nature.

It's a pretty good idea, actually. 



I won't mention the name of the plant for I don't want to cause any trouble.

But last night? I've never seen anything like it.  I haven't been to this particular plant in a couple of years.  The product we bring to them, they just recirculate it and regenerate it, the only reason they need more, over time, I was informed last night, is because there are leaks here and there and the product seeps out and eventually we need a truckload to replace it.

Ok. They knew what they were doing, but only on their side.  On the trailer side, I showed them everything the needed to know and stood around for quite a while, monitoring their activity. Expert me? No, but I do know what I'm doing with this stuff. Do you need anything else from me? No, I think we've got it. Okay, well if you need anything, I'll be in my truck eating dinner. 

Eat dinner I did and then I went to sleep.  I didn't actually sleep to well 2 nights ago, I wanted to rest.  It was already a long day as it was, going to the loading plant, loading, driving 600 miles and then unloading.  

A few hours later, the man came to my truck and knocked.  "How low do you want the pressure?" 20-25 is fine with me.  At some point, I got my gear back on and got out of the truck.  The pressure was down to 22, plenty fine, not dangerous at all, let's unhook.  

Well, they apparently don't know how to clear the line of the liquid before unhooking, because as soon as they cracked the giant fitting, liquid started coming out.  I just backed up. That stuff can give you serious burns just like fire, only it comes from the other end of the spectrum. I mentioned the bleeder valve - he went to open it and I'm like, uhhh, yeah you have liquid coming out, I wouldn't open it up too much or you'll have that stuff raining all over us.  I backed up plenty far.  This spectacle wasn't going to make me a victim.  Sure enough, it came shooting out the tube at the top of the cabinet and it started raining.  He immediately turned the valve to the point it slowed down.

But, we stood there and watched liquid coming out for at least 5 minutes.  Most plants would have a literal cow about doing that. Now, this stuff isn't harmful in that being exposed to the chemical will kill you, it's just very cold and highly flammable.  I think plants worry about EPA or OSHA violations more than anything. But, this stuff evaporates immediately and it's gone.  As I said, I'm not naming the plant, I actually thought it humorous that these people thought that that stuff raining down like that was somehow normal.


I'm back at home, Sunday morning.  I was originally given a load to take out Monday, but unfortunately, instead of getting Sunday off, another driver had "issues" - some people make stuff up to get out of work - so my dispatcher called yesterday and declared I was needed for a run to Oklahoma today.  I asked why they other driver couldn't take it.  "He can't take it".  Well I prefer he would, I replied, and I get a Sunday off.  I most assuredly do not like working on Sundays. I never have, I never will.  But, she insisted and I can't say no.  I mean, I could make up a story and lie, not something I want to do so I just agreed to it.  

The problem is, the mechanic took one of the trailers out of service. This trailer is for the Oklahoma run only.  Take even one of the trailers out of service and everything is screwed up.  So now, I am waiting for a trailer to be brought back.  At home waiting, that is, I was just informed by the driver that he won't be back to the yard with it until noon.  What does that mean? It means that it's going to be an incredibly late night for working today.  And I won't be back until afternoon tomorrow.  Unless I get a wild hair and say screw it, just drive all the way back and sleep in late tomorrow morning.  

Something tells me I won't feel like doing that, but it was a nice thought anyway, lol.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

 Oklahoma trip yesterday and this morning, the rest of today off. 2 days in between runs.  Probably by design, some sort of retribution for saying something about the dispatcher, I don't care.  At least I'm off again tomorrow, over to Alabama, which is usually a 2 day trip, sometimes 3.  It's a little more than the equivalent of a Brownsville trip. More miles but easier drive.  I-20 all the way over to Birmingham and then up to Decatur and walaah. 

There are 2 plants up there, this is the one that is open 24 hours and they will unload - whenever you get there. However, this is also the plant with people that have no clue what they are doing and I have spent up to 18 hours waiting to unload.  I haven't been to this plant in over 2 years, I kind of hope they might have gotten their act together.  

Anyway, I went to the property again today. The weather has cleared up temporarily, gotta take advantage of it. Went to the back 15 and just listened to the wind blowing through the trees.  The wind is howling here today, so much so that they have put out an advisory that making fires is not a good idea, the wind can blow it into a massive forest fire quickly. 10-4, I really didn't need the National Weather Service to tell me that lmao and I wasn't planning on building any fires.

I just find it relaxing to go out and enjoy my own chunk of land in a forest.  The dogs rather like it as well. 

I have revised my plan once again, tho.  The beginning of the park is going to start much further back from the front of the property.  In fact, I have considered moving all of the amenities to the front of the property and having all of the rv sites in the rear. The ground is much more level back there and guests will be much happier. 

Whatever the case, I stopped this post, went to dinner, received a run for tomorrow -  6am load time going to Alabama - and it's already time to go to bed. You know, getting up at 3:45 am stuff? Yea, that jar of wonderfulness.


Monday, April 4, 2022

 I've actually hugged a few trees before.  Why? Because people used to call people "tree huggers" and defame and condescend to them.  I like trees.  God likes trees: "The trees of the field will clap their hands".... and references to trees all throughout scripture.  I don't mind them being cut down tho.  I mean, paper, furniture, etc, and it's totally renewable. In the region I live in, tree forests are harvested all over the place and saps are planted in their place.  I've seen a large number of them in various growth stages all over the place.  See, I think we should get rid of as much plastic as we can and go back to the paper days.  Paper is biodegradable and doesn't take forever to decompose.

It also isn't found among the floating piles of plastic in the oceans - the last one I saw on a documentary said the flotilla (yes, I know it's boats but whatever) of plastic all stuck together was the size of Texas.  The size of Texas.  

Just my thoughts on trees. They are probably my most favorite part of God's creation above the rest of anything else. Flowers come a close second.  Dogs are in contention with flowers, but they aren't really in the same category lol.

Home today, Monday. Worked all weekend taking a loaded trailer to Brownsville and empty back up to the yard.  Wasn't really into it too much yesterday.  Traffic was full of lunatics driving like they were rushing to the hospital because they are dying. Just ridiculous, getting cut off all day long.  To that end, I printed out the SBA loan application and will begin working on it.  I need the contractor to give me a price on doing the entire 60 plus lots I want, a pool contractor to give me a price on that and a builder to give me quotes on a couple of buildings and a giant canopy. 

Yes, we're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars.  The loan originators will probably want the property on it too, so add another $65,000 on top of that.  I figure I'll need ballpark 400k to do the entire park in one fell swoop.  Yea I said I was going to wait, but wait for what?  Just keep driving trucks up and down the road endlessly? No thank you.  The worst they can do is decline the loan and I'll have to figure something else out.  If I could just come up with enough cash to put in 30 spaces, I could quit my job.  

And with the manager quitting in the next few months (so he says, the company doesn't treat him very well) I have to wonder what the next manager will bring. This guy is laid back, he lets drivers get away with as much as he can let them without his @$$ being held to a burner.  If the next manager is the assistant manager he just hired, things are going to be a bit rough. She doesn't talk to anyone that I can see. She hides behind a partition in what used to be the driver's break room and literally says nothing to anyone.  Or if she does, I have yet to see it.

I'd be perfectly happy with a short, Oklahoma run tomorrow.  But, I'll have full hours available, they could send me to any of our accounts and not, I really don't feel like trekking a thousand miles each way to some of our contracts.  Other drivers love those runs, they can have them. 

I'm gong to the septic place today to drop off a check for the pedestals. If the owner is there, I'm going to ask him to work up the numbers to do the entire job.  The loan asks for quotes, specific numbers, not ballpark stuff. I understand they want that stuff, it's just very tedious in these parts to get anyone to actually do the numbers on paper and give an actual quote.   

