Saturday - evening
The ordeal started yesterday. What is this ordeal you speak of?
Well, I got to the loading plant 20 minutes before my loading time. I was instructed to go ahead and back into the loading bay.
10 minutes later, a dude walks up, says he was told to tell me that I was there early and ;they had to load another truck first - THEIR truck. I hear this story all the damn time from these people. But I just complied and said ok, moved out into the parking lot and waited. And waited. Watched the loader take a truck into the back and load it, then come out and put a truck into our bay, load that, then honked at me to move into the bay, but then started unloading another truck that had shown up and hour and a half after I arrived.
I was pretty much fuming at this point. I'm waiting 2-1/2 hours to load? Waiting on their trucks?
When I got into the control room after they loaded me I let loose. Hadn't done that up until now, but enough is enough. I sarcastically stated "I figured you'd load a third truck before getting to me". He thought I was joking, my next words confirmed that fact that I was not joking at all. I let loose. I don't mean in anger or condescending or threatening, just facts. It ended with "you loaded those 2 trucks ahead of me and they are still sitting in the parking lot". And why did you start unloading that other truck that came in late?!
I was there 3-1/2 hours because of it. My manager called just after I had texted him, but he hadn't seen the texts. He wanted me to lose my Monday off for "drivers are sick and broke down trucks". I know he's lying, he does that a lot. Someone probably asked for the day off, he could just tell me that instead of making up a bunch of stories that aren't true. So I went off on this plant and how they are constantly loading their trucks before they even think about getting to us,; what is the point of having an appointment time if you aren't going to come even remotely close to the time you are going to actually load?
I would rather sit at home and wait than sitting in that truck. I could have left 2 HOURS after I actually left and arrived near time to start loading. MORE than 2 hours, actually. He said he hears this alot and it's time to confront them on it. I didn't believe a word he said, he's told me this before and nothing changes. This time, however, I will call him up late next week and ask if they agreed to do anything about this situation?
After that; I go to Love's, fuel up and then drive another 30 minutes and Kablaaaam!!!
Another trailer tire blows out, this time the tread came almost all the way off, slapped up against the rear bumper and the light box and destroyed all of that. I pulled over onto the 'shoulder' - almost nonexistent there - mostly in the grass - got out and looked. Left side bumper - destroyed. Mud flap - destroyed. Left side light box bent all the way back against the trailer, lights destroyed and wires hanging out the holes where the lights used to be.
Yup, I made the phone calls and then got out my Switch game. If I'm going to be stranded, I might as well do something I like to do while waiting endlessly.
It was close to 3 hours before i got out of there and they mechanics did not replace the mud flap. We went back and forth on that one, they were supposed to do it. You just need to drill holes in that flange and it will work. No, it's too thick, look at it, it won't work. If you have a drill, yes it will work. They refused to do it. It's not legal to drive around with no mud flaps back there for obvious reasons.
I drove it back to the park, it was getting late and no one that could actually do the work would be open. And no different this morning, no way I was going to waste many hours of my day trying to find a place to take it to to do all of that work. The trailer is junkified nicely, it needs to go back to our yard and have the mechanics there fix all of it. I just hoped and prayed today that I would make it past all 3 weigh stations and not get pulled over.
40 miles out, the fender came off. Unbelievable. Fortunately I had bought the U bolts to fix it previously and had left overs, put that back on and got back to the Park safely. I do not want to pull that thing like that any longer. I'm not sure what to do, for they want me to bring it up there to fix it but the manager wants me to work Monday. I'm off tomorrow/Sunday. I'm sure as all get out not dealing with this nonsense tomorrow. I have gone through an earthly hell this week with all of this s***, I'm due a day off.
Not to mention the AC still doesn't work and the heater is still stuck on and it's going to start warming up quite a lot this coming week. It is likely that I will load Monday, deliver Tuesday and then back to the yard Tuesday after loading and then - probably spend another night up there while they try to figure out this wiring nightmare on the truck concerning the AC system.
The only other thing of consequence today was that a couple called desperately looking for a place to park their travel trailer. Park it, not stay in it. I said sure, I have plenty of room - which I do. They showed up later, they were coming up from Houston. The issue is that the man is starting a new job in Chicago on Monday and they need to get home by tomorrow so he can get ready for it. Pulling a trailer, they said, would drag it down and take too long. No problem, it can stay here as long as you need it to. It's a bumper pull, if I happen to need to move it I can do that with my truck or SUV. But I had them park it in a place where it shouldn't need to be moved at all.
As for the rest of the evening, we are going out to eat. The youngest birthday party was earlier, a bunch of family friends and their kids came over, cake, party, playing and they all left. Short affair comparatively speaking to other times when they all come over and we play cards for many hours.
The newest proposal is go to the zoo next Sunday and have a group outing. Sunday isn't a good day for outings for me, if I'm off work, I just want to go to church, go to my usual Applebee's eating and then go home. But, I haven't been to a zoo in ages so that actually should be fun.
I'm tired. The next door neighbor's dogs started barking around 3:00 am and it went on for an hour and a half or so before they finally shut up. I was getting irritated and was going to text the people and ask them politely to silence their dogs, I can't sleep, I have to get up early, please. If it happens again, I'm definitely going to contact them, unacceptable. This town has noise ordinances as most towns do....not trying to start a neighbor war but I like whatever sleep I can get.
The fall out from Democrats childish and selfish outbursts at the Trump speech is becoming brutal. Even party members are bashing the representatives that engaged in that ridiculous and heartless action especially. That senator from Pennsylvania Fetterman I think, just blasted them all and that dude is a flaming democrat.
The party is falling apart at the seams and these politicians are completely clueless.
Anyway, I'm done. Just wanted to write about the latest happenings.