Thursday, May 21, 2009


I got to see today what I am going to be down in terms of reduced pay via reduced hours.
I'm guessing the company adjusted my tax rate and I also had 1 extra exemption.
I am down about $120 every 2 weeks. A $240 per month deficit, plus I am out a renter right now until I get Mary and her stuff out of there.

Just sends me back to the drawing board - what do I have every month coming in and what is going out. Where can I save more money - if anywhere - and how am I going to survive this. I'm hoping my dad will continue to sent the extra $100 - right now, that money is a portion of the bridge across the line - the line being make it on one side of the chasm, break it on the other.

I feel like I'm on the break side, but - I just have to do the numbers again and see what I really have coming in. No way can I survive without 3 tenants paying me every month or every 2 weeks, that's a granted. Tomorrow is court - the judge will have to decide who is right and who is wrong - and that may be a very difficult thing for that man to do considering Mary is a patent liar and has no conviction in lying, under oath, in a courtroom.

Regardless, she shot herself in the foot by stating on paper that "he shoved me" - I have all of my evidence ready to go, including the CD=Rom disk with the entire event on video. I have thought this thing through, and then last night, we did a round-table with people bringing up the things Mary has done. Just more fuel for the fire against her.

I am prepared for tomorrow. In the morning, I will go through all the papers again - spend and hour or two, however long it takes, to get myself in the mode that I need to be in. I'm not saying this is going to be a breeze, but - definitely I do feel good about my chances of winning and having the order sustained against her. Even more so that Karen is going to show up - she was here last night and went over everything that she witnessed while living here concerning Mary. The newer tenant - Mimi - said she would write up her statement and have it notarized. I guess I don't think it's admissable as evidence, but I'll try giving it to the judge and ask him to give it whatever weight that he thinks it should be given.

I don't envy the judge, that's a fact, in having to come up with a decision on this, but then again, that's what they get paid the big bucks for - and those Superior court judges are definitely making bank.

I am somewhat sick right now - my system apparently didn't like something I ate yesterday, and it's telling me ALL about it in the bathroom. I just don't feel good. Probably gonna go lay down for a while.

As for now? Today after work marks the start of a 4-day weekend. I don't really include tomorrow as a day off, though, going to court is hardly "entertaining". More like nerves and wondering who's going to win. Judges can be very intimidating, especially Superior Court judges. I don't fear them, it just gives me an edge of nerves that I don't really like to be experiencing. Whatever the judge rules, I'll accept - even if against me - and move on.

Today? Fairly slow day at work. One delivery and some pickups. I was downtown getting some transfers for orders to be delivered tomorrow - one of the downtown drivers is taking my place tomorrow and the driver out west is taking place of the other driver who is taking the day off as well. Anyway, it was VERY slow there - people milling around, blank looks on their faces.

Also, a rather odd thing happened in traffic today. I was taking that one delivery in the boss's pickup. I was not speeding, tailgating or otherwise showing agression on the road. I came up behind an old car.

The driver stuck his hand out the window and flipped me off.
I was totally bewildered by that, as I had done nothing to that driver. I was behind that driver, yes - but not tailgating.

Then, the driver of that car starting alternating back and forth his right and left hand turn signals. He then started doing other odd things with his rear lights. I saw an opening to get around him so I started to go into the center lane. He immediately straddle both lanes!! He then reached his hand out of the car, flipped me off again!

I honestly didn't have a clue why this guy was acting like this. I finally got around the guy after he entered a left hand turn lane - and proceeded to flip me off yet again!

I tell ya, things happen in traffic around here that just have no origin in common sense, respect or courtesy for the other driver. I was watching this guy - he was making faces and weird head movements, I don't wonder if a few screws were loose upstairs.

OTOH, I had NO incidents while driving the semi today! THAT is a miracle in itself! Almost always, people will cut me off and then slam on their brakes to make a turn. Or slam on their brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of them after they have dived in front of me, coming up at high speeds from beside me. Or whatever - those 2 are the most annoying things as they create a potentially hazardous and even deadly situation - for them, not me - but still.

Well, I'm fading fast, gonna get to my bedroom and take a snooze.


Fin said...

Good luck in court, again.

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Hope everything goes good. =)

Anonymous said...

Hoping everything goes your way in Court, Ben. Good luck!

West Aussie

Fijufic said...

I hope you prevail...

Fijufic said...

You need more than one exemption. Perhaps 5 or six will smooth things out.

BenB said...

Thanks everyone for the good will and I hope that fact will prevail over fiction - which would mean I win, Mary loses.
As for exemptions, I'm still looking for some calculator or formula to come up with how much I can have taken out without having to pay at the end of the year.

 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...