Anyway, I was reading today a story stating the Elon Musk - Space X/Tesla - has bought a 10% stake in Twitter, making him the largest shareholder in the company.  Musk said last week that free speech is fundamental to a functioning democracy and criticized Twitter for silencing opinions from people that the company doesn't agree with.  I despise Twitter, I have never liked it, but I will be enthusiastically watching what, if anything, Musk does with his presence in the company.  A shareholder who owns a majority stake basically owns the company.......yes, this should get very interesting. 

Perhaps Musk is a rare billionaire that will actually do some good with all the money he has?  I know he isn't a godly man, but that doesn't  mean he can't do good things with his life.  And perhaps the Lord will find a way to speak to Musk in ways that only God can do without actually showing Himself to anyone.  

Regardless, I'm out the door. Take the check over, get a haircut, renew the trailer license and probably the boat as well now that I think of it, go to the bank, take the dogs to the property and give them a good long walk. It's been a while, the rain has stopped everything, including walks and construction.  Other construction sites in the area are also dead, no dirt work being done and after tonight, that will probably keep any work from being done for at least another work.

It's a bit frustrating, yes.  Oh, and we're likely going to Lowe's today.  I fixed the giant planter out front of the house a few days ago and it's ready for planting. Lowe's has a very nice selection of beautiful flowers.  Yes I'm still doing Keto, weight sort of fluctuates, but as long as the fluctuations keep going in a downward pattern, it's fine by me. Slow progress right now, that's what I can attest to.  

If you're out and about today, take the time to look at nature.  Get the world out of your mind for a bit.  That's one of the reasons I like taking the doggies for walks on the property.  Clear my mind, enjoy God's green earth and stress over nothing. It's good for the body, soul and mind.  


Friday, April 1, 2022

 Since it's rainy season here, it could be weeks or even a month or longer before the ground is sufficiently dry for the contractor to engage in the dirt work needed to move along with the project.  

It makes me just want to go out, buy another house and start renting it out instead.  Plenty of houses around here where I could put less than 20k down and easily rent it out, this area is short on rental housing.  

Am I seriously considering this? Well, the thought has definitely crossed my mind, I'll put it that way.  The cost of housing here isn't particularly high.  People always seem to want to rent over buying.  Or, they don't have the down payment to be able to buy.  This is why I think a rent-to-own option in these parts would work very nicely.  

Whatever the case, the dream is on hold indefinitely, as there is rain in the forecast well into the future.  Take a good week of drying out before any dirt work could be done.  I mean, I don't know what else I can do, sit here and wait.  Make decisions on other things that can't be acted on until the dirt work is done.  Engage in other undertakings.  Start up the SBA loan stuff.  

I think it's SBA loan "stuff".  It looks daunting, the paperwork and the projections and such.  And getting bids. Like pulling teeth, getting contractors out there to give bids is extremely difficult - they are all busy and they don't have a lot of extra time on their hands.  After reading a large quantity of material from other RV park owners who went through the process, I at least have an idea.  


That was days ago lol. I've written a couple of entries and just left them in limbo.  I do that a lot.  There isn't much to report.  I just got back from a trip to Oklahoma.  I have no idea what my next work assignment is, but since it's Friday, I decided on the way home to prepare myself with Keto food to take with me.  She will send me something (dispatcher) for either tomorrow, Sunday or Monday.  If I could get  a weekend off, I would love it.  

Not sure I really want to be home all weekend tho. The kids are suspended from video games and watching any videos - they ignored mom and dad and decided to come to me to ask to watch a certain movie.  I turned it on, not knowing mom had told them after dinner.  It's obviously not good for kids thinking they can just go around asking everyone until they get permission.  The older boy is highly likely going to be pouty and I don't like being around pouty kids - at all.  

Anyway, there is a huge plant sale - I think it's a yearly thing at a certain location where they put out thousands of various kinds of plants - going on tomorrow morning.  I hope I am here because the prices are supposed going to be very good with a huge selection if you get there early.  We cleaned out all the plant pots. I also fixed the giant planter that fell apart awhile ago - the screws had sheered in half, combination rust and lots of weight with all the dirt in that planter - plus the fact those tiny little screws weren't near big enough to hold the kind of weight that thing was built for.  

There's not much else. My son says he is considering moving to Tennessee.  It's fairly inevitable that anyone that grew up in the Phoenix area and lived there long enough will get sick of big city living and want to move out.  It wasn't anything like it is now when we first moved there in the early 70's.  Much of it was cotton fields and giant tumble weeds.  When it rained, the streets would flood and we would literally go tubing down the street.  The mountain camping areas weren't over run with people that are getting drunk, throwing trash everywhere and being a nuisance.  Grand Canyon wasn't shut down to auto traffic. I drove up there several times with friends and our family made trips up there as well. 

The pollution is horrible. Ozone alerts all the time, with warnings to "stay inside" - yeah right, I had an outdoor job and there wasn't any staying inside nonsense.  And a lot of other stuff that comes with big cities, especially the left politics - bigger government is always better in their view of things.  

I don't know if he's actually going to do it, but it sounds like his mother actually came up with the idea to do it and he is going to follow her out there.  He's been living with her ever since the divorce and saving up money to buy another place.  I still have a really bad taste in my mouth after buying them a brand new, $1,600 refrigerator as a new-house warming gift and then they split up a month later and she has that refrigerator.  Trust me, I wouldn't have given them an expensive gift like that if I had any idea that that was going to happen.  Them being his ex-wife and my son.  

Pretty much will never do that again.  I've given him cash gifts instead towards his savings towards a house.  Tennessee is a beautiful state and property is much cheaper there along with the cost of living. It's a good choice, I think, especially for those with more conservative thinking.  

I have no plans on going anywhere. Unless this situation with my friends I am living with ever change, I will probably stay here.  The only thing I really don't like about this area is no mountains and I really always wanted to retire in the mountains somewhere.  Nearest mountains are something like 300 miles away, not like it's a hop, skip and a jump to go on a mountain retreat over the weekend type of thing. 

Well that's enough for this one.  I would like to go get some plants tomorrow, get them home and then go for a good, long hike with the dogs.  It's been raining and we haven't been going, but the rain has stopped until Monday, when there's a 50 plus percent chance of rain - again.  Putting off the property dirt work - again.  I just have to settle in and wait until the rainy season is over, I guess, that's a couple of months from now.  


Monday, March 28, 2022

 Of course I got up here early and of course they aren't ready to unload.  So, I headed to the hotel, got a room and went to Buffalo Wild Wings for incredible bone-in wings that rock the world.  

I haven't used this laptop since the vacation, the battery was almost completely dead, gag.  

The property is dead at the moment. It's been raining and they can't do any dirt work until it's dried out. That will be next week at the earliest and then? It's supposed to rain again. 

If only they would have come last week.  The pedestals are in, there isn't any holdup there.  In fact, I got on the road and the dude called me.  Wants payment for it, I told him I'm just leaving town (literally had just left the city limits) and wouldn't be back for 4 days.  

I am still doing research on RV parks - but much of it now is coming from owners, managers and investors.  Whatever a handful of people might say on the internet does not necessarily translate into what most people either like or will tolerate. 

Not that I don't want to see what RV'ers have to say, but I was giving the internet too much credence.  What do the people that have been in it for years or decades have to say?  People that have dozens of parks in different states?  

Or people that only own one park but have been doing it a long time.  They have gone through the ins and outs of owning a park, they have an understanding.  I've gained more insight to what I should and shouldn't have - and still have people wanting to come. Most things haven't changed, but the beginning of this setup has definitely changed to address my finances versus what I "should" have.  


That was several days ago. I'm home now, it took 1-1/4 days to get back.  I was home before noon yesterday and was informed that I could take a load up to Morris in Illinois if I wanted it, she was giving me first dibs at it because she knows I like the Illinois runs. And I do.  Especially since Brownsville isn't getting any detention pay right now, they are getting empty trailers to the staging yard in time for drivers to swap out when they arrive. 

This next trip - leaving tomorrow/Sunday - will be the third long trip in a row.  I'm not a big fan of them, but I lost a lot of income on those 12 days off that I definitely haven't made back yet.  These 3 runs will help with that.  It's a 3 day run unless they hold me up at the plant. It's happened before, usually they get me out of there within 3 to 6 hours depending on who is unloading.  All I have to do is make it back to St Louis the second day and I will be able to finish out the run on the 3rd day.

It's around 1,700 miles round trip, so it's a good run and good money for 3 days gone.  3 runs around 4 grand gross pay I'm good with that. 

Diet is coming along nicely.  Some days I struggle, especially with intermittent fasting, such as this morning lol.  Another 3 hours before I can eat anything and I'm hungry right now.  But, I'm down to 213 pounds and the fat loss is noticeable.  My gut has definitely shrunken (shrank?) quite a bit and I get full quickly because of the fasting.  I don't feel so hungry during the day after I finally eat my first meal. It's not the easiest diet plan to follow, but it's probably the fastest way besides getting that operation on your stomach.  

I know people who have had that operation and they eventually end up losing hundreds of pounds. These are people that were out of control with their eating and had to take drastic action to get the weight down, facing serious health problems.  Exactly why I don't want to get big like that, my job doesn't help at all. Sitting in a truck all day long and then when the driving day is over, I don't feel like doing much of anything but going to bed.  

I'm trying to get the contractor nailed down on when he's going to come back.  The rain blew all plans right on up.  I'm going over there today to see if it's dried significantly, it's been 3 days? 2 days?  I dunno, I was out of town 4 days.  He doesn't respond right away to texts.  In fact, I'm pretty sure he doesn't look at them until he's ready to do anything, the texts show read receipts and if he has his phone set up right, he can see the beginning text of what anyone is saying.  Yes, it's kind of lame, but I have few options in this area, especially at the rates he is charging.  

There are lots of bigger projects going on with companies that have much deeper pockets, I am just worked in when they are in a lull.  It isn't optimal but so far I am patiently waiting this guy out, tho I do send short texts such as a few minutes ago asking him politely if he has a revised time frame for coming out again.  Yes, the land has to dry up, but I still would like a potential commitment.  

His electrical contractor told me 5 days ago the pedestals were in.  So we were supposed to meet yesterday to hand over the cash.  He never followed through, so I also sent him a text this morning.  He also hasn't replied.  I don't think they work weekends so it may just be that they don't deal with this stuff on Saturdays or Sundays. 

There is going to be a point in the near future where, if they don't start moving on  my project, I'm going to bite the bullet and go find other contractors to do the work.  None of the rest of them do all of it, it would have to be different contractors doing the various things that need to be done.  I don't have until the next of never to do this project. I want the work done and the money spent so I can get moving.  He really should have had this dirt work done by now, it's obvious other projects are taking priority.  

It would be nice if people would simply be upfront with their intentions and if they have other stuff going on that will cause' the project to take longer than it probably should.  This contractor is the "premiere" septic system installation company in this entire region.  I suppose I could get everything else done by other contractors and then use him just for the septic part.  

Whenever I do get to the crossing of the line - where he is just not getting the work done, I'm simply going to issue an ultimatum, get it done or I'll just move on.  He will likely respond to move on.  Hence I am not there yet.  Once a person tells me to move on, I'm done with them regardless of how good a job they may do or even the best price.  

There is another dirt contractor just outside of town that has a huge construction company. His pricing was higher but I will use him if I have to.  Actually, the more I'm thinking about it, it's really starting to get at me.  I need at least an explanation?  Well, I'll give at least another week.  If he doesn't show up by then I'll call the other guy out to give a revised quote since the land clearing is already done.  


Feeling extremely lazy after doing all kinds of housekeeping stuff, I found a person to come over and do the front yard.  The person showed up with their entire family .They all got out with rakes - but they were also pulling a trailer with a large zero-turn professional style mower on it.  

I was amazed. They got straight to work, the only one that wasn't doing anything was a 5 year old (guessing) girl,lol, didn't expect her to do anything.  Raking, weed-eating, mowing, getting all the leaves up. This is leaves from fall, lmao, a bit embarrassing I guess, but it's all gone. They even supplied their own leaf size bags and hauled the leaves off. The price tab? $45!  I gave them a $5 tip for hauling off the leaves even tho they didn't have to be asked to do that. 

I have that run tomorrow, hence I don't feel like doing anything else.  I am not going to do food prep, I have a place to stop both nights and they serve excellent, tasty food.  Just grab the sandwich making stuff and I'm good to go.  A local restaurant has finally started making the keto meals they were advertising.  I was going to get  a couple for the road and try them out - but - their dishwasher broke down and they had to shut down temporarily until it is replaced.  

Maybe next trip.  


Monday, March 21, 2022

 Towing opportunity dissolved before my very eyes. Because I don't live in Shreveport, he can't use me.  He said he would contact his buddy in Texas that also has a wrecker operation.  I was seriously considering this as an opportunity to do something different and be home all the time, basically, or at least very close to home while at work.  I offered that I would stay in Shreveport while I am on duty, but apparently that wasn't good enough for him.  He wouldn't explain why I had to live over there, I only guessed that the reason is because they need people that are close to the yard to be available quickly for calls.  I could have rented a room over there - plenty of them available - for minimal cost. Heck, I could have rented a house and rented out rooms in the house - huge need for that as well - and have the house pay for itself. 

But, whatever. Back to square one and still looking for a local trucking job.  Towing almost always wants you to have experience before they will consider you. I've always wondered about certain industries where they want you to have experience. How do you get experience if they won't train you?  Lol.  What I'm doing now I never thought I'd get into because all of the companies I had contacted said they wanted 4, 5 whatever amount of tanker and hazmat experience before they'd hire me. I just got lucky this company hires anyone with tractor-trailer experience and will train anyone willing to learn. 

There was no equipment brought to the property, not yet anyway and with a forecast of potential tornadoes and definitely rain, I suspect he won't be having it brought over until later this week, at best. I was looking to see where a pond would go and I thought, well, it's kind of hard to determine that without the lots being mapped out first.  I think I know where I would want to put one tho. 

Yesterday, I was speaking with someone who said they have a friend who is moving to our town, but is staying in an RV temporarily. He said the guy couldn't find any spaces available in any of the RV parks in town and had to park at a place 30 plus miles away.  

The idea of having longer stays is interesting, but comes nowhere near the amount of revenues that overnights/short stays gives.  I might get away with $350 to $400 per month on monthly rates plus electricity, I can potentially make $900 per month on the same lot doing overnights.  I'd really like to get someone to move in there as a workamper who just has to greet new arrivals, clean up the lots when the guests leave and deal with any emergencies that might arise. It would eat up one lot space worth of monthly rent (and possibly still cost me money in paying a small paycheck), but it would at least have someone on site at all or most times.  

Whatever the case, I was just sent tomorrow's work dispatch. Ohio. Gag, another long run after getting back from one. And this run typically takes 4 days - well 3 full days and a 4th partial day. Simply because the plant will not unload the truck when you get up there, they make you wait until the next morning.  I think it's ridiculous that we are told we have to wait up there and not necessarily get detention pay. That company orders the product in advance, they know we will have to wait but they aren't expected to pay?  Very rarely they will have their tank empty AND someone there to offload it.  

I despise this run, lol.  Indiana is not a pleasant state to drive through.  The rest of the trip isn't bad, but Indianapolis is yucky and Indiana forces trucks to stay in the right lane on the Interstates. It's a lot of driving at slower speeds.  Almost guaranteed I will stay at the Super 8 down the road from the plant - I'm not a big fan of sitting around in a truck for anywhere from 14 to 18 hours depending on when I get up there. The super 8 is the only thing there that is under $100 and is at least half decent.  The rest of them are $139 and up.  There is a Buffalo Wild Wings right there, I love their wings and I can sit there for a few hours.  The only way I won't stay in a hotel is if I can get unloaded immediately or if something happens on the way up or at the loading plant and I don't get up there until late on Wednesday.  Last time, I got up there at noon and they didn't unload me until almost 24 hours later.

And finally, my credit score should be shooting way back up any day now.  I had no idea that going over 30% on any single card would affect your credit score that much. My understanding was it was 30% of your overall credit usage, which I am nowhere near using.  So, my Sears/Discover card I used to buy the desk?  It has a small credit limit at $3,250, which I didn't realize to begin with and using it to buy the desk took it up to almost 40% of it's credit usage.  I paid that card well down into the low 100's range and checked the rest of them to make sure I am not near or over 30% on any of the rest.  It was close on one and it's due date was tomorrow - so I paid it down $500 to make sure it isn't anywhere near that 30% threshold.

Just when you thought you had learned as much as you needed to know about credit scores, bam! and it hits you with something you didn't know about.  It's not clearly stated on any of the sites I have read, hence my confusion.  Live and learn.  The Sears card payment is due tomorrow, so they should be sending out where it's now at in the next few days.  I am going to need good credit down the road if I end up needing another loan to finish the start up and definitely if I'm going to get a much larger loan down the road to do a - huge- upgrade to the park.  Half a million would work.  Clubhouse with an attached hotel (small), the lake in the rear, the swimming pool and whatever else to make it more of a resort and a destination place.  Some "glamping" sites and around 55 sites.  It would create the potential for over 70 grand per month in gross receipts.  

Around 5 grand per month payments, I could go full time into the RV business and leave the rest of the corporate world behind.  It may sound lofty, but currently, a large loan in a year or two after I get the park up and running is my goal.  I could also have a custom house built in the rear 15 acres and simply live on the property.  Taking "my" family with me, lol.  Stake out 2 acres right near the rear of the property, clear it, put in a road, build the house, walaah.  I really do have "sky is the limit" vision for this place.  Banks will loan the money if they think it's a viable operation and a government backed loan will only help to fortify a bank's assessment of it.  I do plan on starting on the process of coming up with plans and blueprints, costs and projected income of such a much larger operation after I get the park going.  And there is a possibility of buying property next door - they are doing nothing with it and there is something like 25 acres of unused land with towering pines that were never harvested such as the situation with my property.  

Anyway, that is what goes through my mind as I continue to wait on the contractor to get this stuff done.  I just have to get this thing going!


 Almost guaranteed change of plan with that pond situation.  It never really crossed my mind to have a smaller version of one up front, just seemed like I would need all of that space for RV lots and amenities. But, a pond is an amenity in and of itself.  A water feature, right there.  

Speaking of that, I just texted the contractor.  I need some sort of confirmation they're coming this week - tho it's supposed to rain today and tomorrow, probably won't come til' after that is over with.  I also received my new "No Parking" signs replete with a tow away notice. Sound harsh? Well whatever, it's my property and I don't want that truck parked over there, period, end of story.  It's a nuisance both for tearing up the driveway and ugly.  At least if it was parked on the other side of their house it wouldn't stick out so much and wouldn't be destroying the driveway as well.

Heading over there in a few, whether the contractor says he's coming or not.  I want to take a look at where I might be able to sneak in a pond - probably right in the middle of where the RV's will be and have some pads encircling it.  

I'm not saying I want pads around it at the beginning, I don't have the money for more pads and I am still a go with using the existing driveway and setting up the first 14 pads in the fashion I already spoke about in previous entries.  What I could do is have that pond right there at the end of those pads with about a 25 foot wide driveway around it and create a grassy area somewhere next to it replete with a picnic table and a fire ring.  Preferably with a tree - which might cause me to think about locating it closer to the west side and have some trees for afternoon shade.  

The reason I want to go over there today is to get a real look at what something like a 75X100 foot pond would look like set up on the site.  Well, maybe not quite that big, 50X75?  I haven't decided that yet, hence the need to go over there and take some measurements and see what I can come up with.  It will be a streamless pond, meaning there is no fresh water source excepting if the water table is high enough (which it mostly is in this region) fresh water will seep up from the ground below it.  Just have to dig down into the clay.  It will need a fresh water source beyond whatever comes up from the ground tho, I'll have to have that well drilled as well.  

My walking trails will still be created through the rear of the property, giving people that want some exercise a good bit of distance they can cover, perhaps go around several times if they are really fitness gurus.  But, people just like to stroll as well, take their doggies for walks, etc.  It will create additional cleanup.  As far as I can see it, any park that allows dogs is also a park that has problems with owners not cleaning up the dog dung, even if you provide ample dog cleaning posts with a scooper, plastic bags and a trash can.  

I'd be inclined to tell those people to leave if I caught them doing it.  I still need to write up my rules, but it's a ways off so I'm kind of just getting ideas right now.  A lot of these parks have their rules right on their websites, many of the top priority rules are all the same, perhaps worded differently but the same idea.  No loud music/noise after 10 pm kind of thing.  That's a biggie - quiet time 10pm - 8 am or 7am, it's going to be one of those.  People like the quiet time, they complain about it not being enforced.  I envision an area with perhaps a canopy -down the road when I can get some more money together - that's well away from the RV sites where people can hang out after hours, enjoy a fire and do whatever, drinking probably.  I don't care if people drink, I just don't want flaming drunks creating disturbances and that will also be written into the rules.  

I struggle with amenities, because if I didn't want to install some or all of that right off the bat, I could have more spaces installed.  A septic system for more spaces will cost significantly more, because you of course need larger vaults and more pipe.  Oh how I wish the city also had sewer lines running through there.  Electricity is running about $2,300 per site.  Costs obviously adding up, I can just do what I can do.  At minimum there will be a dog park, walking trails and laundry.  I will also try to invent some way to sell pre-packaged firewood bundles for campers that want to have fires but didn't bring wood with them. 

If there is going to be anyone present there, it's going to be a very short amount of afternoon hours at first and I suspect there will be days when there is no one actually manning anything besides a cleaning lady coming in to clean the bathrooms if I can actually find a way to fund a decent bathroom setup.  Maybe 2 showers and that's it to start out with.  My mind says bigger is better, my wallet says no thanks.  I've scaled down my thinking on a few things that will cost too much to do with available finances and not taking out another loan. 

Another loan may be inevitable, but at least try to keep it a lower amount, no more than 20 grand. 

Weight loss: Still going. Down to 212 this morning.  Not substantial amount but the fact that is is still going down is what is important to me.  My gut is definitely starting to shrink - took a while to see that kind of result but I can now tell I've lost some fat.  I don't know why I let myself go like this, a bit ridiculous on my part.  Just eat whatever you want@! lmao Everyone knows the inevitable outcome of that particular scenario if you do it long enough lol

There. Spent the money on this new desk, spending the money on a leather desk top mat and natural wood coasters to protect the finish.  And with that, off to the property and then  - still have to build that wall desk, lol. We did other things yesterday, no work for me today.  Pretty glad too, other drivers are sending texts and pics of the loading plant. A long line backed up just to get into the plant and the scale house is running slow again, meaning sitting there forever waiting on paperwork.


 3 days worth of grueling driving over with as of last night.  Uneventful trip - that's the way I want them to go.  Just drive drive drive. 

Well I take that back. One accident after another after another after another yesterday.  2 of them huge traffic backups that took quite a while to get through.  I had extra minutes because I drove as far as I could before running out of time the night before.  That extra 50 minutes saved me, otherwise I would not have been coming home today.

But after thinking about it, coming home today would have been better.  It would have given me half of today off and all of tomorrow.  I'm on a 34 hour reset, but it will be done by 6 am tomorrow morning.  The other thing that may happen is that Mondays are usually doled out on Fridays, so there may not be any work Monday. All I need is an Oklahoma or Brownsville trip to go with the WV trip and my paycheck is set for the next pay period 2 weeks from now.  

Anyway, besides the two major accidents there were at least a dozen smaller ones.  Don't normally see that many accidents in one day's worth of driving.

I had replied to a local wrecker operator about a potential job with them. Are you local, regional or what?  I could learn the trade and be home after every shift.  I never heard back from them, instead, their competitor saw my comment and got into my Facebook inbox. We have been talking ever since. He is willing to train me - which is quite the undertaking, there is a lot to the business of towing large trucks. I have watched them endlessly while they have hooked mine up and hauled them off.

It's something I have always wanted to learn.  I'm getting a bit old to start something new, but this is trucking and I know how to unhook U-Joints and such.  You have to remove the drive shaft before towing a big truck.  There's a lot I don't know, but when he said the weekly paychecks are between $1,500 and $3,000 he definitely got my interest.  I flat out informed him I am building my own business and what kind it is, but it won't allow for me to quit working a regular job and just do that for probably years to come.  I haven't made up my mind, yet, I need a minute to think about it.

This coming week, the contractor is allegedly coming back to do the bulldozer work. Actually a bulldozer, a trackhoe and at least one dump truck.  The track hoe will be used to dig out a hole near the rear of the property.

I have also had a new thought about the design.  Instead of a pond way in the back, why not have one in the RV section?  It doesn't need to be huge and it would be a water feature right there for them to see and enjoy.  Yes, it would be much smaller, but I could still stock it with certain fish.  

I could literally have a small lake built in the rear later on when my ship comes in and I have "unlimited" money.  Lmao.  If I have a pond installed, I am also having a well dug for water. I will not pay the city the amount of money it would cost to fill up a pond or a lake.  A couple of thousand dollars for a well and a pump.  The water table is high here, they don't have to go down maybe one hundred feet if that to hit water. 

I dunno, but I just thought it a better idea to start with a pond in the front - I have plenty of room for a small version of one and it would be a neat attraction.  Nature's Design is the them, that is definitely something you find in nature. 

Today? My final piece of furniture arrived to finish my room project.  It's a wall console, they call it, I just call it a wall table. It's like 12 inches deep, 3 feet tall and 42 inches wide. It's for the stuff I need to have directly under my TV - the gaming console and the satellite receiver - and other things.  It has 2 nice, glass paned doors on the small cupboards and some drawers.  It's a project, yes, I have to put it together.  So I'm sitting here thinking about it, lol. Been putting stuff away all morning long, trying to get everything over and done with.  After that is done, I move my bed and finally, the end.  

Anyway, I sit here in hope that the contactor is actually going to show up this coming week and that he will show up earlier in the week versus later. It's a 3 day project at most and then I can stake out my lots and then - get the utilities installed. This is all holding me up from moving forward.  

The building I was wanting to buy? I saw the thing by chance driving through a town going down to Brownsville. I had known it was in that town but I didn't know where. Very small. Too small. It would only be big enough to maybe put a couple of showers in or laundry, but certainly not both.  It looked much bigger from the pictures.  For 15k, no thanks.  I can get a 12X32 for 12k - but then it needs all the interior.  

I'm actually looking for a used one, still in good condition, that has had a good, decent interior job done on it, not needing anything but perhaps additional electrical outlets and 2, small bathrooms built.  In other words, the walls and the flooring have already been installed. That would save a lot of time and money.  I found one a week ago, but the person selling it wouldn't send me interior pics of it and I wasn't going to drive 40 miles to see it without at least seeing pics of everything first. The price was right, the exterior looked good, but still.  

No huge rush. I suspect it will be months before they get the utilities installed and I don't even know if they have the pedestals yet.  They should have them, I really need to call that electrician and find out this coming week. There is a huge demand for them, we are still under supply chain issues and it's 2 to 3 months out to get them. I want them to buy them now, as I have already authorized and they said they would. Never heard any word back.  

Anyway, once they finish the dirt work I'm going to design a small pond and see what he'll charge to dig it out.  Preferably before they move the equipment, they'll need all of it to haul off the extra dirt.  I'll need a place to dump it.  


Standing down. The cracked screen turned out to be nothing more than a damaged screen saver. It truly looked like a cracked screen. Taylor was looking at it today and said, umm, no, it looks like it's just the screen saver.  Huh? And sure enough, she took the screen saver off and walaah. My brand new phone still intact.  Went to Verizon after a Chili's visit and they put a new one on it.  

No work tomorrow. No work sent, no work taken.  Research into RV parks ongoing. As always. I take a break here and there and then I fire it back up.  

Talks with the wrecker service company owner ongoing.  Not sure if that's going to actually lead to a job.  He wanted to know if I live in Shreveport - no, I live 40 miles away.  I can stay in Shreveport tho for any shift. I mean, I'm out on the road for days, I work 12 to 16 hour shifts, this isn't going to be anything new to me. It's the only job that actually pays anything that I have had come along since I started looking.  The pay would be equivalent to, perhaps a bit less or even more than I am making now.

Winding down. Hoping to see something going on at the property tomorrow.  This contractor is doing his best to give me the lowest pricing he can give. He works my stuff in.  I could get someone else out there to do this stuff and it would cost significantly more.  As long as he doesn't blow me off perpetually, I'm going to stick with it.  

Thursday, March 17, 2022

 So we're back to them having empties waiting on us in Brownsville. So beit. Back a few minutes ago, off to West Virginia tomorrow - 3 or 4 day trip depending on the loading plant, traffic, construction zones, etc.  I like to make it a 3 day trip and get it over with.  Whatever the case, I will be out of hours when I get back and will have at least a day off.  

Meanwhile, the diet is going well enough  - I am not eating a lot of food in these days and doing the intermittent fasting is helping. Progress seems painstakingly slow, but I try to remember I allowed this, engaged in this and now have to pay for it to get it off, lol.  Like, several months at least.  Maybe longer.  I did 20 hours between meals starting last night and going on into late afternoon - and then I only ate a salad. Now I'm going to have some talapia and call it quits for another 16 hours at least.  

I haven't been by the property since the rain day when I had the 7 year old out there and we weren't there very long before a downpour started.  The contractor said they weren't coming until next week and I didn't have time to go by there today - just to look, you never know lol.  My load time tomorrow morning isn't until 10:00 am, I can leave early and just drive by there. Even if they aren't there, I feel the need to see it to keep the hope and the dream alive.  

I have a lot of plans in the works ready to take off when we get close to getting this contractor's portion of the work done.  It's not totally in limbo right now, I am looking for the services and the things I will need to move on with the project after they're done.  


Thursday morning. Load time isn't until 10:30 am.  Unfortunately, the plant where I am supposed to deliver the product to is saying that there is a valve problem with the last trailer that was taken up there.  So now they are desperate for product.  When are you going to get up there?  Well I don't have a magic wand to make the truck appear on their lot in an instant's time.  I wish I did, this job would be much easier lol.  Their storage tank is small, it will only hold one truck load at a time.  

Of course, the consequences of a truck that cannot be unloaded is they run out of product and the plant shuts down.  I don't wonder if they have a truck closer by that could be diverted from it's intended destination.  But, I'm not dispatch and that's not my problem. I will get the truck there as fast as possible, but I won't tolerate being nagged to death about it. If they want to know where I am, they have several devices in the truck that pinpoint my exact location, what speed I'm going at, what gear I'm in, how many RPM's - etc etc etc.  Truck drivers are micro-managed to the nth degree.  

But I don't want to go into that for I don't have the time or the desire. I'm leaving for the yard earlier than I normally would and get to the plant maybe 45 minutes early.  That didn't work out the other day with the last trip to Brownsville, where I waited for hours to get loaded. I have no control over that.  

Oh, the diet.  The stall ended, at least temporarily.  I lost 17 pounds in  a 6 day span when I refired Keto.  Then I stalled there for 2 weeks. This morning? Finally down 2 more pounds.  I figured it would take a while to "catch up" to losing that much weight that quickly.  I'm still doing 16/8 intermittent fasting, tho some days it's much longer. Yesterday was 20 hours between meals.  It's not exactly keto, either, I had fish last night and that was it and a salad yesterday afternoon.  Keto is more about eating fat than proteins.  This is more of a starvation diet - tho I'm not really trying to do that, that's what it really is.

Anyway, off to the races.


Monday, March 14, 2022

 It's just a waiting game on the property. Phase 1 completed, Phase 2 to allegedly come next week.  After they get done with that, I will get out there and mark the pads with stakes.  I will also check to see the grade. There is going to be one unless I have a hundred truckloads of dirt (just guessing, really don't know how many truckloads it would take) to level it out,  

My views of how this park is going to be built change with the prospect of how much money it will cost to do certain things.  I can't seem to get this guy to give me a quote on digging out a pond. If he doesn't want to do it or just wants to do it after the fact, he should just tell me.  I can get someone else in there to do it.  But I'm not going there with him right now. 

What I have been doing is looking at other parks as I drive by them on my various trucking journeys and seeing what kind of grade/slope they may have.  Several of them, after taking a billionth look and actually looking at that aspect - are on pretty good grades.  This isn't desirable by any stretch of the imagination, but all of them are at least 75% filled up with RV's.  

I am starting to take these complaints online with a grain of salt.  I instead am looking at the sticking points the owners of the parks that have been in the business for a while are stating.  Dogs are actually one of the biggest complaints of both the park owners and guests.  Barking was my first thought, but no, that's not it.  It's dogs shi***** all over the place and their owners not cleaning up after them, even if you provide bag stations with trash cans to dump it into.  

That is a bit disconcerting and I can see how that would be an irritant for everyone but the dog's owner, apparently.  

Even WiFi. Yes I will try to provide it, but whatever you put up? Someone is going to complain about it.  It didn't work here!  Oh well! I put it up, provide your own! I might not tell them that, but it's really been a bit perplexing to me that people that absolutely must have wifi don't just supply their own? I don't rely on wifi anywhere when I'm trucking, I have Verizon unlimited with unlimited hotspot.  It works almost everywhere, there are a few places it cuts out, but my property isn't one of them. In fact, at the rear of the property I noticed the other day I have 3 out of 4 bars of reception. That's plenty, I can stream movies and youtube with that kind of reception.\

But, like any provider, there are weak spots on the property, still at least 2 bars tho.  

The bathhouse is still priority, but the real complaint about bathhouses is that they aren't clean.   If I can get one put up, it is going to be small to start with and it is going to have a once a day cleaning/restock.  

I definitely want a pool. It will be a standout attraction.  In this area, there are no pools at RV parks.  This isn't a must have for everyone, but it is a great amenity to put in for appeal.  Especially in hot East Texas summers. Now, whether that pool gets put in at the beginning or later one? I don't know yet. 

Dogs are going to be allowed, regardless of the problems they present.  Too many people have them and shutting them out would be turning away customers.  It will just have to be outlined in the rules that dogs are not to be left alone, all dogs must be on a leash everywhere in the park excepting in the doggy park and any time the dog poops, it needs to immediately be cleaned up with the caveat that any guests found leaving dog crap on the ground will be asked to leave. I will have a dog station at the park and one somewhere in the campground away from the park for people to deal with their pet's waste.  

I've toyed with the idea of building a dog run on a couple of the pads - chain link with a gate - for people to simply let their dogs have a little outside time without the owners having to constantly watch them or keep them leashed.  I would charge extra for that.  Or, have the entire grass area fenced in with gates.  I am thinking of things that won't cost a fortune that will give guests a better experience.  I've never seen any parks with fenced in lounge areas, I have only seen one with a chain link fence between the lots.  Yup, money. Not something I would want to do on every lot. Just a couple to see how popular it might be.  

Interestingly, some people want privacy at their site and some people want it all open for attempts at being sociable with other campers.  Again, my views of how this thing is going to be set up change as I come to a better understanding of what people really want versus a few people posting stuff on line. That is their personal opinions, which is fine, but they don't always speak for a majority.  If I had had this park built and done with a year ago, I would have had several mistakes that I would have regretted and would be trying to correct. 

Somewhere down the road a large canopy with sitting areas will be provided. That will not happen at first, it's just too costly.  I will focus on the sites and getting them nicely appointed with amenities that people want.  And if we're dreaming, a small hotel.  There are many people that want to have their guests where they are visiting be able to stay at the same place.  There are Park Model "RV's" that can be used for that - it's pretty much a mini-mobile home - or a flat out hotel with around 10 rooms - nothing huge - to put them up in.  

Anyway, I can dream all day long. Instead, I just wait lol.  

Went to Oklahoma 2 days ago.  Got back that day - out of drive hours with 7 miles to go, I switched to another mode and finished it out.  I'm not going to "stay" somewhere 7 miles away from the yard, government regulations be damned.  I made great time hitting most of the lights on green and not encountered traffic stalls anywhere.  Just what happens on a weekend.  I had yesterday off because of it and we are a day in between runs right now. So it's 2 days off, but I best be getting sent out tomorrow.  

And I took Addler out a few days ago with the 7 year old.  It was a light misting rain going on, nothing that stopped us. But after we got into the woods a bit, a clap of thunder and then it began raining, enough that the boy was soaking wet by the time we got back to the car and Addler wasted no time going straight to the SUV and jumping into the back.  It was just good to see Addler his normal self after that surgery and everything that occurred afterwards.  

I think I might take him today, no rain and the temps are coming back up after a few nights of sub-freezing temperatures.  Other than that? Just working on my room. Slowly taking shape. It takes a while to go through papers and determine which ones I need to keep and what I can chuck in the trash.  

I also decided to buy no parking signs for the plot of ground where the trucker is parking his truck - on my land.  His truck is tearing up the front of the driveway and I don't like it.  I'm certainly not going to have this guy destroying it once I get it fixed. I haven't seen his truck parked there for a while - I was going to put a notice up on his window.  He's OTR and not home often, but his few stops at home are destructive.  Im very likely going to take down the gate as well. It's in my way and it doesn't need to be there and I don't have to allow it.  They can take me to court, I suppose, but my reply will be to move it in front of their operation, not a thousand feet away from it.  

Finally? No one wants a war with Russia. Well, not normal thinking people anyway. It's not something I relish in my mind as some sort of fun thing to engage in. But, Russia is pushing the limits with getting closer and closer to Ukraine's border and over into neighboring countries.  Some of those are NATO countries and any assault on them, even if by accident, really needs to be met with an answer.  Watching hospitals and schools being bombed isn't helping the situation.  So, is our President weak and yellow bellied not wanting to engage in a no fly zone or is he smart and wanting to avoid a direct war with Russia? Well, the experts are full of varying opinions, that's for sure.  About the time Russia asked China for help? That's where we should just say screw it, give them the fighter jets and see what happens.  

And what happens when this war is over and whoever wins? The cities are destroyed.  So much wanton destruction and the aftermath will be a large swath of uninhabitable structures that will have to be razed. Where will they get the money to rebuild all of this? I suspect that depends on who wins. If Russia wins, we are certainly not going to give the russian government money to rebuild what they destroyed. It seems impossible that the Ukrainians could win this war, but if they do, I suspect the world would pour out the money, materials and even the physical labor to help rebuilt it.  

With that, I'm offa here. I'm losing fat on the Keto diet - but these 16 hour stretches sometimes get a bit much. 15 more minutes and I can eat, lol.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

 Growing increasingly unhappy with my work situation.  The only thing that keeps me there is the money.  But I will consider taking a pay cut to get away from the abuse that is going on there from that dispatcher and now her manager.  Her manager didn't even want to entertain the things this dispatcher is doing, proclaiming that she is going to continue dispatching and will continue to do the product we haul (there are many divisions hauling all kinds of different stuff) and she isn't going anywhere. 

I replied I am not one of the drivers going around declaring that she should be fired or "I will leave"  I just want her to back off.  Such as the other day, saying I didn't send a reply text and jumping on my case about it.  She ended up having to apologize after she realized she was wrong.  But whatever, this company would rather fire people than deal with them. I've seen it dozens of times and I can feel it.  That kind of scrutiny is on me and so be it.  Looking at local jobs currently.  

However, in our grouping of drivers, several have stated they will quit if they get pulled in to get "coaching" on their driving. One Owner Operator told the manager he won't allow them to install that new spy camera, if they try he will just quit.   

Honestly, I never thought I'd even last this long at this company with the way they operate and treat drivers like they are machines and nothing more than letters on a computer screen.  They literally don't care and they don't care if they are in dire need of more drivers, they will can your @$$ in a heartbeat. I've always been aware of this, I just figured I'd ride this out as long as I can stand it or until they get rid of me also.  I figure at this point? I've had about as much as I can handle and they are probably eyeballing me for "disposal".  

I have enough vacation hours to produce a very hefty paycheck if my departure is at hand.  I've really been wanting to try and ride this out until I can just do full time RV park - if it works out that way - but that's a couple years down the road, most likely.  I can't really imagine 2 more years of being with that company.  

There are plenty of local places - within a 60 mile radius - hiring, I have only been looking at the ones that actually pay anything.  And not even necessarily hazmat or tanker.  

As far as the RV park goes, they are not coming back out again until, allegedly, 2 Mondays from now.  I don't know how I can get him to get this done faster, I can't.  He's got a full plate - the contractor that is - and he moves equipment around from one place to another trying to keep up with all of it.  I can't do any better so I am just trying to patiently wait. But after this dirt work is done - and he thinks it will only take 2 days, 3 at most - then I will have to wait until he can come back and do the driveway and the pad construction.  

And only then can they start on the septic, electric and water installation.  This is dragging out much longer than I had hoped.  Really just want to get the money spent and all of that over and done with.  It's very difficult to figure out what I'm going to have left over until this is all done, costs keep getting added to the price tags and it's going to eat a lot more of what I have up than I had hoped.  

I'll tell you one thing, once I see how the electric is installed, I will likely do that myself on the next go around.  Well, maybe lol. Depends on time.  

Well, fresh back from Brownsville, no detention pay - really could have used a layover - and no work tomorrow. I dunno if that's related to the conversation today or just no work available. There were lots of driers hanging around the yard when I got back, I'll guess the latter.  My manager is on vacation until Monday, so if they were going to can me, it will have to wait until he gets back. Dispatch doesn't get rid of people.  No, the conversation wasn't horrible, I didn't let loose, they just can't take anyone saying anything.  Apparently a bunch of other drivers have already complained endlessly about this dispatcher.

This was my first real attempt at it and I figured it wasn't going to go anywhere, but there is a point where I"m going to speak my mind  - in a polite manner of course - and I don't really care what the  consequences are.  Saying that I'm definitely not the only driver that has complained about this lady but they are not having it.  I ended the conversation with "have a blessed day" instead of anything negative and that was that, she - the dispatcher manager - didn't reply to it.  I then texted the dispatcher "E003 is in the yard, have a great day!" and of course, she didn't reply to that, either.  

And there are other things going on, but it's too personal, people close that I am not going to discuss on the internet.  

If I don't get dispatched for the weekend tomorrow, then I'll know something is up and just start sending out applications. I know I can get hired somewhere quickly, that isn't an issue. Just starting all over again somewhere else and probably at a much lower pay scale unless I go OTR - which I will NOT do.  Regional is the best I would do and even then they still keep you out forever.  It's the lack of home time I object to.  

Whatever the case, I am tired and I'm heading off to beddy bye land.  

Monday, March 7, 2022

 Maybe I shouldn't be so irritated with work and the way I got shafted for runs.  The dog is apparently getting better. I only saw a few very small stains on the towels this morning.  It's been a week since the surgery. "All things work together for good for those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose" - or something like that, scripture in the New Testament.  

Actually, I dread going back to work this morning.  I got up early so I could sit around, drink a cup of coffee and attempt to get my mind back into the business of trucking.  I could also get irritated with them starting me out on the lowest paying run I can get, but, I'll be home tomorrow morning.  

Just going to get a lot more frugal with my money. Not only have I been off, tho I am using vacation hours, just enough to have some semblance of a paycheck - inflation is also eating away at everyone's income and now we have fuel prices skyrocketing.  

I think splurging on things is going to come to a halt. I don't regret getting that new desk.  It cost a bit, but I have always wanted a much larger desk to organize my papers in.  This one has a filing cabinet drawer, very large one and a smaller version of one as well. Plus two other drawers and of course the hutch with a lot storage compartments. 

I also bought an ottoman so I can kick my feet up - but that was $25 and now I just need to get a small stand for the TV satellite and the game console and I'm set. Get rid of this old desk - already have someone that wants that - move everything around to where I want it, clean it up and done.  

I didn't waste the time off, at least.  But I need to make an eye doctor appointment, I wonder how many days off I'll be unloaded with if I do that? Or a doctor check up with blood work?  Or when I need time off for the property? This dispatcher is a piece of work.  I'm either overloaded with work and no stop in sight or I'm at a standstill with little or nothing in sight.  Some of it is out of her control, but only a small portion of it.  

Anyway, I guess I best get my body moving, it's funny how fast time flies when you are facing clocks.  Then, when you get on the clock, how slow it goes by sometimes lol.  

Kind of stalled on the diet. I knew that was coming, I dropped way too much weight, too fast, for it to continue.  Stuck around 215.  Could take a way for the needle to move again.  Funny thing about Keto, tho, often times when you aren't losing any weight you notice that you are still losing fat.  A lot of people say this as well.  Dunno how that works, but it does.  The goal is to get rid of fat, so I'm all good with it.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Now. there are talks about sending US fighter jets to Poland to send over to Ukraine.  Note I didn't say US military personnel.  Russia is making threats about any nation taking such an action.  Also making threats about any nation whose airports are going to be used for the Ukrainian military to operate airborne military excursions from.  I tend to believe Putin is evil enough to start bombing everyone and ultimately, start a world war.  I also believe he is capable of using his vast array of nuclear weapons. 

So, what will happen if Poland sends fighter jets to Ukraine?  I have no clue. Poland IS a member of NATO and as such, NATO is tasked with protecting it's member nations.  What the limitations of that are I have no idea.   Would Putin actually invade a neighboring country and potentially drag NATO into this warfare and ultimately, dragging the US into it?  I'm sure Putin isn't dumb enough to not understand what such an action could take.  

No crystal ball here, just going to continue to follow what's going on.

Addler isn't bleeding anymore, therefore I'm not going to get another cone.  He's still got leakage coming out - poop to be more specific - but not near as much as previous nights.  Still, I'm washing everything, every day until he's past this - if ever.  

I went over to the property earlier, a bit perplexed.  Because of the shift of the layout of the park, I decided to measure out the first 14 lots and see what kind of room I will have left on the west side.  If I don't move the driveway over to the east, I have 20 feet of contested property and 33 feet beyond that of - property I'm not sure what I'm going to do with.  The contested property bothers me a bit.  The most current survey saying it's mine, a 12 year old survey saying it's not - who to believe.  It isn't a battle I'm going to engage in anytime soon, I'm just working around it.  That property could house tents or small cabin setups.  

I was thinking of shortening the lots - pull throughs from 70 to 65 feet and back ins from 65 to 60 feet.  Then I thought, but anything I do to shift it is for future reference. And for future reference, I could have the first 14 lots all pull throughs by adding another driveway on the west side.  The rest of the park can be designed for 3 rows of RV's, the center being pull throughs.   

I have to work through this in my mind and come up with a solution.  Likely, the solution is just keep them at 70 and 65 and expand out to the 3 rows previously mentioned further south and shorten the rest of the lots.  50, 40 and 40 length lots. Wide enough a person could take their trailer off and park beside the RV if need be.  Mostly, tho, still having wider lots but the lengths shorter and still be able to have up to 60 lots without sacrificing the land for the rest of the amenities.  In reality, I would still have 500 linear feet of room for everything else.  There's lots of room to work with here and I don't want 100 plus lots.  Not this park, anyway.  

I'm actually not able to accurately measure anything yet, at least not with a wheel measurer.  I could with the tape measure, gonna have to go out there again. I'm guessing it's off by enough to make a different with the wheel going up and down hills and over things, adding length that it shouldn't be.  I would like to dream that they will start tomorrow, Monday, with the bulldozer work, but so far, they took out both of their excavators and haven't brought them back or a dozer.  They will need both. They are going to dig a hole at the very rear of the RV lot and bury the rest of the junk in it. I had no idea that is their modus operandi.  Apparently it's much easier to just bury the stuff with all the tree stems and twigs then to try to sort it out.  Meaning they also have to bring in a dump truck to move back and forth from one end of the lot to the other.  Hence the cost to have this portion of the project done.  And I'm only having 400 linear feet of the lot done. The rest will have to be at a later date. 

That's going to cost another - approximately - 20 grand.  I will reiterate here that I am not waiting forever to get the rest of this project going.  I want the initial phase up and running and see what happens. If it looks good, let's get with it.  46 more lots, more amenities, etc.  

So that's it. It's Sunday, no word from my dispatcher. However, one of the drivers reported loading this morning.  Out of some tank, not out of any freshly made product.  Yeah, that's bs. That guy worked on Monday, he should be in the very rear of the line.  I'm going to discuss this with my manager next time I see him. I am next in line, allegedly, for a load. I had the 6:00 am load for yesterday before they shut it down once again.  I can't imagine they have much or any product left?  Maybe they are saving some for the plants that don't use that much product. At least 3 I can think of only get one load per month.  


So I contact this rather worthless dispatcher.  Any word?  She comes back and says, oh no, your Monday load isn't canceled.  ???Well THANKS FOR TELLING ME.  The last I heard from you you said my loads were canceled.  Ohh, nooo, not your Monday load, I was waiting to hear confirmation but - blah blah blah - and found out this morning that it was a go. I just sat there reading this stuff in awe.  Like, really? I just decided to shut my mouth, I'll take this up with the manager.  I was not prepared at all to go anywhere tomorrow.  Now, I have to get my mind into that mode -- that hasn't been in that mode for 12 days.  

Whatever. It's time to go back to work, that's a fact.  I just have to sit in wonder with a dispatcher that clearly has no clue what she is doing and after all this time, still hasn't learned much of anything.  It is not my position to have to contact her about loads, it's definitely the other way around.  Yet, here it is, I had to do the confirming.

I was talking to another driver about all of this.   He directed the conversation to those Lytx cameras.  He said he had heard that a driver had been fired for having a hooker in his truck.  Okay, folks, I don't do hookers, but if a driver wants to do that, it isn't my place to judge them.  He was making this statement because I had said that the claim was that the inward facing microphone isn't turned on. But, I also said, I don't trust it or them and I have it covered up anyway. 

He then said another driver, an owner operator who's been with the company forever, told the manager he is quitting. If they put one of those cameras in his truck, he's bye bye.  I understand, it's an invasion of a person's privacy and in this case, it is not the company's truck. But even if it is, most people have a fundamental problem with a company wanting to hear what's going on in side of a truck.  IMO it's just wrong.  I don't care what anyone else thinks of it, either, you aren't subjected to such nonsense. I am not subjected to it because I covered the thing up with gorilla duct tape and I flat told my manager to his face that I had done so. Just so we're clear and there is no ambiguity, I am not going to tolerate it either and now I'm hearing even more about other drivers quitting. 

They can sit there and claim that they can't hear what we're saying all they want, but that thing is equipped with a microphone and we have NO idea whether they are turned on or not, there is not way to tell.  What I'm saying on the phone or whatever I'm  doing isn't any of their damned business, period.

Anyway, off to Oklahoma tomorrow, so a low paying run to start after 2 weeks off.  yayyyy!

That's it, I'm outta here. 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Was dispatched for a load yesterday going to Brownsville today.  30 minutes later, I'm sent a text saying that the plant is shut down again, no load tomorrow, don't know when we are going to be back up and operational.

Several hours later, the dispatcher calls and asks me to be available today, the plant hopes it can get up and running today but they don't know for sure. Way to put a person's life on hold!  Hope....yes I do understand. These plants we deliver this product to cannot produce the products they make without the chemical we take to them. 

By now, they are all shut down.  I have no idea what is wrong with the plant over in Longview, I asked and my dispatcher just agreed, yes it's something serious.  I'm guessing the pump is screwed.  What else could take this long to fix?  Well, there's lots and lots of processes this chemical goes through, I will eventually find out for it certainly has my curiosity piqued.  

Well, anyway, we went to Chuck E Cheese's today.  I took my vehicle with my gear, had no idea whether they were going to get the plant up and running or not.  Turns out  - not.  Not only am I not working today, there is no clue whether it's going to be up and going tomorrow. Or when, for that matter.  I just know that as of tomorrow, I'll have been off work for 12 days.  

Played a bunch of games with the boys, then we went to the Harley Davidson dealership - not for me, not for me.  I haven't been on a street bike in a very long time and at the moment, I have no desire to.  We hung there for a while and then went to Bubba's so they could have the wait staff sing happy birthday to the 5 year old.  

Now, I just have to wonder whether there is going to be anything going on for work tomorrow.  They can't just keep us off work indefinitely.  Or yes, they can actually.  Up to drivers whether they want to stick around or go find a new place of employment.  I'm not interested in looking for another job right now unless I'm forced into that position.  

Still watching the Russia/Ukraine stuff, but something tells me that Russia shelling these cities is only going to go so far.  i didn't realize that there are vast underground subway tunnels under these cities where the Ukrainians can hole up.  "Experts" predict that guerilla style warfare could go on for a very, very long time.  At least the Ukrainians are getting military hardware from all kinds of sources all over the planet.  

Don't want to get too lengthy with this.  Hoping Addler gets past this - very soon. He is totally crashed out right now.  He hasn't been sleeping - that cone? He just sits there staring at me half the night, not sleeping, head held up.  I'll wake up at 5:00 am and then he'll finally have laid his head down with that thing on.  Poor doggy : ( He somehow got the cone off his head today - destroyed it actually - after we got back. I just thought, oh well. If the wound opens up and he starts bleeding again, he can go to the vet and stay there until he is past this.  

  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...